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Posts posted by manitoubass2

  1. Great idea Bud !!

    I was looking at black spandex to keep the rest of me warm.I figured if ski jumpers and speed skaters used spandex, it would be good for boat fishing too.




    I was sorely wrong though.wallbash.gif


    I needed that laugh, thanks!


    Seriously, hahahahaha




  2. I would normally still be out in a boat this time of year. Def. the best time for big walleyes.


    Not this year though, just too many other things going on.


    I'm still getting out on the shores though, not as much as normal but enough to keep the demons at bay, lol.


    Dana/Mercman, If your looking to keep your hands warm and still be able to feel whats going on while fishing, try leather mechanic gloves. I just cut the one finger off at the knuckle for casting. Works good, there cheap, and they sell them everywhere. So there easily replaceable too!

  3. Is there any hunting/fishing camps/lodges on this lake???


    If so, I'd just start making some phone calls and see if you can pay someone to bring them out for you. IMO it would be much cheaper, faster and more convenient.


    My cousin owns a fishing resort, and when it was originally being built, he scored a barge from a friend for a low cost. Nowadays he uses it quite often for these types of things, as well as transporting cabin materials etc. Just ask around if possible

  4. I've been out twice in the last couple of weeks, I've tried using spoons, spinner baits, jerk baits, swimbaits, jerk shad. I'm mostly fishing shallow areas/bays and around weeds. Any tips would be appreciated

    Thanks in advance


    This late in the year think fishing deeper, 15-25ft (or even deeper) of water. Around weeds if you can find them, if not, rocks/reefs and hard bottom transitions. Alot of baits will work, but try to slow down the presentation.


    If you fish bass, alot of pike will be in the same areas as the smallies




  5. I never tried for bass thru the ice simply because I always thought there's no winter season for them in Ontario. Am I wrong?




    largies and smallies are open all year where I live (rainy river, zone 5)


    I've tried numerous times to fish smallies through the ice, and it's really, really tough (at least for me, lol). When I can get on them it's fun though! But for everytime I target them and do well, theres another day I get skunked.


    I've had numerous baits work, but I find deadsticking to be the most productive approach




  6. I did. Anyway it still stands, any time your in the Mississauga area your welcome to see it ;)



    Emil that one fish with the bite mark, looks like a big lamprey got to it. Has any one actually got a fish in the rivers with them lampreys on?


    On Rainy I see it all the time, especially with suckers, walleye and stugeon. Never bass or pike though?




  7. Cliff and solo hit the nail on the head!


    This thread made me go back and re-live some great memories, thanks guys.


    I'll never understand how my grandpa rounded up enough people to move that tv into the livingroom, lol. The thing looked like it weighed 1000lbs, and it was 8-10 ft wide, hahaha. I made some amazing lego airplanes while watching HNIC!


    Great times!

  8. Very well put MM.


    Without my girl being so supportive, I would never be able to do what I love so much.


    I try to return the favor as much as possible, especially since we have a large family. It really helps for us to allow each other time away for some quiet (fishing, shopping, etc).


    I'll just say this, it takes a very unselfish person to love/understand an angler, especially when WE can be very selfish at times (even though I try not to be).


    Kudos to those that contribute to their partners passions!!!

  9. Years of experience has taught me how to tie a knot properly :)


    I banked a few hot chromers today, no issues with knots. Also casts like a dream. More time on the water will see if it lives up to the hype, so far so good!


    I can tie a knot properly, maybe not macrame world champion status, but I can tie knots properly thumbsup_anim.gif.


    What knot are you using? The recommended knots, or some of the others that have been experimented with?


    I'm not ruling this line out completely. I think It still might have some applications for me, time will tell.


    And congrats on the chromers clapping.gif




  10. I can't see how you have time to fish with all the knot comparisons you've been doing..


    Interesting stuff.


    Part of the fun of fishing is getting to try new products, see how they work for your style of fishing. Lots of products have a plus/minus side. Ultimately it's up to the individual to decide what products they like and choose to use.


    Through years of experience, you can compare products for certain applications according to YOUR experience. Then when someone asks a question about said product, they are obviously looking for opinions on that product. All I did was voice my opinion and try to help make an educated decision.


    My experience, or yours for that matter is never wrong.


    Part of a message board is to create new members, drive traffic and help educate people. It's also a place to go in your downtime to have a little fun, and shoot the *hit with fellow anglers. This is a great board, full of great anglers of all types, great personalities etc. I enjoy it here. I've read post by you and enjoyed them, and even learned some things.


    Sorry if I rubbed you the wrong way, but that's your issue, not mine. I am who I am.


    IMO, if your going to post towards me in a sarcastic manner, at least inject a little humor.


    Back to the topic...thumbsup_anim.gif

  11. @ Randy, I looked up a story from Kare11 on this, and turns out your absolutely right. I think they tested 10 places advertising walleye and almost all of them turned out to be Zander. And one guy said the price difference is $2 per lb less for Zander. They gave an example of one place that sold 50,000lbs per year, so it looks like money saving is def. the goal here. Makes me wonder if any of my local restaurants are doing the same thing?


    Good points kicking frog, overfinesse and overthink, two major faults anglers can come across at times

  12. You can buy these fish at "Sysco" or many grocery stores under the name of "European Pickerel" tastes and looks just like Walleye and cheaper than buying them at the "fish market".....


    If I'm not mistaken restauranteurs in Minnestoa were charged for selling them as Walleye. (zander vitreus vitreus).....


    I've always wanted to go to Holland and try my luck... apparently the average Zander is larger than our average Walleye (excluding Quinte)

    and the world records for both species are pretty close.






    As for size, I think they grow quite abit bigger. The fishid site I was looking at said maximum length of 51", max weight of 33lbs. But I've seen a few pics now of pikeperch that "appear" to be larger than that. And on some of those pics, the girth of them look greater than that of our walleye.


    Thats interesting what you say about restaurants in MN selling them because there cheaper? Walleye are obviously abundant in MN, and you'd think that fish shipped from various parts of Europe wouldn't really be any cheaper? Interesting though, and I'm bored, so I'm gonna try to find some links to these cases.


    @Cosmos. It's a funny rig to me. I fish alot of walleye and I'd never think to have a large sinker so close to the bait. I'd use a leader or something similar to keep the bait away from the sinker. Just looking at those rigs I think "that would never produce bites", lol. Shows how close minded we can be at times as anglers whistling.gif

  13. Thanks guys! The most memorable thing about that pike wasn't it's size though, it was the way it hit the bait! I was fishing with another guy, and I put a 4" Berkley ripple shad on a round jig. We were fishing the current seem in some deeper water with some success, but nothing bigger than 30". I said to him " I bet there is a big pike sunning itself on that shallow sand bar". My bait seems to be cast directly in its mouth! The second it hit the water the fight was on! I'll never forget that, it was such an amazing feeling!


    Another great memory was my oldest boys first bass on a crankbait, on the first cast! Man he was pumped!



    So what are your most memorable moments of 2011??? I wanna hear them!


    Thanks again guys

  14. Well...I think I've seen ALL of those pics spread throughout your many reports....definitely been a good year for you man...nicely done! :D


    Yeppers, lol. Another thing I did this year was take ALOT less pictures, so my fish porn stash is greatly reduced.


    What were the fellow board members highlights/lowlights???


    My lowlights were def. snapping a new rod and almost being eaten by a bear, lol




  15. I have this rig - brought it from my Belarus trip.

    If you guys interested i can put some pictures here.

    Tried it on French River couple of times and got one smallmouth.

    I hope we are talking about same thing

    This is how is it made:


    Nope, thats a different rig then I was referring too. I'm glad you posted that though, as it was another rig I came across while searching out this topic!


    I think the one I'm talking about was called a porolonka rig? I could be mistaken though




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