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Posts posted by manitoubass2

  1. The scary thing about chemtrails is you can watch it happening everyday, almost anywhere in the country... And it correlates strongly to aluminium and the diseases/health concerns aluminium contributes to and/or causes.


    And if you look into HAARP in detail, you'll stumble across government statements/videos in regards to the government tampering with the weather.


    Alot of scary stuff the governments don't tell us about.

  2. If this isn't the topic that starts a revolution in the U.S., I don't know what will???


    Your certainly not going to get the truth out of the government about why they want to pass this bill, or how it will be used, that's for sure.


    I'm sure it has alot to do with control of content, but moreso about the money that could be made... (outta thin air I might add, lol)

  3. I'm glad there banned from the Bassmasters.


    Have any of you watched the videos on youtube of this type of bait??? Looks like the most boring bait ever to fish, and appears to require zero skill to retrieve/present.


    I'm sure it's a great way to fill a stringer, so as a lure, I guess it's doing it's job.


    For tourny angling though I like to see skilled anglers picking apart the lake in all aspects, and the best angler that day, win.

  4. The Leafs have outplayed alot of teams lately and still lost. In those games, there is usually one or two "soft" goals.


    IMO that was the case again last night.


    Dion is tough, but he sure looks akward fighting. I would call that fight a draw.


    And is it just me, or is the battle for playoffs this year gonna be the best ever? I love how tight everything is. One little losing/winning streak can change alot of standings.


    Sure is gonna be interesting this spring!

  5. MM, on NW bay, me and one other guy have had luck slow jigging 1oz. spinnerbaits (silver, white black color)

    . I took off the willowleafs and added to of the Northland baitfish colorados, then added a small Matzou 3" swim bait. I used a orange/yellowish glow in th dark model, my buddy used black and red fleck glow in the dark.


    We did real good, fished for 5 hours and had 8 fish all around the 27" mark, giver er take. We marked tons of fish on the spot too, just like summer, but nothing small was taking the bait. It was a real light jig, lift a few inches, let it flutter down slowly, constantly trying to keep the bait a few inches from bottom. All fish were caught in 8 FOW, on the shallow side of a reef that drops to 22 FOW.


    Not saying it'll work where you are, but I sure had fun doing it. Giver a try...

  6. I seem to agree with MM and not so much with Manitou, some spots I've found, and are notorious for this, just hold schools of small walleyes (we call them key-chains), it's fun getting the consistent action, but for all the time we've spent there, there hasn't been a larger fish to be found, fish shallow, fish the deepest channel, it doesn't seem to matter, if you find them it's fast action but all small guys



    That happens. Like I said, just depends on the body of water. Our lakes/rivers I'm sure differ from southern ontario. I've never fished down that way, so I'm not pretending to be in the know.


    The beauty of fishing, figuring it all out!



  7. Yeah... I've got spots with bigger walleye... But you only get 1-4 in a night... But they are almost all over 20 inches... And I got a 30 incher last winter...

    But I find it amazing how they are totally segragated from each other...


    I'm happy getting little ones all day tho... Those little buggers fight hard for their size...


    I kinda disagree with that MM. Mind you I have no experience on your body of water, so it very well could be different.


    The lakes I fish, we can consistently find bigger walleye on edges of the smaller ones. I think they do pair up size/age wise, but there on the edges of the smaller fish IMO. The numbers prove your on the right spot, but in my belief, those smaller fish are more active feeders. The big fish push the edges of the school expending little to no energy, then feed when they need to feed.


    Thats just my opinion though, Might not hold any weight on your bodies of water




  8. Leafs vr. Sabres again tonight!


    Trade talks reported on NHL.com have a possibility of the Leafs trading Schenn to Philly for Van Riemsdyk.


    Any thoughts Leafs fans???


    I still think Schenn has potential. It does get incredibly frustrating though watching him turn the puck over 5-6 times per game.wallbash.gif

  9. Yep, same kind of dry liquid nitrogen cold here as in Alberta. :w00t:


    lol, thanks for the reply. Thats actually a good way of putting it, lol.


    It's always bad when your using a tiger torch on your own body to keep warm. Not such a good idea tease.gif

  10. Winter seems to be setting here as well in NW Ontario. Not too cold but highs of -10-15 for the extended forecast.


    Drifter, I use to work in northern Alberta, and it would get insanely cold too. Sometimes with the windchill it could reach -60 no problem. But the air was much drier there, and it wouldn't feel as cold as in NW Ontario.


    Does that hold true for Yellowknife as well??? I mean it's still bloody cold, just a different kind of cold.


    I'm just curious

  11. On top of that, many species are also evasive. That's nature, and that's a part of how evolution takes place. Even humans are in the same boat.


    As far as these birds, it's considered different because they influence what we like to partake in, fishing and wilderness.


    It's a problem for us, because we view them as depleting our past time, and our so called resource. In reality it's not really our resource, it belongs to all of nature. Not just our "just for me mentality".


    On the other hand, we depend on unbiased scientist to count and decifer the data. They never actually do anything to correct or worsen the situation. The information is handed off to organizations etc to be dealt with. That's where the biased always enters, whether it be policy, money or whatever, scientist just tell us the numbers, and possible problems/solutions etc.


    As far as numbers go, it's vital that anglers play a part. If anglers are noticing increased numbers or absurd numbers then listen to them. Anglers watch everything on the water (for the most part) and IMO have a solid reference to what they see/experience. Anglers are like a skateboarder. A skateboarder sees an angled piece of concrete with a rail attached, he thinks "cool, I can grind that". An onlooker merely walks by without noticing the rail. Anglers are the same way on the water, noticing very detail, take their experience to further credibility.


    Dr. Sal, no personal attack, but alot of times you don't take anyones personal experience into account. And at times, come off as a real "know it all". If you actually follow science, then maybe listen and take all things into account. After all, thats what a good scientist would do, correct?


    Good thread here, carry on.



  12. i post this every time but i know most of you won't even take the time to read it.



    or how about a pie chart to summarize!



    Thats some data right there! Kuddos for that. But like many studies, scientifically speaking, the numbers are more that likely inaccurate.


    For someone touting science (in an I know it all fashion), I'm amazed that you would even post such a chart.


    Scientifically, there is no way these numbers are even close to relevant.


    You already know this, or at least I hope you do...




  13. I use the paper cd covers with the plastic window.Easy to store and you can see whats in them.




    I do the same, and mine are right in a cd holder from wal-mart I got for like $4. Zipper it up, it's compact, light and very convenient


    downside, it doesnt hold more that about 12 spinner baits





  14. Scientific evidence should be making these decisions. Science doesn't have an opinion. All it has is evidence and truth. The only concern that science has is that it is producing factual knowledge and reasonable solutions.


    These decisions should not be made by arrogant and ignorant individuals with no evidence or education to decipher evidence in the particular field of discussion. There should not be an armed uprising of the unqualified running around the countryside shooting everything they deem to be overpopulated or generally a detriment to their view of society.


    Edit: Typo


    I agree, you have to let science dictate if it's actually an issue or not.


    But science pretty much ends there, it's the organizations that the science is presented to that have to do something (or nothing) and that's where the problems arise.




  15. I wouldn't consider Lake of the Woods to be in southern Ontario. As per the artical the population probably expanded eastward into the Great Lakes region; they may very well have native to LOTW.


    Northwestern Ontario, so your correct! lol.


    I read a few other articles where they say they are native to LOTW, and populations are around the 15,000 mark??? No idea where that number comes from? On LOTW and Rainy Lake i've seen 100,000 plus in a freakin hour




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