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Posts posted by manitoubass2

  1. Crazy, scary thought it could happen again at any moment too, have you gotten the all clear?

    All clear now but they are actively looking for a source


    Im outta this house soon so hopefully it's all well till we move, and also for the next family that moves in

  2. Woke up this morning to the smell of rotten eggs. Brought the fam outside immediately thinking possible Gas leak.


    Gas company arrives, no reading.


    I didn't feel comfortable returning right away so we waited. Rather than get lesser, it got worse.


    Gas guy again, zero readings.


    Popped into my head, we live near a lagoon which could produce h2s.


    Call 911, fire and rescue shows up in scbas, and low and behold, h2s positive. But low level. Still enough to be concerned.


    Thank you for oilfield experience!


    That possible could killed us all


    Now to figure out how the h2s is only reaching our house????


    Long are day of being outside in the heat with the whole family waiting for resolve


    Anyhow, many gasses smell like rotten eggs(usually due to additives), but if you smell it, and haven't cooked eggs lol, get the hell out asap and call 911

  3. Same thing, Salmon, as in the Fraser BC, they will fight to breed. You are right, no in, but spread! The Jenes.


    Different species have different ways to carry on the species.


    B is just asking if they do it! Lol he knows they do. That mother catches to many fish so they have to have a three sum! GO get them B.


    Seven is good, I had four, all out and doing very well!, but they come back once a week! THey must know the river, lol all good Rick!

    Lol, such a good post!



    See, HE, gets it.


    Just another day.




    They say, for better or worse. Sickness and health, golfing or fishing,,,,,,,,



    I DO



    Lol so true. A few years back my wife forgot my birthday. It was 4 or 5 days later till I got the big surprise party.


    She cried about forgetting it.


    I had to laugh because I didnt even remember it hahahah. Just another day

  5. Looks like it's downgraded to a category 4. Weather Network says the entire coast will be batter throughout the day and into tomorrow.


    They report already 600,000 without electricity.


    The report also shows "potential flood depths" mainly 4-6ft on the east coast and higher on the west coast, Naples area being the highest at 12-15ft


    Gonna be a horrible story to watch develope.

  6. If i lived in a decent hurricane built place down there, i would stay too.


    Not for the birds....


    Just watched on the news a guy who is sticking it out. He lives on the 4th floor of a building built to class 5 specs. Said he had plenty of food and water, and lots of weed....lol....i had to laugh.



    Hahaha epic! A good indica or shatter hell probably sleep through the storm. And wake up wondering wth happened lol
  7. I just don't get these people. I said to my wife last week, what's so dumb about the idea of boarding up the house, loading up the car and heading north for a 1-2 week family vacation? Got pets? find a boarder in a weather safe state and drop them off. Make it a holiday that everyone enjoys without the terror of being in a storm. Ontario residents drive to Florida every damn year...drive home and visit family. What you go back to is going to be what it is regardless of whether you spend two days clinging to the bathtub or not!! And really, wouldn't you have everything you really cared about safe and sound in the car anyway?


  8. That's why I enjoy our phone calls lol


    Serious though, I have 6 friends in the area, 4 evacuated days before mandatory. They are well stalked and up in Atlanta.


    2 waited a day and now it's crunch time. No way to evacuate, some supplies but not all I suggested. Bless them



    Word is gas is out basically all though Georgia(south).


    No idea if that's true or not but that's what the hemmies told me


    I can't remember the names, but I think 2 others are in Irma's wake


    All I can say is good luck, and I hope. You are all prepared

  9. Yeah I think it was you! Originally I was thinking it was Stan vlotaros but that's awesome. Stan and I fish them often.


    That's the game plan for Saturday too up in northwest bay!


    Your not rubbing it in man, lac seul is friggin amazing when ya find em!


    Big walleye around here the best bet is lac seul, rainy lake and lotws, no doubt!

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