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Posts posted by manitoubass2

  1. 43 minutes ago, DRIFTER_016 said:

    Back in the 80's I was out on Simcoes laker grounds 12 miles out.

    The hut operator took us out in the Bombardier in the AM and we started fishing.

    Sometime around lunch there was a huge rumbling and the hut jumped nearly a foot up off the ice and a fountain of water came up through the 4'X6' hole!!!!  :o:o

    Everyone piled out of the huts to see what the heck just happened.

    Nothing to be seen anywhere.  :blink:

    When the outfitter came to pick us up at the end of the day he told us a large pressure crack formed and he could not go over it so we would need to climb over and walk the last little bit.

    We get to the pressure crack which had formed 20 or 30' from shore and was 15-20 feet high!!!!

    It went on for miles in both directions.

    Must have been awesome to see it let go. The amount of energy released must have been huge.

    Almost like an earthquake on the ice.

    An icequake!!!!  :lol:

    Similar thing happen to me on lake Superior. I nearly soiled myself

  2. Oh man lol

    Sled and I went through the ice 2 years ago. Thank God I was wearing a suit. Retrieved my sled in the spring but it's pooched.

    Took a buddy out for his first time I've fishing rainy river and we headed out in the evening. Walleye bite was hot and he's having the time of his life. Walleye bite dies off and the ling turn on. He gets the first and I've never seen someone so afraid of a fish??? hes got line wrapped like crazy as he lands it and the looks and sounds he sqeels as he unhooks it and the ling is wrapping around his arm????



  3. 52 minutes ago, DJGeneral said:

    Majority of my friends are criminals lol

    from drug dealers to gang bangers to scam/fraud artists

    thank god i dont hang with them anymore

    all three have been shot and lucky to have lived

    and in call three cases i was supposed to be there

    thank god i didnt end up going cuz i could have been shot too or worse maybe dead


    Damn! I got caught in some teenage gangbang scuffle in grande prairie and it was scary stuff!

    All I did was cross the road and two cars started firing on each other and I happened to be in the middle of it.

    No idea how close but I could hear the bullets so pretty darn close!

    Also, around age 17-20, my uncle robbed the beer store and did 9 months lol. Worst attempt ever! Broke in the front, couldn't get to the beer, surrendered as soon as he heard sirens (cop shop is like 5 blocks away) 


    By the way my uncle is super friendly and everyone loves the dood.

    But, when he was in jail over that beer store incident, he was bunked up with this guy that was like 80's personified.

    They both were getting out the same day so me and my buddies bought beers.

    They get home(had zero idea this other dood was coming) and we party. Both them pass out REALLY quick

    They get up and start drinking again.

    This weird dood starts getting riled up and he's fighting with my buddy so we kicked his you know what and threw him out

    2 days later I hear he was arrested in Duluth Minnesota where he escaped jail (I think in Minneapolis?) For stabbing a guy to death


    Also, when heading back to work from fort Frances to grande prairie, I was supposed to take the bus the same day of the beheading on the bus in Manitoba. I just happened to not be ready and delay my ticket by a day. Man you should have seen the security after that!

  4. 20 minutes ago, Old Ironmaker said:

    M2B2, you should contact CTV to film a reality show up there. More s&%t happens to you in a month than most shows on TV in 6 months. You told me you grew up in the mean streets in the States then moved here. Which is it?

    Id say we are pretty even.


    Small towns in NW Ontario are pretty bad. Probably not too much worse than other areas, but seems like it because you know almost everyone???


    Also, in high school my friend was kidnapped and chopped into pieces, found months later up cedar narrows area. Turns out she had an affair with an older guy and got pregnant. The older dood and his wife later confessed to mutilating her and burying her in the woods. 

    Not only was she(victim) a friend,the murderer lived just a block down.


    Another one, my parents friends child that I grew up with was killed via shotgun blast by her husband.


    Lotsa murders this way for such small communuties

  5. 49 minutes ago, chris.brock said:

    True story.

    I was solo camping at a State Park in Texas, the off season, not many people around. Another guy pulled in a few sites down. We ended up hanging out and chatting at my campfire for a couple hours at night, slamming beers.

    I would put my beer down on the picnic table and walk to the edge of the bush when I had to pee. Suddenly, like a switch was thrown, I was high as a kite and my head was spinning. I said gonna call it a night, he said ok, good night and disappeared quickly. I stumbled a few steps and collapsed into the dry, desert dirt. I rolled over on my back and I could see the guy standing over me in the flickering fire light, then I passed out.

    A very weird drug. I was conscious but immobile. I knew what was happening and was sure I was going to get killed or raped but I wasn't panicked, it was as if I was watching it all unfold from outside my body, if that makes any sense.


    Did anything happen? That's insane! Sounds like ketamine to me


  6. 14 minutes ago, Sterling said:


    Lol ANOTHER neighbor


    Lotsa crazy stuff happens around here.


    This one was about my daughter and nephew being lured into a house by a pedophile.


    We spent Canada day in the police station filing reports etc.


    Glad my dad instincts kicked in on that one!

    Geoff knows, I almost lost my mind

  7. 2 hours ago, Geoff W said:

    When I was 17'ish a guy 2 homes over from me I found out was a BAD MAN.  I'd see his car's not parked right some times (in the snow bank or even on the lawn) and figured he had a few and drove.  He has seen me on my dirtbike so he came over one day and asked me to help him break in his new Ninja 750R so I said sure I'll come get the keys in 1 hour.  I went, went in the house to be brought to the basement to get the helmet and key.  Well that was in a hidden room that had many, MANY gun's and items.  He gave me gas money and said bring it back in two days.  So of course I did what I was asked after seeing what I had seen.  So I show up and he opens the door and said "come back in after 8pm as I don't want you to meet the people in my house" yet all I needed to do was hand him the key and helmets.  So again I listened.  

    A few days to a week later I'm trying to get home to my folks place and SWAT had a bunch of trucks there and told me I couldn't get any closer to the area.  I left and called my dad to tell him I won't be there for dinner.  He went out and spoke to them and told my dad (he's an ex-cop) to escort me through the area if I cam back right then and there. 

    I'm now home and in the backyard having a smoke and I hear a voice say "get in the house now!" so I  say "dad I'm just having a smoke" to get a reply from the other side of the fence saying "I'm not your dad" and he flashed a flashlight off and on quickly.  

    So turns out the guy 2 door down went to an Apt building and blew a shotgun hole through a door looking for someone.  Oh and he was a drug lord... 



    You know the story on my ex neighbor!

  8. My childhood friend(3-4 years older than me) was the nicest dood ever.

    His mom and dad babysat me many times as we lived directly across the street. All our family and his we're friends.

    One night I went out with a buddy to shoot hoops at like 2am since it was so hot earlier. Got home around 4 ish


    Woke up to ambulances and police everywhere.

    Jamie(my friend) was shot in the guts with a 12 gauge, he said by an old uncle drug addict visiting from the US

    Turns out he(Jamie) murdered his own parents while they slept in their beds. Then shot himself 

    Google search Jamie perlett fort Frances murders


    I've got plenty more but this one was gnarly

  9. The deer numbers here have been insane! Moose too.

    I couldn't partake this year because of injury but I was gifted a nice doe! The dogs sure appreciate their carcass!

    About a month ago I had to head to kenora and just before souix narrows I seen the biggest buck I've ever seen in person. It's probably up on someone's wall now lol. Man was it THICK!

  10. 11 hours ago, Moosebunk said:

    Those scutes are razors... Teach 'em the safe ways.

    Leah loved her sturgeon fishing this fall too.

    I bet! Sooooo fun!

    Yeah there really is only one safe way to handle them, especially the youngins.

    Hold by the tail, pop the hook out preferably with pliers, keep holding the tail, use other hand to support under the belly.

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