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Posts posted by manitoubass2

  1. Last Saturday was the 6th annual Manitou Walleye derby. We pre fished for a few days before hand (lol, me and my partners live here, so is it really pre fishing?) But the weather was perfect for walleye, and we were ready to go try and win!


    It was cold and overcast, with 40-60kmh wind gusts, talk about tough weather! Fortunately, the area we chose to fish was at least somewhat secluded from the big winds.


    The day started off great! Alot of teams showed up, which means more money on the line!!! We anchored on a high current seam in 11ft of water, each of us using different approaches to see what the hot bait would be. Didn't really help, because all 4 of us had boated 21"ers in the first ten minutes!


    As the day went on, we landed 20-30 good fish, but no great ones. Best we could muster was a 21.75" that actually held the lead for some time. Seemed nobody else could get on a bite. Until,


    The 5 minute warning. We had left our numbers in favor of a shallow hump that has produced big fish before. As soon as we pull up, the hollering begins!


    Damn, we knew right away what that meant, hahaha.


    25" was the measurement, which is not a monster walleye, but today it sure was!


    It was a great time anyhow, and some stories and beers were shared afterwards. My girlfriend greeted all the teams with some hot chilli to help add some much needed warmth after a day in sub zero temps and god like winds.


    A few pics taken from some onlookers.


    Getting rigged up and ready to go.



    Kids were out showing support from the shore



    poached pic of the winning walleye!



    Picture with the trophy from last year, before it got handed to a new owner




    All in all it was a great time, and thanks to those that helped put the event together and contributed sponsorship!!! And a big shout out to Mercman for his support as well!!! (your products were very well received! Thanks again!!!


    Now, 3 weeks left of the best walleye fishing of the year for us, here on the Rainy River!!! Gonefishing.gif

  2. Prodigy? Hahah, hardly. I fished a lot from ages 5-15... I just didn't know rules or proper presentation. Mostly did what the adults were doing. ;)




    Hmm, cool. I'll see if it's at the shop when I go and give it a try.




    This Super Slick PP also sounds good to me, too. I'll add it to my own list to try out.



    Of course. But I find it enjoyable to see how fast you are advancing, thus my enthusiasm.

  3. Thanks, manitou.


    Yes, the colour is going to be ridiculous for seeing against the ice...I didn't realize it was the only colour they produced, but I just checked their website and the only colour is "crystal white" as they call it. wallbash.gif


    No problem. I should also mention the "new knot" is abit of a hinderance, but not of any real issue after a few ties. If I remember correctly, I used a 4lb version, and some of the issues I had may be corrected by simply using a larger diameter.


    Dana, those metal eyes are generally referred to as "guides", lol, but we got ya thumbsup_anim.gif My apologies if you were talking about that "look" the girls give Eddie Vedder at a concert

  4. If I'm using braid it's PP -- from the 50lb I use on the dipsy rods to the lighter 10/15lb on my jigging rods.


    On a separate note since this doesn't deserve it's own thread: I'd like to start using braid for ice fishing applications particularly when I am fishing deep water. Anyone have experience with nanofil in these situations? I took a look at it today and judging by the texture it shouldn't hold water and freeze up. Anyone have experience with it?


    I used it(Naniofil) for a small part of last season. I'll be testing it more this season as well (as I think the product I received wasn't a production ready version?)


    I didn't mind it, but it wasn't amazing either. It did coil for me quite abit, and it still froze, but it took longer and was of less extent then other lines, which is a good thing. After my firs spool of use, my initial thought was "maybe a line this thin is actually too thin?" It seemed almost "slippery" off the reel, which was of some annoyance in certain cold weather situations.


    I'm still open minded though, and I'd like to try it for some other applications more thoroughly.


    oh, and man is it white, like snowblind white, lol

  5. Amazing looking baits Roy!!!!


    It's funny you put this thread up today. I went for some shore walleye fishing, and the river is just cluttered with fallen leaves/branches. So, after a few nice smallies, I decided to rig up something for the walleye that wouldn't have me pulling leaves off after every cast. Turns out, worked amazing, at least for today. Went 8/8 in a little over an hour on the walleye.


    I'm sure it's nothing novel, but it is to me, check it out. This one is rigged with a Berkley bait. The one that landed all the walleye was rigged with a 4" black shad berkley Gulp minnow.


    Never got any snags, even fishing the rock side. No weeds nor leaves at all, I'm really liking this rig for the fall! thumbsup_anim.gif



  6. Dana,


    I used to eat pike occasionally, but was horrible at filleting them as well. Me father showed me how to fillet them the same way as in the video, then gave me a few tips he used in his guiding days. Ever since then, I really appreciate a few pike meals every year. It does taste really good, but your right, the meat is different. Bass/walleye/pike/perch/crappie, all have subtle yet unique flavors to the meat.


    number one thing, make sure your knife is sharp, lol.


    another tip, since pike fillets tend to be thicker then walleye, the meat cooks at a different rate, and this effects the texture of the finished product. Simple tip, double fillet to make it thinner, or cut your fillet into smaller pieces.


    Beer batter, just a personal preference, but I like pike to be beer battered as apposed to the breadcrumb/fry method typically used for walleye.


    One more simple tip, a little seasoning salt to the finished product seems to enhance the flavor, in a good way.

  7. Thanks Mercman!


    I should also point out that this is a not-for profit event, everything including money/prizes is given out the participants of the event! thumbsup_anim.gif


    Kids are also encouraged to join and fish (there is no age requirement)


    and shore anglers are also encouraged to come out and join!




  8. This post is directed towards those of you that own/operate shops, lure co's and the like.


    A friend of mine is having her local walleye derby on Oct. 15th and is looking to grow the annual event. She asked if I'd be willing to help in trying to get some sponsorships for the event, in order to help it grow.


    The flyers are already up, but shes looking to put out some new ones if we can get a few more sponsors.


    All she is looking for is offers for prizes, in turn for using logos and contact info etc. Anything will help, product, vouchers gift cards are ideal.


    The event is held on Rainy River, Oct.15th 2011. Longest walleye wins the cash prize (which is determined by the number of entrants), 2nd and 3rd place receive prizes (and hopefully we can add prizes for 4th and 5th as well this year).


    If anyone is in the area and would like to come out, feel free to pm me and I can give you more details. Same goes for anyone interested in offering a sponsorship of the event.


    Thank you in advance, and if this post is out of place, please feel free to move/or delete the topic (with a stern warning if needed, lol)



  9. While we are on the topic of eating bass...for all you bass eaters..do you'll have a personal size limit for largies and smallies beyond which you wouldnt eat em..

    I dont usually eat largies since i am not a fan of the taste of the fish but dont mind filleting a smallie every now and then...Usually keep fish in the 15 -17 inch slot....but the more I think about it..fish that big here in Canada are pretty old...thoughts?


    I read a study sometime back about smallies and methylmercury content, and it found that smallies in the 15" range had less than .7ppm, which is lower than the 1ppm for the market standard.


    Smallie in the 17" range averaged 1.1ppm I believe.


    Of course I cant remember where I read it, or what bodie(s) of water it involved.


    PCB's are a concern as well, but this is where cutting out the fat content helps. Methylmercury on the other hand is throughout the entire fish




  10. What's the bass fishing like in rivers/creeks this time of year? Haven't been out in a while because I've been in school!


    Depends where your fishing??? And all the other lovely vaiables of course.


    I'm finding them on current seams in 8-10 FOW, and moving into rock/mud bottom shallows throughout the day.


    Also finding them in shallow rock cover in heavy current, 2-4 FOW.






  11. Look up Pangasius on Google. Its becomeing the most popular freshwater fish in the world.What you see will scare the heck out of you.Compared to how they are farmed, i dont think fish from our lakes are all that bad to eat in MODERATION.




    Pretty disturbing, but not less so then everything else, lol. I actually bought a few fillets last fall, and I prepared it much like most would do a walleye. One bite later and the fish was in the garbage. The texture was akin to eating fried fat, but more tender. Totally inedible




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