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Posts posted by manitoubass2

  1. Looks like you might have to forget to unhitch the boat next time you drive out there for a visit ;)




    Hahaha, for sure!


    The owner was a real pleasure, and offered us a free week stay at their new cabin this fall! clapping.gif


    and next year I'll be visiting my brother in law for some fishing and beers, for sure!



  2. Miracon, great going!


    Gotta start somewhere, and it looks like your on the right track for alot of fun.


    The "pickeral" can be held with your fingers on the belly, and your thumb holding down the dorsal fin (the spiney fin on the back of the fish) or vise versa such as in this pic whistling.gif, just slide your thumb from the top of the fin to compress it cause its very sharp.




    If it's a larger fish, you can slip your hand into the gills to hold the fish, just dont grab it by the gill plate, its very sharp. This pic doesnt show my hand, lol, but this is what it looks like held up.




    and a smallmouth bass has rough "pads" for teeth and they are not sharp, just insert your thumb into the mouth and hold it against your finger, this is called lipping




    Hope this helps a little. lolthumbsup_anim.gif

  3. Are crappies a good fight? And yes, the catfish I caught today was huge!!! Good fight too!!!:thumbsup_anim:





    Crappies are pretty scrappy, but not really a good fight. Very fun though on light tackle when you get into em good. Find a school and you can catch huge quantities thumbsup_anim.gif. Very tasty too!




  4. Well, after some early morning fishing yesterday (which was alright for bassin') me and the family decided to take a two hour drive and visit her brother for the first time. He used to live right across from us, but decided to move a couple months ago. He just told me "some place in the bush", lol, and I laughed at the thought of him never doing anything "outdoorsy".


    Checked the forecast and it all looked good, so off we went. We get to the location, "WHAT?! McCombs landing on Rainy Lake???" I was lucky, had the tackle and two rods in the back!


    So we took a nature walk, played with the kids, had a BBQ and visited, which was really nice. Then I seen some clouds forming so time to get out the tackle and try a few casts. It was windy, like real windy, and the water temps were of the hot shower variety.


    Well within minutes of the storm hitting, and only about 15 casts in, I landed 6 little hammer handles. My son caught one also! Bonus!!!


    Then, it storms pretty good for abit, we decided to stay and let it pass rather than drive in the heavy rain. After an hour or so, it cleared and we got packed up and ready to go. They headed out for a quick smoke, so out came the rod again, hehehe.


    Three casts and a nice smallie hit good, gave a great fight, and lept from the water twice! He was hooked pretty bad though, so out came the fillet knife as well and made for a nice midnight snack!


    Good times


    Momma and baby walking the trail to the top of the cliff



    more kiddos



    Baby buggaboo with her uncle



    checkin out the view, it really was nice, wish we had a better camera



    me and mah babe



    night view



    Bass time, pretty good one too!



    horrendous shot of my sons pike, this one was hooked hard too





    Back home now and ready for some cold front bass tomorrow!

  5. Well don't ever plan on moving up to Thunder Bay. The economy really sucks here. Just the other day I drove past a quadriplegic clinic and they had a sign on the door that said "Walk Ins Welcome". And if you think that's bad, last night I worked late and had to drive through the seedy part of town to get home and I saw a hooker holding a sign that said "No Payments Till 2012". Yeah. Times are tough up here.


    lol clapping.gif


    Tbay is pretty close to me, and I've spent some time there. It's the small city winnipeg of ontario.


    I hate thunder bay with a passion




  6. I'll usually plan my locations the night before.


    Always keep at least 2 setups going. One for slow presentation, one for fast.


    For the fast setup I'll use a quality snap so I can change lures quickly (crankbaits, spinnerbaits, some top water). Some people would be dead against this because it affects the action of the lure. I find if the fish are active then and your using a fast presentation....they'll hit reagrdless of snap swivel.



    I use snap swivels all the time as well and IMO it doesn't keep fish from hitting the lure. In fact, at times I think the slightly slower wobble helps elicit strikes. And it saves an amazing amount of time when you switch it up often



  7. Some great fish!!!!


    Lunkerhunter, in that double header pic, what a belly on that fish on the right!


    Limeyangler, I'm still waiting for ya bud! If you can come in about a month, it'll be perfect timing. We can hit northwest bay as well. And next year I'll make it back up to Lac Seul, I promise.


    N.A.W., whats the measurement on that fish??? Looks like a 30"?

  8. I'm bored. Seen some shiners this week and it got me thinking about the upcoming walleye run in the Rainy River, which gets me excited! So I was thumbin through some pics from last year and now I've really got the itch, can't wait.


    Feel free to post up some of your big walleyes if ya got em! New or old


    Last November 10lber. man I'm fat there! lol



    My sons biggest to date, again last November



    My fall/spring fishing buddy with a great fish. 29" I think?




    Another biggun, 27ish I believe. This man is an awesome angler and has taught me a ton



    On the ice 30" last year



    Late november last year. Me and Harv caught so many of these fish it was crazy fun! I think this was november 20th, and it was about -13, we were the only boat out for the last two weeks! hahaha



    My other boy was really excited to land his personal best from shore. 25"



    Another 27" ish walleye



    November 17th from shore, kinda a crappy pic (the grass is dead weeds, the fish wasn't dragged on shore, lol)



    October eye from shore



    My girlfriends cousins first walleye ever, 28"



    June walleye from shore,








  9. Got out today as well but only for an hour. Weather was interesting and the water went down again, so so shallow right now. Managed a 27" pike and a 16" smally, and four other small pike. It's funny, every year when the night cools off and the water is low, those pike surround this little rock area of the rapids and pin all the bass in there. Inside the rock formation, all bass. On the outside, all pike! lol


    A lil' walleye on a DT crank



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