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Posts posted by manitoubass2

  1. 4 heavy wires...............I thought you had to have 4lb. flouro or the fish won't bite, there goes that theory


    lol, for walleye in my area they'll bite on 20lb braid, just the same as small diameter lines and floro.


    Switch to floro and you'll hook alot of lawyers though whistling.gif




  2. Hmmm....kinda makes me think icefishing....


    I was kinda thinking that too.


    If the jig was shaped to lift the baits off the bottom, and the wire was bent upwards to keep the baits 4-6" off the bottom, could be a really good walleye/panfish presentation.


    Of course there is the legality of it though, I'd have to take a look at that first.




  3. I find these baits pretty interesting, and apparently there a pretty big deal in some pro tours at the moment.


    Seems like a boring way to fish to me, can't really see how you would impart any action to your baits other than just swimming them back to the boat???


    Anyhow, anyone here have any experience fishing these style of lures? What do you use for bait etc?


    It's basically a heavy jig head, with 4 heavy wires attached in the mold, with snap swivels on the end of each wire for rigging baits to



  4. Sorry Skipper D, I missed the part of this topic where it switched to musky fishing, lol (maybe enjoying the beers too much?)


    Take my second post and scrap it, it's about bass not musky.


    My apologies, and for future reference, never take any of my advice for musky fishing! I'm horrible at targeting them creatures whistling.gif

  5. There is a HUGE difference between celebrating, and rubbing it in....and on my team we don't do that.

    Self control is a skill I teach my kids and disapline on the ice is just that....disapline on the ice.

    That includes celebrations after goals....

    If they jump for joy, pile on hi-five etc...that's a celebration.

    skating down the ice on your own at full speed, throwing your gloves in the air and pretending to shoot them....that's just plain stupid.

    Single effort, single showboating...showing off

    On my team your kids rides the pine for it.



    Thats understandable. We'll just have to agree to disagree.


    To me, refusing a hand shake after the game is poor sportsmanship, but thats just my opinion.


    I believe childrens sports is all about fun, of course, there are some life lessons in there as well. But as a parent, I'm more than happy to instill morals within my children within reason. I'd prefer not to have other people do it. But hey, it happens ie. school etc.


    Good on you though for showing you care about your team/players, thats nothing but commendable thumbsup_anim.gif



  6. Sorry ,but wanted to send this back up to see if some one could add perhapse other kinds of fish and gear needed . Thank you


    D'OH! lol.


    If you want to learn various techniques, I'd suggest a 6'6" med. Fast action rod.


    Some Dt4's. Dt6's, Dt 10's, crawfish patterns, minnow patterns, perch patterns.


    Some Husky Jerk style baits.


    Swim jigs, crawfish trailers, tubes, tube hooks, drop shot hooks, barrel swivels, scum frogs(or any other topwater frogs), wide gap hooks in various sizes, Swammers, 4", 6" worms in various colors, Shaky heads jigs, spinnerbaits in various sizes and colors.


    And fish with a purpose. Bass are active at different times, and moving frequently to locate active fish is a great way to find fish.


    I'll offer some more tomorrow, beers are tasting too good right now, lol




  7. Its cool in my books,

    Religious implications aside its touching that a gesture made such an impact on a kid who's hurting.


    And I can tell you this...

    I'd rather watch a genuine emotional thanks then a rehearsed touch down dance any day. Show boating in sports is great for some and I've heard ALL the arguments about it promoting excitement in the game, but me...I hate it.


    I come from a day were you scored and you simply high fived, or got a pat on the back and the praise came when you hit the bench.

    Sure at a big moment there were pile on's and hugs, but that was

    "a team" rejoicing, not an individual rubbing it in....

    This dancing in football, or shotgun salute crap in hockey just doesn't sit well with this cowboy but to each there own...its not my cup of tea though.

    The boys on my team pull that crap they ride the pine till they learn humility, and sportsman ship.



    I think the religious aspect is abit rediculous.


    That being said, these guys are paid to perform, and it's obvious to them the players (in various major sports). Thats what lands them hyyyuge contracts and local endorsements in most cases.


    I see where your coming from. I'm a hypocrite on the matter, some celebrations I love, others have me wanting to physically hurt people, lol.


    But that last statement is a little ridiculous in my opinion. Celebrating a goal or tackle etc does not show poor sportsmanship. These are athletes, but also businessmen. If the players respect each other in the locker room/press conferences etc, then I totally condone these acts. It's not like it's a shock to their system, they all do it in some form or another.


    Even players that "appear" to be humble, are sometimes not. They just have an understanding of how marketing works in their line of profession. Even if you don't agree with it, thats being smart.


    Just my two cents



  8. I have two spares for each reel, and I load em up and bring them with me. I use different lines for different techniques, so it helps to have them right there ready to go. One usually has a ten-15lb braid, and the other spare is 8lb mono. Really saves alot of time

  9. My pumpkin this year was of the G. Loomis fish logo. Last weekend the kids and I had a blast carving pumkins! It was my first time in years, and I'm glad I joined in this year.


    The kitchen was one heck of a mess though.


    We put our seeds on a tray, coated with a little oil, seasoning salt, garlic salt, onion salt and a little pepper. Cooked on 350 for about 35 minutes, and turned at the half way point. Turned out darn tasty, but I barely got any because of the kids chowing them down! clapping.gif


    The pumpkin was too small, so the pic sucks, lol



  10. After you've read all the info you can find and purchase your tackle, just get out there and fish. Nothing works better, lol.


    The one thing you'll notice about bass fishing with other anglers is that most will have there own styles of fishing. So pick up what you can, get out and fish as much as you can and develope your own style of bass fishing.


    The good thing is bass can be pretty easy to put in the boat or on the shore, most times of the year.


    A good way to build your confidence is to troll and pitch baits at the shoreline. This will give you a good feel for your baits action and which baits to select as well, and how to vary your retrieves, fish different depths etc.


    I wouldn't start out deep though, if it's possible to you. Start n more simple techniques like burning spinner baits and shallows cranks as apposed to drop shotting 50 FOW.


    Just my two cents...


    And don't be afraid to post questions on here about bass fishing either, after all, muskymike could have probably wrote a book this fall after all the questions he asked about steelhead etc sarcasm.gif.


    Good luck!

  11. The boat is no longer for sale as I purchased it earlier today. I was able to talk him down to $4485.00 so I think I got a good deal. As a matter of fact I just wired the money to his account in Russia, not sure why he wanted it sent there but none of business I suppose.


    He told me I could pic the boat up tonight but not until after midnight as he needed to clean it up a bit 1st. He is working midnights so he will not be home but said not to worry and gave me his address with directions. The ownerships will be signed over and left in the glove box with a receipt.


    Sounded like a hell of a nice guy to me.


    So, the beer is on you tonight? I'll meet you there 12:30 sharp clapping.gif

  12. I did some free guiding on Northwest bay this fall for some American anglers.


    It was my first time out there this season with a new fishing partner, and neither of us had been fishing there regularly for some time. So we scouted a few spots and within an hour, had 4-5 boats following us around.


    We did good that day, but it was quite comical. We met them at the launch at the end of the day and had a chat with them. They were quite friendly and didn't really interrupt our day.


    But one fella did say that they weren't satisfied with their guide for the week, and they figured we were locals, so...

  13. I've read a few of these on this board now, and I am wondering what the scam is????


    Ok, the price is obviously too good to be true, unless it's being sold by a women scorned or a crackhead selling possessions for the next fix, but...


    If I was willing to purchase this boat, I would drive/fly to the said location to purchase the boat. Is the boat not actually for sale???


    What is going on here?

  14. Some good questions Dana! And some good answer as well, I learned a few things in this thread thumbsup_anim.gif.


    Personally, I'd go without. Supermarket fish might turn you off to particular species you otherwise enjoyed.


    and stay the heck away from Basa (whatever the heck that meat is actually from????)

  15. you should have slowed down and let him pass and followed him around! :Gonefishing:

    or if that didn`t work jump in his boat and pound the snot out of him!!! :rofl2:


    lol, that works, I speak from experience. Me, the girlfriend and my kids were travelling the 502 back up to Ear Falls, and I was following another vehicle. Eventually the truck pulled over and stopped. I wasn't thinking anything of it until he tailgaited me for the next few KM, that I had my brights on him the whole time.


    He returned the favor, and with two babies in the back seat they screamed cried that entire time, being blinded by his lights.


    It worked, and after getting home and restoring the kids to sleep, I chuckled to myself and thought "good on him, served me right"




  16. so i was wondering how close you guys let a boat get before the old 1 finger sign language comes out and you exercise your "outdoor voice"


    the other night i was trolling a "community" spot that usually has other boats... i can deal with that... but this guy wasnt catching... and we were pounding... he obviously thought it was the area we were in... he kept coming closer and closer and closer... until i could literally touch his boat with my rod tip :wallbash: ... i wish i was kidding...lol


    so me being the bigger man... i move 2-3 hundred feet upriver... cause i knew it wasnt location... it was technique... 20 minutes later... there he is again... closer and closer and closer... :wallbash:


    it took everything i had in me not to flip my lid on this guy...


    so i was wondering where you would draw the line...?


    was this a situation were i should have educated this fellow and told him he was in the wrong?


    or am i overreacting?


    i know who the guy is... he isnt a nooby... he is a good fisherman that knows better... thats what got me fuming...




    I just talk to the guys in the other boat and let them know whats up. Usually, if your polite they will be the same and relocate.


    That being said, I've seen others pitch jigs at the approaching boat, and they left promptlyclapping.gif


    When I was younger this situation would have really peeved me, but like you said, its the technique thats catching the fish and relocating sometimes doesn't really hurt your success, unless were talking crappie of course, lol




  17. I've had luck jigging the Live Target Golden shiner, but it's been better quality fish and lower numbers. Same with the Clackin Rap, although to a lesser extent than the shiner.


    @MuskyMike, that doesn't really surprise me. I haven't used them through the ice yet, but plan on it this year. I think I caught more fish on those baits then anything else this year, especially walleye.


    EDIT: I was thinking of the Northland Buck Aroo Jigs

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