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Everything posted by aniceguy

  1. Managed to get out today lots of water covered, deep runs and hardly a sole to see, glad MR. and MRS. Steel and I could get re aquainted properly
  2. wow thats a long haul you took
  3. radio world east of the 400 on steeles
  4. well put Mike, Your a class act... personally I suck monkey butt at fishing lol I just come here to see all the hot chicks in the avatars and wanna know how I can get a few of em
  5. LOL remember seeing Nate as an 11yr old drifing these rivers, always a polite kid and never rude
  6. build up brownie points with the wife we all know the drill ( honey its prime for fishing but I would rather spend it with you I can fish anytime" No use on the WP
  7. Told my son tonight he should become a rocket scientist, at the very least if the space program cuts back he can install home electronics....HDMI this that optical this that gren blue wires, poopte where did the days go when all you needed to do was connect a few things and off you went. My rant!!
  8. sorry to hear the traginc news god bless
  9. first to the post as it is now works best. MMP will never allow an elected party to have a clear majority and mandate to push forward
  10. enjoy the pictures a nice sepia image a nice macro shot a late November Steelhead a hike I took last year and some photoshop color manipulation Some late Fall Browns a neat macro Another cool Macro shot A fresh Spring Superior Steelhead
  11. LOL fine northern entertainment just a skip off the highway that was funny
  12. would that not be a perfect world......I wouldnt be so shocked if the BOC does a drop of at least a 1/4. I think BOC wanted to wait to see how the fiasco turned out in the US and to see what impact it would have had. Just my opinion though
  13. Ken craa is running a session to teach anglers on many of the points of river fishing come to the site and check the date Im sure you ll pick up some great pointers, never lost but slummin can sometimes lead to a wicked walk
  14. glad Im able to amuse you mybe its time this thread dies a quick death I guess it served its point to educate and teach some new river anglers maybe not as it appears some seem to have all the answers figured out
  15. low drifter how that fits into this conversation I have no clue but nice troll for a first post
  16. thanks Raf I was going through some stuff to post also but ya beat me to it thanks again
  17. Brian I started fishing it in the early 80's first at my dads side when the dam at streetsville and went from there. There are less nooks now then in those days partially due to less fish stocked, less stray's and a loss of access to habitat due to a management plan not allowing them above streetsville now.
  18. Lake Ontario Managment Unit, peer reviewed papers, and direct communication with OMNR on several occasions
  19. Sites like this have many purposes and one of them is to educate anglers and that involves all gamits of fishing. A thread like this is not designed to result in a charecter debate and hopefully it doesnt. What it should do is hopefully educate some folks on some of the contentious points within the topic. Oh by the way Chinook reporduction on the north shore of Lake ontario is in the 30 - 40 percent these days, so while its dependent on stocking, ( more of a habitat access issue) a lot of those fish are naturalized to the system. Threre lies part of the entire issue a lack of awareness and knowledge on it, and up front sorry if it offends but the truth of the matter is the chinook fishery contributes to 140 million dollar direct and indirect Lake Ontario fishery. The fish is naturalized at this point regardless of its origins its here to say. Many of the eastern tributaries and in fact a good portion of Lake Ontario tributaries never recieved any stocking but yet have runs of naturalized fish. See like all angling tactics this is one that needs some education
  20. thats a good one thanks for the share
  21. crazy it has no choice manufacturing in Canada cant work at the dollar at par
  22. Dmasse great work I dont think I have to get into the work I do as but you should know exactly what I do SO if I can ask 1 simple question With a list of inpressive conservation work and your obvious statement of passion for a fishery, why not take a client to an estuary, or even better with some of the best cold water fisheries in the head waters of lots of those rivers fish for resident fish populations instead of taking them to fish in a highly stressed fish environment....a simple they wanted nooks doesnt make sense...as we all know what fishing the rape pool this time of yr with 10 guys in the pool is about If you worked on those rivers you know that within 50 miles you posess nice brook trout and certainly some great resident brown opportunities Not questioning ethics at all just curious maybe we should leave this alone and let sleeping dogs lie as the guys that dirft these rivers big time understand exactly what Im talking about
  23. wow quite the response there Milty......solo ya think I might have drifted some of these rivers before lots were even born lol.......Milty low baseflow rivers that have immense pressure differ from say the geen the notty maybe even the nine ( which is comparable to the Credit) maybe the sauble or even some of the smaller ( even smaller say then bowmanville.) rivers Many a day on the Notty where the nook bite was unreal 55 to 60 degree water unmolested fish chompin fresh bags like its going out of style heck where you dont even have to move off the tin house because the bite was wicked. Too bad the access to the minnising is closed off the road as some true bush wacking in there for some serious unmolested fish used to be had. Now that was bush wacking and timber tussling But and here is the but.....low to mid gradient rivers with the angling pressure these urban streams recieve with darkend up pre spawn fish that are in thermally stressed water with minimal base flow differs from say a fresh fish out of the notty or in the graveyard anyone with common sense knows that and certainly can dicephier between the two scenerio's but thanks for the education... Now I guess you missed the point that we are talking Lake O tribs and in specific bowmanville but hey who am I to argue with a consumate angler who has been there done that..... louis Milo
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