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Posts posted by manitoubass2

  1. I love both, and I probably ice fish as much as I hit the softwater in a boat or from shore. In the hardwater season, I really enjoy that feeling of being outdoors in the middle of nowhere. The scenery is a major plus for me. One thing I don't have in the winter though is patience, I'm apt to drill 20 holes an hour looking for that immediate bite, lol.


    That being said, I had some close calls last year on the Rainy River that have me thinking about slowing down this winter, and only fishing smaller lakes.

  2. Sorry to hear, always frustrating when that happens.


    When I know I'm on fish, and I already have the depth/temp, off goes the electronics. Staring at that all day might cause some frustration, lol, and fishing frustrated is not the best idea, lol

  3. Nice report you guysclapping.gif Gotta love falleyes.They are so beefed up, and chunky, they are a real challenge to get outta the water.We fished some in strong current yesterday, and my arm is still achingmellow.gif


    Thank you! Me and Simon were on a mission to get some good pics for a report, there was two cameras going almost all day, lol.


    The fish are getting chunky, but the next two weeks and they'll be really chunky! Hopefully the weather holds abit, so we can get at them a few more times before seasons end.






  4. I bet Simon had nightmares last night of the one that got away! We all lost some real good fish too, but Simons was a ten plus for sure. Next time I suppose, lol.


    Simon also revealed to me that I swear alot, at least I did yesterday whistling.gif.


    I'm gonna send you a new net for christmas too!!!! ahahahhaha


    And remember to wear gloves while handling those peppers, seriously...

  5. Thanks again for coming down Limey, it was great to fish with someone from OFC and your a real treat to fish with! My only regret was time, lol. Next time, you gotta stay for a night or two for sure. I can't wait to meet you half way and go fish some trout this winter!!! Gonna be great!






    "FISH ON!" was pretty common phrase for the day




    A muskrat made of with my rod 3 days ago while shore fishing. Luckily, the current pulled it back and three days later, Limey snags it up for me!!! Thanks again man, much appreciated!




    This guy will outfish you, everytime. Hes a great guide and an even better friend thumbsup_anim.gif




    We caught the heck outta fish this size




    picture of a picture, how artsy!




    Another chunky lil guy




    Limey with another clean falleye!




    The visibility in the morning was slim to none. Thankfully, Harvey knows this river inside and out, and kept everyone safe




    One of the better fish for the day




    This picture made me chuckle!




    All in all it was a great day! Anyone, if you got the chance to fish with Simon, hes a great angler and def. great company in the boat. There wasn't a dull moment all day, we spent more time laughing then anything, which makes the day that much better! thumbsup_anim.gif


    "Hey Trisha, you want these minnows?" "NO!!!!" hahahahahahah, so blunt it was funny!

  6. So I picked up my copy about a week ago, some decent stuff in there as per usual. I read the mag almost front to back a few times over, and just today, I notice an add for ice fishing jigs. I read and re-read it, then for some reason, I can't stop laughing.


    Call me immature, but the broken english being translated into a north american ad in a prominent fishing magazine just makes me chuckle thumbsup_anim.gif.



    The company is custom jigs, and they have some great quotes in their add!


    "Use it my jigs for more fish to catching!"


    "Biggest action from smallest jig. Best one for the panfishes. Put small waxworm or many spikes on sharpest hook and you will catch most fishes"


    "Fastest jig on the market. Now you see it....now it catch fishes!



  7. Nice derby report - good luck next time. What kind of setup were you using?



    We anchored shallow, using the current to manipulate are line into the zone we wanted to fish. We jig fished, but not vertical jigging. 3/8 oz. jigs for the most part, with black/silver plastics and shiners. No room at this spot to troll, but we did a few drifts towards the end with Dt series cranks. Rods were varied between us. I used a 6ft medium for jigging, and a 6'6" medium heavy for cranks.


    It was a simple plan, and produced alot of fish in 4 hours, just no cowbeenas on that day

  8. I thought lynx and bobcat were synonomous? Kinda like cougar and mountain lion



    Nope, Lynx are bigger, and generally have a different coat than a bobcat. I'm no expert, but I have seen a few of each, and I believe bobcats are far more common in ontario than lynx.


    Cougars are def. around too, I've seen 3 in the past 4 or 5 years, two up in Ear Falls area, and one just off the dryden highway on cedar narrows. Pretty badass looking animals to see in the wild, thats for sure



  9. In my opinion this is just the start of various people realizing how much society and peoples well being have been distorted and destroyed by a flawed system, as I previously mentioned.


    Part of the issues start with people not having an open mind to how things in our country, and all over the world are operating. But, this shows that people are starting to really think about such topics, and are trying to figure out answers/solutions, as well as showing their displeasure in the current system.


    The sad thing IMO, is that we are what we consider, "too far ahead" to turn back, when its actually the other way around.


    Every part of our worlds systems are built on money, and whether we want to admit it or not, its true. And this pertains to education, health care, civil rights, war, poverty etc.


    When goods and services were available for trade, and it was mans right to harvest the land, we were on the right track. When we allowed the so called economy to control all aspects of living, is where we took a wrong turn. And now like cancer, its effected everything.



  10. This is such a complicated topic, so many varying factors.


    But I'm glad that people are realizing that the "system" we have in place is NOT WORKING for people in general.


    Not to sound really complicated but the monetary system is horrendously flawed, and since we depend on that system for virtually everything, all is flawed for the most part.


    Don't get me wrong, there are certain advances that definitely help my family and I live a little easier, but man, I think we need to take a few huge steps back in time to actually move forward and improve peoples quality of living.


    Whether you agree or not with the protesters, good on them for showing their concerns



    Just my two cents

  11. I wish we had more tournaments around here...


    This year there was only one... Opening walleye tournament...



    Yeah, I hear you. We have 5-6 good ones between walleye/smallies, but I still wish we had some walleye tourneys a little closer. I got 3 bigger tournies to fish next year, so for now its just me and my partner doing alot of practising and meshing our styles together.


    Gonan be fun next year!!!



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