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Posts posted by manitoubass2

  1. That's great that he got one as young as he is and taught that releasing it is the right thing to do; good on you.

    I keep asking my wife when could we go visit her brother.

    She knows me all to well though; "you don't want to see him, you want to go fishing". He lives about 20 minutes from the Fraser River and there's all kinds of guides in his area that are set up for surgeon.

    One day I'll get there; maybe?





    And lol.


    Those Frasier river sturgeon are a different beast! Def. On my bucket list one day!


    Here the get about 8ft 100-120lbs. Nothing like the Frasier


    And obviously live release is the only option. He is status, but no way would he keep it.


    1. Daddy taught him well

    2. Sturgeon can be smoked but you want about a 50lber

    3. I've never smoked one in my life so I'd have no clue?

    4.my wife's uncle smokes a few per year and we get 2-3lbs.


    Zero reason for us to ever keep one

  2. All these teams these days, want young and speed. They need guys like Yag, to share the wealth he has on how to keep your head on straight. Some one that has been there and done it many times. I like that he has grown back the hair. Nothing wrong with being older, and acting young. LOL

    totally agree. And he has the talent to back it up as well.


    He's basically a freak of nature. The numbers he puts up at his age, in this day of age, is remarkable!


    No doubt one of the best to ever do it


    He speaks, you listen

  3. Alcohol, bullet proof youthfulness and water late at night. A formula for disaster. I think we can all say we've been there done that at least once when we were unstoppable and young.


    Condolences to the unfortunate friends and family. A waste of life, just a waste, tragic. It will happen again unfortunately, and probably sooner than later.

    Yep, been there


    Tragedy for sure. I feel for those that lost.

  4. Back in the sixty's I was fishing with my dad on the Ottawa river near Petawawa and I said I got a big fish,after about 5 minutes dad said you just snagged a big stick off the bottom and put the net down and went back to fishing but I kept up the fight and low and behold this 20lb dinosaur emerged along side of the boat. What a rush and that was the last time dad EVER disbelieved I had a fish on.



    Hahaha awesome!



    I always wondered why all manufactures, don't bring back a small sled. Something ice anglers could use, without breaking the bank. Not all of us are trail riders and need speed demin machines. Give the ATV retailers, a run for their money.

    Agreed. I don't need a machine that goes 117mph to go ice fishing

  6. awesome its been on my bucket list for over 40 years and still is, way to go champ congradulations

    Can't target them but if ya ever walleye fish rainy river in the spring/fall your almost guaranteed to catch one


    And thanks, he's still so pumped!


    It's crappie out(windy and rainy) but we're heading out again for walleye(hopefully some good eaters for supper tonight)

  7. As a matter of fact I'm making a chowder now fresh scallops lobster and haddock cook it all in the potato water some onions salt and pepper and a good wollop of buter and let simmer 10 mins before serving some coffee cream and bobs your uncle should last me all week at work it's always way better after it gets a night in the fridge bought a nice oatmeal bread from a women on the side of the road very friendly

    And my partner is now 40 mins away

    Fire in the stove and one ready to go outside


    LIFE IS GOOD!!!!!

    Living the life!



  8. Went out twice walleye fishing from shore today. Beauty of a day! Sunny, +16 with a decent wind gust.


    He got into some dink walleye right away in the 10-13" range. Landed maybe 20-25 walleye in a few hours. He kept 3.


    Decided to head back down for a second crack. No luck on the walleye but I hear him yell "fish on"!


    Looks like a big Walter, but as he fights it's clear to me it's a small sturgeon. It surfaces and he starts yelling " it's a friggin sturgeon"!


    Good 3-4 minute fight and he lands it. I'm yelling at him to be careful as the back is razor sharp. No worries, he pops out the hook and holds her up to show me.


    Nice healthy sturgeon! Maybe 20-25" long, but it's his first and he's beyond stoked!


    Very happy for him. A few quick pics and released to hopefully live another 100 years.


    For all you sturgeon anglers, 3/8ths oz jig with a chartreuse yum grub 25 fow lol.


    Woot woot!

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