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Everything posted by ranksda58

  1. i love my rod gloves...keeps everything nice and organized and protected...another handy product is the bait glove, when everythings rigged up you wrap your baits and you dont have to worry about hooks and what not getting tangled
  2. just got myself a twitter @SamRankinFishin...follow me and ill return the favour!
  3. ill be fishing the QUINTE BASS CHAMPS on saturday and the SIMCOE CASEY CUP on sunday...cant wait!
  4. give Moose Haven Lodge a look...bit of a drive but well worth it...giant pike and walleye galore the owners Terry and Carol Petznick are two of the nicest people you will meet http://www.moosehaven.ca/
  5. i would absolutely be returning it with a price tag of $150...and especially after an employee told me that they had a bad batch and there were lots of returns
  6. sucks to hear that...gotta love retail jobs though, my wife went from 30 hours before christmas to 4 hours after christmas
  7. first of all, my condolences on the move to london lol secondly, theres not much to add! angling outfitters is where its at for shimano products, the service is excellent and the prices are good too...ive heard good things about lambeth, but havent been out there much id take the 30 minute trip to woodstock to angling outfitters, you wont be disappointed!
  8. haha i figured as much, just wanted to describe the area im lucky though, my future wife loves to fish and joins me regularly
  9. thanks for the comments and congrats on the wedding guys ill definitely be doing some fishing on the honeymoon - whenever we get the time to take one craig - im on shore there, the weeds are about 3 feet or so but they thin out at the water and you're able to cast comfortably
  10. So this is my first report and unfortunately its a short one for now. With the upcoming wedding (8 days), a 9 month old baby, and a full-time job, finding time to fish is difficult...but i do still manage to get out Here are a couple nice smallies that i've gotten in the last couple weeks thanks for the look! Sam
  11. my wifes uncle owns a lodge on long lake it has excellent walleye and pike fishing, and i mean EXCELLENT. Like bucktail said, for pike, find the shallow weedy bays and transitional areas and you're sure to get on some bigguns as for walleye, they're everywhere...last i heard, they stocked the lake with walleye, so you're going to hook into a lot of dinks, but i know there are regularly 7-8 pounders pulled out of there my experience with the lake ends there unfortunately...theres tons of perch in that lake as well, and nice smallies in some areas, but when i go up there its to pull in those northerns and wallies if you need any other info shoot me a PM...good luck, and take lots of pics!
  12. VERY nice day! those are some great looking pike
  13. i use stick-o's and they do the trick for me
  14. yep, your disabled permit is also good as a fishing license...when he was alive, my dad had a disabled permit due to bad rhumatoid arthritis, an he used it as his fishing license whenever we were on the water
  15. gotta disagree with you on this statement...i'm 26 with a job, home, wife and newborn baby...i do plenty through the day that doesnt involve a gaming system...if i want to sit down for an hour or 2 and play some COD after the wife and baby have gone to bed, i dont see any problem with that nor do i feel like i need to get a life
  16. well, you've convinced me...im going to buy a ps3 right now!
  17. i play it all the time on my 360 great game and lots of fun, but is VERY addicting
  18. my condolences cliff....i have 2 dogs myself, and i dread the day.....i dont even want to think about it
  19. i wish i was allowed to keep my gear in the bedroom, but my wife would not be happy this way i can go down and spend some quality alone time with it haha
  20. beauty fish mike!
  21. cant wait! i keep going downstairs and just looking at my gear bass season cant come soon enough!
  22. great report! love those smallies and that football at the end?? WOW!
  23. kijiji's a great site ive sold a few things on there and its all turned out great ive never used a credit card on there though as others have said, id just go ahead and post a free ad, save yourself the $5
  24. wow that looks great!
  25. it looked like they were harnessed in...at one point i saw i guy with a harness clip off that cable that runs along the mountain wall but either way, like i said, never ever ever.......
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