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Ricky Bobby

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Everything posted by Ricky Bobby

  1. Well this is what happens with invasive species. Hopefully the USA gets off their backside and decide to DO SOMETHING about these things
  2. Hey All I am sellin my 179 Pro LX Princecraft. The trailer has some rock chips, and it generally would appreciate a paint job. I am replacing all the hardware like winches and chains etc. What paint primer etc would you all recommend?
  3. Now I am getting addicted. When salmon come in Im in troube
  4. You must go to Margaree Forks to the Margaree. Its stunning and the people are amazing there. Make sure to make a stop at the Dancing Goat (a little eatery by the salmon museum). Sandwiches and soup fill us for a full day of salmon chasing!! Reminds me - I have to send in the Keiths inspiration and Rick James B&tch flies to the museum lol. Guys were asking where they could by them. Just drunken ties, but deadly lol. You will love it. Amazing.
  5. WOOOO HOOOOO!!!!! Well, all the stars musta lined up today. I got the kicker running like a kitten today Irish - thanks We got on the water maybe 8:30 or 9am. Water was warmer than last weekend - we found 40.8 - 42 degrees, green water. 10 - 18 FOW chart/silver J11 Firetiger J11 Black a silver some jointed minnow Black and gold J11 Chart J13 All totalled 7 for 8. 6 brown, 1 rainbow NICE!!!
  6. Havent been out since, so I will try what you said tomorrow Irish. I went into Bay City here in Hamilton. Apparently, I have a secret button to push in and move the throttle forward and then turn key. We shall see!!
  7. Im going to run some size 0 dipseys w spoons and boards I guess.
  8. Hey all Got my new boat all wired up, and took it out the other day - very nice (boat porn to be taken tomorrow when we go out) Anyone been out an catching much? We spent most of our time in 38+ FOW on sunday without a touch, but marked some fish. I hear that 15 fow with boards is the way to go right now for brownies etc. What would be better? Off bronte or off Jordan or somewhere else? I live in Hamilton, so those 2 are my options for tomorrow Thanks Any recommendations on lures would help too!
  9. I had that happen on my maxpro 80. it turned out it was the main coil or whatever they call it in the bottom end of the motor. Basically, it got a bare spot (I use it alot) and I had that replaced at Aikmans for about 200 bucks and it works perfect. try turning it one at whacking the top or bottom end. if it works, then thats the problem.
  10. i checked the kill switch. it was set to RUN. It is also full of oil.
  11. They will IF THEY START!!!!!!!!!! lol.
  12. Hey all - took the new boat out today, and had an issue getting the 9.9 to start. Its a 4 stroke 9.9 big foot, electric start. I pushed the "bulb" until hard it would turn over, but not fire. The red oil pressure light came on, but it wasnt running I have added an AGM battery for the Verado, which also has all the other wiring off it. I only have the pos & neg leads from the 9.9 on its own battery. Are there more wires that are still on the AGM that would make a difference? What are common causes of a motor to not start after the winter Thanks
  13. I am looking at getting 2 x telora downrigger/board rods and 2 x telora dipsy rods, along with 2x tecota 600 reels. I have 2 okumas for the downriggers. Anyone use these and have any opinions? thanks
  14. What I did was add a piece of 3 x 6 aluminum and screwed it to the side wood and the under wood (you will know what I mean) back by the rope tie off. Then I screwed the rod holder there on top of the aluminum. Has worked well for muskie fishing.
  15. Good to see you are still hammering the MNR Louis. Like you say, 1 is better, but 2 is a heckuva lot better than 5.
  16. Going to be amazing this year!
  17. 50" Muskie 30 lb king Figure out my new downriggers and dipsy rigs and use my new boat with my wife and daughter. Safe season to everyone
  18. I remember a may 24 weekend in Huntsville where we had 1/2" of sleet in the boat lol. And dont even mention fall muskie fishing in ottawa
  19. I already wired it up and didnt take pics - sorry The best advice I can give you is get wire strippers, fuses and definitely a wire fish to thread the cable. I always use shrink tube on my connections as well. I will snap some pics tomorrow since I have to get it out of our shop and move it home
  20. This is what happens when the Liberal givernmant tacks on 8 cents per litre tax (looks more like 8% to me, even though they said it was an 8 cent a litre tax). You look at all the other prohibitive taxes on fuel in Ontario and it could get ugly for a little. Ben Bernanke even went as far as to say that extended high oil and fuel prices could cause a reversal in the economic recovery and push us "back" to recession. Maybe we should kick mcsquinty out this october
  21. This is what happens when the Liberal givernmant tacks on 8 cents per litre tax (looks more like 8% to me, even though they said it was an 8 cent a litre tax). You look at all the other prohibitive taxes on fuel in Ontario and it could get ugly for a little. Ben Bernanke even went as far as to say that extended high oil and fuel prices could cause a reversal in the economic recovery and push us "back" to recession. Maybe we should kick mcsquinty out this october
  22. I have been wiring up my Fortrex and the 2 new HDS7 finders. I was looking at a sidescan unit as well, but remembered I had to eat and live somewhere, so I left that It has taken me almost a day just to pull the boat apart and pull the 2 fishfinders off that were on there from the previous owner. These boats are really put together really really well. It nice to see. one thing I cant get over is the size difference from moving from a 17'10 Princecraft 179 LX (which I am selling if you know anyone looking for a great fishing boat) to the 198 SP. Its MASSIVE. Absolutely my dream boat.
  23. brown - square tail and wrong markings and head for atlantic. Nice brownie - were you off St Cath Jordan or Niagara R?
  24. forget about 4 lb leaders. I never use less than 6 lb, and generally 8 lb fluro. If the water is stupid clear, I use up to 8 ft leads off the 3 way. Never skunked in 10 years down there. Use the 1 oz slinky and if you use braid, add a 6 ft fluro leader BEFORE tying the main line to the 3 way rig.
  25. Awful, the poor little thing. And condolences to the family.
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