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Posts posted by manitoubass2

  1. i guess im lucky...


    water levels never change here because of the dams and the ships...


    they have to maintain enough depth for the ships so the dams keep the water level pretty much the same all year....


    if the water level changes a foot... thats a huge change here...




    however the section of river upstream thats connected to lake O gets hit pretty hard with water fluctuation... 3-4 foot drop throughout the season... messes up the ice too sometimes... we get ice then the water drops a couple more feet and the shoreline breaks apart...


    On Rainy river, we had one heck of a weird year. All ice season was good. But when the upstream rivers let go, we had darn near flood waters for the first time ever. Went from 7ft average to over 21ft average. Took all of spring and a bit of summer for the water to stabilize, and the fishing was just strange. I had to figure out new spots, new patterns etc, lots of fishing water with zero visibility, it was kinda a nightmare. Then towards the end of summer, everything dropped, down to a 2ft average, and went gin clear.


    It's still around 3ft average now. If we don't get snow, I'm not gonna like next season very much (if there even is a season).




  2. I'd bring it up with your neighbors Dana, then, as suggested, do your best to shop vac what you can.


    I had some party going teens break a bunch of beer bottles in my yard some time back. I have a big family, so it was important to be cleaned up ASAP. It took me and my girlfriend a good 3-4 hours to get most of it, and it was a major pain in the ass. Even then, we still found the odd piece here and there for a few weeks. But what else can you really do?


    and DanC is just jealous of that fish in your avatar. You know it's true worthy.gifsarcasm.gif

  3. Carolina was held in the game with some great goaltending. It was a very good game, although I was nervous when the leafs took that late penalty, lol. Reimer looked very solid.


    Almost everygame I'm shocked by the leafs speed. Man they are fast!


    and woot woot Winnipeg! Great win for them, and they've been playing really well as of lateclapping.gif

  4. I think Reimer just needs a win for his confidence. If he can do that tonight, I think he'll be fine. The talent is there for sure, just gotta believe your going to win.


    Monster has done a great job filling in. For some reason though, at least for me, he just doesn't "seem" like a starting goalie in the NHL. He always has me on edge, lol.


    As for the concussions, it won't stop until they downscale the equipment. And with Sid sitting out once again, maybe this will happen sooner, rather then later?


    As for the game tonight, I'm stoked. It was a long weekend for us Leafs fans

  5. Alot of great stories guys!!!! This thread is a great read for surethumbsup_anim.gif


    My best year was 2010, without a doubt. For numbers, size and days out it would just be tough to beat.


    This year was great as well, the size wasn't quite there for bass/walleye, but I did have PB sturgeon and northern which were hyyyyuge endorphic rushes worthy.gif.


    I grew as an angler more this year than any other, and so did my kids, so that was great as always. Nothing like the feeling of fishing with your kids, seeing them learn and that unadulterated passion coming through in a smile.

  6. From tbay to kenora the roads aren't great. Although, as of now, they are not snow covered.


    Once you get about half way through manitoba, smooth sailing. All straight roads that are kept up pretty well.


    Sask can be pretty boring, I wouldn't suggest driving there while tired, especially if its snowing. It has a tendency to lull you to sleep. Once you hit alberta the roads should be really good, so no issues there



    If you need any other info on this area shoot me a pm, glad to help out

  7. Mir in the second round, but hopefully I'm wrong thumbsup_anim.gif


    Can't lose that way, lol. But seriously, I'd rather see Nog win


    all I can say is wow! who would have ever thought it would end like that? lol

  8. I have seen the EXO and the whole idea is to reduce the weight hence all the holes cut out in the frame. I would think that if you had something fall on it or drop it then it would snap in half. looks ok, but I think because of the materials it's weak.

    Haven't seen the Abu yet.

    do you max out a $100 budget?

    if not I know Sinclair got a Stadic FI for $139.00 at SAIL the other day and paid no tax too.



    In the video they drive over the bait caster with a truck, lol. But yeah, I was thinking the same thing about the strength of the reel, or lack thereof.


    For now I'm more then happy using Okuma Avengers on my shore rods, and Shimano CI4's on my other rods.


    But, this might just be something my son could give a try??? He likes the look of it, and the smile would be worth the bucks IMO



  9. It's minor inconvenience to have people asking for donations at almost every store this time of year. Yeah, it's annoying. Personally, I feel bad for the people standing there, because who wants to be that guy/girl? Much like telemarketing, your there to annoy most people. I could never do that.


    That being said, many of these charities are nothing more than another type of big business, which is sad. I'm all for helping people in need, because we've all been there for the most part. But I choose not to support charities because of the business aspect of it all.



    Anyhow, as for charity, I do my part by helping my neighbors and community. Whether it be food, shelter, money, clothing, work, as a community we help. Guess what? Works pretty well, we don't have alot of local issues in these regards. And in return, the people in need at the time, will then return the favor in some way, at another time. Over time, you basically end up with a healthy community, of people living well, familiar with each other as neighbors, willing to do good deeds.

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