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Posts posted by manitoubass2

  1. I picked up a Daiwa Procyon 2500 from Canadian Tire on clearance for $75.00 (regular $150). Can't speak to the longevity but it is definitely the smoothest reel I've ever used. I bought a cool stand so I won't have to lay it on the pier like my usual shore fishing rods.


    The Daiwa Revros on clearance for $49.99 at CT is a good deal too. It's no Stradic, but you won't find a smoother reel for $50.00.

    My son has two diawa revros. Nice reel at that price point.

  2. I have lots of OLD shimano spinning reels that still work perfectly to this day. I have 2 pfleugers that dont work any more. I really liked the pfleugers when I got them, but they just don't hold up like a shimano does.


    I have a few diawas that are tough too.


    For me its all about getting gear that can take a beating. If it doesn't last, I don't want it, especially reels. I can get away with cheaper rods, but the reel is important.



    Yep. I have two pfluegers and awesome reels outta the box but mine bit the dust after 3-4 seasons


    CI4 is hands down my best reels, but those stay in the boat and don't take a beating like my shorefishing reels do


    For shorefishing my best reels are okuma avengers, only like $40-$50 and take a heavy beating and still work like the day I bought them. I'd highly recommend them for shorefishing or even for the kiddos rods(if they still make them that is)

  3. MB2 - I think your kids (real number) would be more than any crowd you might get at a picnic table...what would that be, about 8? Of course if you take the suggestion to name it Free Beer, all bets are off on what kind of turnout you'd get - I'd wanna see the video of that!



    I was thinking of calling it trolling cheapshots, and laughing as we enjoy ourselves????


    only if i can rock the pink fur coat like killa cam


    manitou i think ive told you i collect vinyl...its not a massive collection, but its got the classics and a few rare gems


    my favourite of the collection is this single on vinyl



    Hahaha sure!


    And wow! I tried sooo friggen hard back in the day to get funcrusher plus on vinyl.. I did get the CD and cassette, but never vinyl.


    Also, yes you probably told me, I just forgot.


    My vinyl collection is weak compared to others. One of my gems is DJ revolution in 12's we trust(for newer stuff anyhow, if you could call it newer)


    Oh I got some hiero on vinyl too. Cabfare, step to my girl, etc


    Oh roc raida too (rip) and jmt violent by design, my favorite album ever aside from funcrusher plus

  5. I think you should call it the fishinwishinhuntingruntingettinnuthin show band. Sellout capacity crowds at a picnic table near you!



    60 mill in the bank. I'd rather not have a crowd at my place. Just our 679 kids and friends


    What's the TX on 60 mill anyhow? Probably only walk out with 45 ish?


    Dumb story. I was in Minnesota with my auntie probably around 1998 or so. I heir lottery, forget what it's called??? Was won at the location my aunt bought tickets while we were there


    It was retarded, like 210 million or something. Grocery store was surrounded by cops escorting the lady out.

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