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Posts posted by manitoubass2

  1. your somewhat right ....it cant change in THIS system....hence the reason the rest of the world will eventually deal on a world currency backed by resouces (as it used to be)...not the US dollar that can be printed on a whim because they need money to service their debt ...history has a way of repeating itself...and the world currency market wasnt always based on the US dollar...other countries have lost the right to the federal reserve because of devalued dollars...and there is no doubt ....the American dollar is devalued from what it once was...I honestly beleive our friends to the south are in for a tough time once they lose the reserve rights...


    BB middle class in the USA is the "new" rich folks actually anyone not on food stamps and still in thier homes are well to do (just my opinion)




    With how intermingled currency is, and relations between countries, resources, war etc. Do you really think the demise of the US paper dollar is around the corner?


    If the U.S., for whatever reason, be it world demand or their own decision, the world is gonna be in a very aggressive state. Remember, other countries are basically owned by the U.S. owned/run FED. There are few exceptions.


    Personally though, I want to see the downfall of the monetary system. But wow, if/when that happens, it's going to be quite the change to everyone's way of life.


    I've always believed a country should be worth what it has in assets, including natural resources, population and education, and other meaningful assets as well, like contribution to society/science etc.


    It's not just the American dollar that devalued either, it's any dollar created under the system. That's inflation, right? Moving forward, the dollar will always be worth less than it was originally. And the FED/central reserve has debts being collected from countries worldwide, correct? Even though there are subtle differences, the worlds market for money is all under a flawed system. So if it is deemed of no value, the whole world is effected, on a drastic scale.


    And the last sentence, I completely agree. Very, very hard times are ahead. Sad thing is, that's what has to happen. Another sad thing, we will be affected almost as much as the U.S. will, as unfortunate as that is.


    With such complicated issues, the only thing clear is we need drastic change to the system. And with that, we need government to return to the people, not the corporation.


    Another sad thing is any change will bring on such a shock to the citizens of all countries, because we are all ignorant to the facts.... A major government crime in history if you ask me



  2. I see you have some work to do :D


    The smiley blades...I could give or take. I haven't been in a situation yet were I said "man I wish I brought smilies with me today!" . They catch fish, its just that I don't think they work any worse or better in my home waters. I'm sure the Lake Erie guys will trumpet differently, but as said, for my riggin' they're no different.


    Yeah, I'll probably tie at least 150 this weekend. That stuff is just what I bought today.


    I really liked the smiley blades, but only on one lake. I couldn't get nothing else to take on other lakes???? The ones I landed good fish on were replicas more or less of the Macks Wally Pop rigs.


    Thanks for the input, always appreciated!




  3. when the Americans lose the right to print more unsecured money from the federal reserve ...the price of fuel and EVERYTHING else is going to sky rocket over night in the good ole USA.....thats the only thing keeping their gas prices down....soon to change though as the rest of the world is getting rid of American dollars because of it devalue....


    i just hope the Canadian Gov is smart enough to not allow the Americans to continue to pay us for our resources in USD (funny money)



    How is that gonna happen??? The friggin US controls the FED (central banking system).


    Unless the monetary system as a whole is abolished, nothing will change. It's the same with every country under the same system.


    All countries create money from thin air (pretty much anywho). Thats how the banking system works, on all levels. You deposit $1000 into an account, within law, gives them the right to create about 10% of that in new money. But on top of that, that $1000 is now used to give someone else a loan. When it's transferred to their account, again, now they can create another 10% of that in new paper money. And so on and so forth.


    Inflation, debt etc can never change in this system. The daily increase or decrease makes no difference at all. It can't, because thats just how the monetary system works.



  4. OPEC and the Canadian/American governments will make sure this happens. And OPEC will include the cost of the build to further increase the price per barrel as well.


    Canada wants the money and the jobs. United States wants the cheap oil/gas.


    They also don't talk much about Canada being their number one provider of oil, because it's much easier to exploit other countries without reaction, then to do so with Canada.


    United States can't invade Canada, it would be a relations nightmare. And Canada has everything they need, cheap...


    Dr. Sal, I used to work for a major lumber provider in Ontario. No joke, we would cut and treat the lumber for Weyerhaueser. Then ship it to Minnesota. Within a few weeks, the exact bundles would be shipped back to us for building projects(such as Home Makeover). The funny part you ask...


    Weyerhauser was billed for the lumber, by....... Weyerhaueser????


    At a price increase nonetheless

  5. Natural resources = the next super power = CANADA :good:


    If things were run the way they should be run, that woulda put us in the #1 spot log time ago.


    Now we are the worlds "wal-mart".


    Jokes on us


    But, If you wanna buy a culture, we sure are looking to get rid of this Native thing we hardly use.... sarcasm.gif

  6. I ended up missing out on some supplies tonight, major bummer. I could not find the right blades (at least the ones I wanted) and couldn't find a clevis to save a life.


    I made 5 of each of these (not my own colorway, a rip off of another company)


    ahh, well, gotta wait for some shipments to arrive I suppose






    I picked up some basics as well to make up for my disappointment



  7. Correct me if i am wrong , Acording to geometery in order for it to work corner to corner the box would have to be farly wide , Pauls storage box might be to narrow for that trick . Sorry but i just had to get that off the brain .


    Perhaps, tough to know without a picture...


    I had assumed by "box", he was referring to the bed of his truck???


    Maybe I'm wrong???


    But if he was referring to the back of his truck, its probably about 75" long and around 60" wide. If that was the case, he could fit a rod corner to corner of about 90" or so




  8. I have a few. If they'll be more expensive than the Colorado, don't buy them just because they're different. The only difference I see is that they offer a little less resistance in the water...hardly perceptible.


    Thanks for the feedback Roy, much appreciated.


    When I looked into them, it always said they'll spin at slower speeds, which is what got me interested. But if you read the comments on them it seems they don't spin well at slower speeds.




  9. Thats true Sinclair. I use 10 wraps on my lighter line rigs, maybe nothing more than habit??? I only use 6 wraps with any line heavier then 14lb.


    I'm heading to town soon to go get stocked up on supplies. Gonna hit the craft shops for beads, the girlfriend uses them for crafting anyways, lol. We usually find some really cool beads at low prices.


    Gotta pick up an assortment of colorados too, and might even pick up some dakota blades to try out. Any input on those blades???


    Folded and quick change clevises, and some Trilene big game (this time around) and I'll be all set for the night!

  10. I make my own crawler harnesses because I cannot find any harnesses that use quality hooks.


    I use Colorado spinner blades almost exclusively because I want lots of action at very slow speeds.


    I bought some great beads at Walmart a couple of years ago. They are called "miracle beads". Wow, they look like cat's eyes and when a light shines on them, they glow like a cat's eyes. They are 6 mm in size.


    I do not use fluorocarbon because of weak knot strength. Instead I use clear mono leader material in about 14 lb test. I guess even 20 lb test would do just as well. I tie a good swivel above and below the beads and blades then I add my 2 or 3 snelled hooks using 10 or 12 lb clear mono. I tie the snelled hooks to the bottom swivel. I vary the distance between the blades and the snelled hooks (6 to 20 inches). I found that walleye seem to prefer it this way or maybe the walleye I fish are more skittish. Anyway, I fish log infested waters and the depth varies greatly in the river where I do most of my fishing. If I do get snagged, I only lose the hooks.


    My blades and bead set up is in one package and the snelled hooks with long leader are in another package. There is no chance of tangles.



    Awesome info, glad to see you passing on your knowledge here as well as other places. Thank you worthy.gif

  11. Just outta curiosity, I snelled a hook the other night with 8lbs Nanofil.


    I put the hook in a vice, and tied a palomar knot to split ring, then to a digital scale (I know, far from scientific). It broke at 9lbs give or take on the snelled end. Actually, it didn't even break the line, just slipped the knot. I was pretty surprised


    The line snelled easily but obviously, the line is far too limp to actually use in a crawler harness.


    Just thought I'd let you all know


    Bugugli, that chart. in the bag had me salivating.


    Here is a pic of the top end of my castable rigs, works very well.



  12. how do you guys snell, how many raps etc???


    I use 10 wraps generally. Where I can, I'll use a palomar(like with a treble hook trailer).


    And I must admit I'm kinda obsessed with the knot, lol. If it's tied nice, I really appreciate thattease.gif


    On my crawler harness I like using 2 blades, for minnow presentations, I just use on blade generally.


    The amount of beads I use varies, usually 6 though, one or two above the blade

  13. Nice baits guys!!! Bigugli, I had no idea you made/sold baits!!! Those are killer looking


    I've been doing alot lately, but tomorrow I'll be spending all night making tackle (can't wait).


    I'm also making some castable one using an egg sinker, one of my personal favs.


    I fish skinny water most of the time, so I like the colorado. I use various sizes. 6mm beads, plastic or glass. Matzuo sickle hooks is what I use most of the time, one black nickel, one red (the trailer). I use folded clevises and plastic quick change (especially for experimenting).


    Line varies depending what I plan to do with the rig, but 14lb mono is used most.


    My favorite color combo is black/silver, works well shallow or deep, clear or stained.


    I'll post up some pics from mine and some from my son as well, tomorrow.


    Anyone still prefer a treble hook as the trailer???

  14. I thought it be a good discussion to get going here on OFC. After reading a thread last year I started making my own rigs, and so did my son.


    I found it to be alot of fun, and the ideas seem endless.


    Who here makes their own?


    What are your preferences on line? Length of line?


    What hooks or other components do you use/prefer?


    How do you fish your rigs?


    Blades, types, colors etc...?


    I would like to see some pics as well if you have em. I think it was Sinclair that posted up some really nice rigs, as well as Roy???


    Thanks to anyone that chimes in... thumbsup_anim.gif

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