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Posts posted by manitoubass2

  1. I came almost face to face with one a few decades ago. Something I'll never forget.



    2 years ago me, my girlfriend and our children almost walked into one. It crossed the road (just down from our house) about 50 yards in front of us! Stopped, looked over, kept walking back into the bush.


    We turned around, walked quietly for a few yards, then ran like hell! Seriously got the heart going.


    Beautiful animal though, that was the third one I've seen personally in NW ontario in the past 5 years. One was from my vehicle though, and the other one was on the road dead, hit by a pulp truck

  2. If it's related to his concussions, then good call on sitting out, whether it's two games or 10. Makes sure your healthy and can play at 100%. If it's not head related, I'm sure his team mates, coach, staff and medical team are breathing a sigh of relief.


    Sad thing is, after a concussion there is no coming back as good as you were before. Unfortunate to say the least, for anyone thats had a concussion(s).


    I think Sid is a great hockey player, perhaps the best in the league. But where the NHL truly needs him, is as an ambassador for hockey, worldwide, IMO.


    I hope he gets over this and has a full career of playing healthy hockey. If not, it's a shame. But he has money, and has been blessed with money and many other things. I'm sure, if he never plays again (at some point), opportunity will literally smash his door open, lol.


    Alot of talent in the current NHL, and alot more coming. With or without Sid, I'm sure we'll all still be watching

  3. Anyone seen these yet? I just checked out the new In-Fisherman and it has a few adds in there for this reel.


    I must say, looks pretty niiiice! But very space age style.


    Exo spinning/casting reels



    Looks like a higher price point reel. I'll be interested in some reviews on these, even though I'm not much a fan of Quantum reels.


    There is also an ad with new Abu Garcia Orra S and Orra Sx spinning reels, which look nice to the eye as well


    Abu Garcia Orra S



    Abu Garcia Orra SX


  4. I had a musky nail a Topraider that was tangled and coming in backwards... Missed it... Recast... Caught it...


    Right on!!!


    I have one spot that I fish from shore, where it's heavy current heading west, just on the inside of an eddie. In the spring, I have caught smallies casting south, and letting the current pull it west and towards shore. I loosen up the drag and let the lure head west. So at one point, the lure is going backwards for abit, and this is where the strikes come. Almost no action on the lure at all. and I've caught a ton off bass doing this.

  5. We got back from Puerto Vallarta on Friday. Great trip, great place. I'd recommend a trip to anyone who wants a nice vacation spot, whether you want to relax, sightsee, party, have kids etc... The weather was to die for, high 20's every day, sunshine and no rain. We got out deep sea fishing for a 4 hour trip for yellow tail tuna. We saw around a 100 or so dolphins playing on the surface, schools of tuna (too many to count) 3 Manta Rays, and a calm sea in Banderas Bay (2-3000 ft deep). I wanted to go for marlin and sailfish but nobody wanted to go for an 8hr minimum trip so I took a hit for the team. We ended up catching 2 yellowfin, mine was around 25 lbs and my buddies was around 22. Great fight!!! We trolled a lot pulling live bait, plastic squids, Rapalas but what produced was chasing down a school and tossing a baited hook in front of them. The tough part was getting close enough but not spooking them. We ended up being on the water for over 6 hours and the captain had no problem with that. We gave him a $50 US tip and he was thrilled.

    A trip to a Tequila factory was educational and fun, it's the first time I was able to do a shot of Tequila without vomiting. What you buy here (Jose Cuervo) isn't for sale anywhere there. It's all small producers up in the mountains and their stuff is great. We brought back a couple of bottles of flavored Tequila that make for nice liquers.

    My wife and I went on an adventure on the local transit system, a rickety old bus with tassels inside, Mexican music playing (right out of a movie scene) into Puerto Vallarta (our resort was 40 mins north near Bucerias - a quaint little town). A cab ride would have run us over $30 each way, the bus ran us about $5for the both of us. We had fun bartering for some tourist trinkets and trash and had a great lunch before we headed back to the resort.

    There is lots to see and lots to do. We barely scratched the surface and will go back.


    Sounds like a great time!!! My pops goes every year and loves it too. I have never been, but maybe in the near future.


    Catching tuna sounds like a blast thumbsup_anim.gif


    This part made me laugh as well, thanks for that.




  6. Maybe I should also mention...


    My step father was a Delaware band member from outside Chatham


    I used to spend lots of time fishin on the Grand River in 6 Nations as a kid


    And of course my time on the reserves in the north


    My good friend is currently Chief of the Wabaskang band council at Ear Falls


    My daughter studies these issues at Ottawa University


    soooo----I probably have a pretty good reason to be interested---still not easy to answer though


    I live on a reserve. I've seen alot in my years on this reservation, as well as others in my area.


    And your absolutely right, there are no easy answers. It's a whole mess, on many many levels.




  7. Thanks for the read. I myself have been quite interested in this topic, and have been watching it develop.


    Dr. Sal, I agree with the points you made.


    I am a little dissappointed in how many seem to think this 90 million figure is just money handed to them (the reservations) to do whatever they so choose with it. Very ignorant statements being thrown around by alot of people, unfortunately. A lot of racial issues being brought up as well.


    But with all the bull set aside, very sad to see HUMANS suffering like this, in our country, or elsewhere.


    And we wonder why people grow up with serious issues, mentally, physically etc. If they even survive to be adults



  8. Actually its warm enough, but when you are going fast in the boat, the wind causes a rippleing effect on heavy set guys like me, if you get my drift.Creates all kinds of drag.mellow.gif



    It made me laugh because I thought I was crazy wearing that stuff when I used to work in the oil field. -70 with the windchill, working outside for 14 hours a day, 7 days a week, and a guy will try anything to stay warm, lol.


    The ol' Helly Hanson suite makes for some killer winter fishing gear these days clapping.gif



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