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Posts posted by manitoubass2

  1. 3 vehicles in the ditch today within a block of our house lol.


    A 1500 Dodge, and two chrysler SUVs. I'm not blaming the vehicles, it's the drivers I'm sure, I just found it funny(it's only a 3 ft ditch on a corner so I'm sure everyone is ok)


    Last night my daughter's boyfriend shows up in his Dodge 2500 with a 20ft trailer to help us move. He goes through the field because it's really the only way to get it to the back door. He gets it through a 10" dip no prob, after a 75 point turn gets the trailer in position, unhooks it. Back out and gets stuck in the lil dip plus maybe 6" of snow/slush.


    He's pissed, trying to rock it out, not working. I offer to pull him out, nope.


    He's stuck for a good 10-15 mins, so I crawl through with our gmc in 2wd, waving and laughing. Now he's pissed.


    I go around the block, hop in the traverse and do the same lol, now he's REALLY pissed!


    I offer again to haul him out with our lil all wheel drive traverse ???. Again he declines.


    Finally he gets out of that lil dip but again gets stuck in the open field. I'm dying laughing. A friggen car could drive through this zero issues.


    Anyhow, after trying multiple runs he gets out.


    Moral of the story? I don't care what make of truck you have, if your tires suck, your not going anywhere lol




    Nick lidstrom did it without being physical...his stick work might be the greatest of all time.


    I remember watching a show about him and guys basically said lidstrom would look like he was still 20 feet away from you while you were carrying the puck, but then hed have the puck.

    Lidstrom was a freak of nature.


    I remember when he was a draft pick and I was just young and still collecting hockey cards.


    I'm obviously a leafs fan but back then I also cheered on Detroit because of yzerman.


    I had saved probably 30-40 lidstrom rookie cards in hopes he would become a star.


    Pretty funny to think about, but he was pretty much amazing right outta the gate. As he matured it was rediculous how good he was.


    As a kid, my Bobby or was Paul coffee, but lidstrom, I always was a huge fan. No ego, no crap talk, just straight up skill and probably one of the best hockey senses ever

  3. the only two things that matter on any vehicle


    the tires and the brakes...the rest is for your pleasure.

    Good thing I have both lol. Should see where I am south of kenora right now.


    Huge rainstorm turned frozen. Road is maybe 10-12 feet wide, solid ice, hills and turns, broken trees everywhere.


    Good test for the new truck. Feels like I just drove into Narnia or something lol

  4. Many vehicle include VSC and it saved my life or at least from running off the road with boat in trail hitting shoulder stones one time while returning with the flu. I would never turn that off in my Tundra.

    That's great! Glad you like it. It's not for me

  5. Traction control is one of the worst gadgets ever installed in a vehicle IMO.


    I hear ya Chris, my mom's Jeep did the same darn thing and it had no option to disable it like most other vehicles.


    I seriously consider traction control to be a major hazard in winter driving.


    I just had to show my wife how dangerous it is in the snow like 2 weeks ago.


    After a good demonstration she's agrees, turn the darn thing off!


    Yep, plenty of Tundras out West.

    I'll be purchasing a LTD in the next few years so it's paid for by the time I retire.

    A nice little retirement present for myself. :)

    Nice! I'm jealous.


    I'll be sticking out my brand new Silverado though for quite awhile lol.


    But hopefully one day I'll have my tundra

  7. My wife showed me the site. She has bought non fishing stuff from there before and was satisfied. It does take a long time to receive the stuff though.


    I bought a few baits, some braid at a fraction of the price of Power Pro and a hand held wireless transducer fish finder ($30) I hope to use when portaging into back lakes.


    I'm still waiting and haven't got anything yet.


    Any experiences? is this gonna be a Chinese garbage let down?

    My gawd I hope it works out!


    My wife binge shops on there and it drives me nuts lol. Everything shows up and seems good quality though. She bought me a wireless Bluetooth speaker and it's awesome!


    Their shipping sucks something fierce though. She's complained about packages showing up 2 months later

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