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Posts posted by manitoubass2

  1. This one was dumb, not me but a coworker on the drill



    We had this testing company working with us and every 5-10 or 15ft they'd need a sample to send off for testing.


    So they used melted wax to cap the ends to keep the moisture content stable.


    Well one day they super heated their wax pot and the wax caught on fire.


    What's he do? Throws a big pile of water on it???? thing went up like a bomb!


    Thankfully he was fine, and after a good half hour laugh I had to tell him the easy way to put out the fire....



  2. Last summer I had to use some survey equipment to do soil samples at the gold mine. The plot I was in was probably 15km into thick bush(I mean really thick swampy moose type area)


    Takes me about two hours to get to the destination. Apon arrival I realised I didn't have the survey equipment???? I spent t the whole shift trying to find where it fell out of the gator.


    By the time I found it I was completely lost. No cell connection and my hand held wouldn't even pick up a satellite.


    I'm thinking I'm pretty screwed when I remembered I had a compass in my pocket the whole time


    So that day I basically made $360 for getting lost and almost losing a $10,000 piece of equipment.


    Pretty embarrassing at the safety meeting the next morning lol


    *Oh, and when I got my bearings I was about 5 minutes from a road lol



    Exactly why I remained in the truck, one of the symptoms of rabies in animals is when they are unusually docile.


    Lol reminds me of the 8 billion foxes hanging out at the mine last summer. Left my truck window down and a fox hopped in and tried to snag my lunch lol


    Brave lil guys

  4. The Sens played a smart game by pressuring the Leaf defence all night. I question why the Leafs can't get up for a Sens game. It's ok to lose but not ok to get out worked.

    Yep, lots giveaways especially in the first two periods.


    The third period was exciting/frustrating though lol.


    Sens played a really good plan and then had the bounces when it counted.


    Also refs, give it up on the faceoffs already, Jesus that's rediculous!

  5. I used to think skunks were kinda territorial.


    About 30 years ago we had a skunk ripping open garbage nightly so my grandpa had my uncle bring out a pellet gun and a piece flank steak.


    I joined just to watch


    At dark he put out the steak in a semi lit area and we just sat there. After about 5 minutes we got the skunk!


    Until 5 more minutes past lol. You could literally sit out all night shooting skunks.


    Their populations must be HUGE

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