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Posts posted by manitoubass2

  1. Cranks, spinner/trailer etc.


    I'm trying to cover water for big fish, senkos are to slow unless Texas rigged but it's not that good of a method up here.


    Maybe in a cold front or if I can't seem to get bit I'm throwing a senko. Actually even then I'm probably dropshot or shakeyhead first


    I'm not knocking senkos, they work. But maybe better down there than up here? Or your just a better angler than me? Lol who knows???

  2. Exactly. My Uncle from Western NY and I drove down to St. Louis to see his brother, my uncle, and rather than cross at Buffalo I chose to make the return at Detroit and take the much better and faster 401. Passport requirements had just came into play and he didn't have one. He lost it on the Customs Officer. She calmly told him it wasn't our Queen that made the Passport requirement it was his President Bush 2. Then let us through.


    Another M2B2 and JD hi-jacking, sorry.

    No prob brother. I used to ride my bike across the border for work in the US and since my gma was former customs, they'd just wave me though.


    Shortly after 9/11 I was going to work, got flagged in and searched. I was detained for about 4-6 hours. Since I didn't have a passport or my birth certificate on me, it was totally different. It wasn't the normal crew. They started rotating customs officers from all over. I had to go to international falls court and pay for a duplicate of my birth certificate with a police escort.


    Did that and I was still denied entry.


    So then at Canadian customs I also had to fill out a report and documents as to why I was detained and not granted access to cross. That took another 2-hours or so.


    Haven't been in the US since. Call me salty because that's exactly what I am.


    I was treated like dirt by my own home country.


    I have a passport now, but I'll likely never visit my home country again

  3. Geography is not a priority to not just Yanks but us Canucks as well. Many of my well educated relatives down south couldn't point out California on a map let alone anywhere in Europe. Most haven't left the state they were born in other than to visit here. I invited all to an Open House in Hamilton last spring for Dad's 90th. More than a few were turned back at the border because they didn't have a passport. What's it been since one is required, 2001?

    Shortly after 9/11

  4. I've been an on again off again user of scents.


    Mainly gulp(the bottle kind) but I'll use minnows etc in the prepackaged gulp bags.


    I still believe that nocotine stained hands is a major deterrent unless using live bait


    The worst baits I ever used and seemed to actually not catch fish was trigger x.

  5. In front of you at least, don't you remember when you were 17. My 15 year old girlfriends parents wanted to adopt me, 9 months later they wanted to put me in prison, and I should have been locked up.

    It's pretty apparent Johnny. He's either working, hunting or working on his truck at our house.


    Yeah he's one of those kids with a $35,000 truck and he needs to modify every part on it. Better than doing drugs/alcohol I suppose right?

  6. That's all fine but can he fish?






    Reminds me of a country song, a father meets his daughter's boyfriend



    Hey, y'all, run along and have some fun

    I'll see you when you get back

    Bet I'll be up all night

    Still cleanin' this gun

    He's more of a hunter but yes he can fish too

  7. When My daughter started dating, all the neighbourhood boys were terrified of meeting "The Dad". And if they weren't scared before meeting me, they certainly were after. Most boyfriends did not last long.

    I hear ya! And they should be scared. That's where respect is earned or not earned.


    Our other daughter brought a boy home for us to meet and he never lasted 20 minutes before I put him in the truck, drive him home and told him not to ever return


    That's a weird story though for another day

  8. Can you send him 2000 kilometers this way Rick. Driveway here could use a little touch-up. :)


    Sounds like a great young lad. But really, aren't most when they're after our daughters....?


    Keep a watchful eye. lol. ;)

    7 months was too long of a chase for me at that age lol.


    Nah he's just a good kid. I'm sure they're up to no good at some times but he sure isn't me at 17.


    All I ask from the wife is she limits a little information so I don't go ape....


    Fun thing this kids growing into young adults lol. Might need blood pressure meds soon...

  9. So my daughter has a boyfriend now. First time I've ever dealt with this and was pretty friggin skeptical at first.


    7 months later, this kid is like my friggin son lol. He can cook, clean and most importantly, work.


    Doesn't smoke, or drink, or do drugs...


    Anyhow, during last week's immense rain, he created a large rut in our driveway. I wasn't happy and told him. "Give me a week sir and it'll be fixed" he replied.



    Shows up today, "hey Rick, I'll have some material here later to fix the driveway"




    Low and behold he shows up with a trailer full of sand. Then a old loader. Packs it's nicely under my guidance


    Leaves, shows up with a trailer of crushed rock. Same thing.


    Good kid! They are the minority these days.


    Good thing we move this week and I wasn't concerned about it anyhow lol


    Good on ya young man! This guy is gonna go places

  10. I'm surprised the comments here aren't 100x worse.


    I do recall it being mentioned some people use giant treble hooks or multiple circle hooks on a line to do this.


    Sounds rediculous to me


    But what do I know? No salmon near me so....


    To the OP at least your asking. I also applaud your "I thought I'd ask before I tried it" comment. At least you're making an effort to be legal in your methods

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