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Everything posted by bullybass

  1. Bluegillzilla... woohoo!!!
  2. WOW!!!! so very cool!
  3. So true misfish!!!! I think I am in love!!!!
  4. That's awesome!!!! Happy belated!!!
  5. Yes I do love my TV shows... hahaha... I too was holding on hoping for more!!! Not sure if you have ever given Fringe a chance but I downloaded and really enjoyed it. ... and got completely sucked into Smallville as well.... what are you going to do? It's Superman!!! bullybass
  6. I will second Californication.... great show!!! and the lesser known and horribly shot one season show... Lucky Louie... definitely not for the kids but some of the stuff they come up with in there... hilarious!!!!
  7. I say go for it. When are you going to get this kind of opportunity again? Be smart about it and make sure they kick in some living expenses and stuff but 3 years can go by really quick!!!! You may find that you don't ever want to come back!!! Good Luck with whatever you choose!! bullybass
  8. Wow... great report!!! Your wife is very talented!!! Amazing details to that painting!!!
  9. WOW. Now that is a beautiful jumbo if ever I saw one... nice job!!!
  10. If they like the bass so much how bout something like this? My wife would kill me if I spent that kinda money on a lure but... hey who knows!!! good luck to you!! http://www.shoptimusprime.com/sites/4/imag...epa3asepe8y.jpg http://www.castaicswimbait.com/Rock-Hard-Baby-Bass/8/
  11. Thanks very much. We did not have a scale with us... on shore in the van... so we only got the length and it was 11.5 " approximately... as you can see half his tail is missing... he is a scrapper and has narrowly escaped being eaten by pike likely... old codger!!! hahaha
  12. I agree that it looks like a pumpkinseed after checking out all the info.... thanks guys. My bro said that he would have kept it and had it mounted for sure... but I don't think that I could do that and I am certain that my wife wouldn't have went along with that. If it indeed was a pumpkinseed then it was definitely a record according to that site for Ontario... since that record sits 1 lb and 10 inches... damn I should have taken better pictures... I guess I will have to go back and see if I can get some more slabs!!! Thanks for all the replies everyone...he was great to catch!!! P.S. We always said that there was something weird about this little lake in the fact that the fish are so strong... no matter what the size... I guess there really must be some steroids in there... bullybass
  13. So I went to the Perth area for our bass opener... 3 hour drive from Newcastle. We hammered the bass... nothing really over 3 pounds though and the pads weren't really up yet... but still between my bro-in-law and I we caught and lost about 100 bass... the norm for here... all largemouth... He caught a nice little pike and we got 2 beautiful take home walleye... his 5.4 lbs and mine 3 ish lbs... he was kicking my butt on all the usual... species race... amount... largest... first fish.... ... but I got fish of the day with this beauty... 12 inches plate size... largest bluegill either of us has ever seen caught... I know.. crazy... but wow... no weight on it but... it was chunky and feisty... Great day was had... toothy bugger so I made him lip the fish and hold it beside my head!!! bullybass
  14. I never understand the disdain that people have towards these unionized employees and their "above average wages". I have seen so many times that the labour costs associated with cars produced to be around 7-10% of the cost of said car. Do you really think that if the union decided that they would take a huge pay cut that the consumer would see any benefit to this. The fat cat upper management would just end up sucking this saving in via enormous bonuses... likely associated with getting the union to take the cut in the first place. Would the cost of the cars go down because of this? I don't think so. The only thing that is going to make the cost go down is competition with all the other companies out there... along with desperation with the current situation. Just my 2 cents but last time I checked houses still cost on average $200,000 + for anything decent. How does one afford that working for $12/hr at a manufacturing facility where things like pension and safety take a back seat to the owner getting rich? Not to mention having to pay the $100+/month for any health benefits... ever been to the dentist without benefits... not to mention going with your whole family!!! bullybass
  15. With the American government holding a 60% share of the American company that controls GM Canada... how on earth would the American government let any jobs go to Canadians instead of Americans. Just my .02 cents but I think GM is going to be done in Canada by the end of 2010... other than trying to sell us cars.
  16. Very nice shot Brandon!!! Congratulations!!
  17. Why would you sell the golden goose???? Leafs will never sell with the amount of sellouts they have... and the fanbase being so loyal... it doesn't matter if they win or not... the suits are still going to buy up all the seats!!! tragic really being a leaf-fan!!! it would be nice to have ownership that cared about winning and putting a good team on the ice!!
  18. That seems like it will be very helpful to a newb like myself... Thanks Hellfish!! bullybass
  19. Very sorry to hear the news about the skin cancer... ... however the photographs are very good... crisp and clear and show such character... with a very good depth of field... well done!! bullybass
  20. Last year I caught one down the trail at Bowmanville Creek. My wife loved it as... when I picked it up... it apparently had a bodyguard. Somehow a fire ant got under the shirtsleeve of my t-shirt and began biting me as I picked up the snake!!! Swelled up immediately and hurt like hell. I don't think I will ever live that down.... hahaha
  21. ROFLMAO.... love that video!!! why wouldn't you bring T-Pain... hahaha
  22. bullybass


    There is a great Canon photography forum that I find chocked full of great info and pictures to browse. http://photography-on-the.net/forum/index.php. It has been very helpful to me so far as I am a newbie with an XSi that is about 2 months or so old now... loving it... have a great time with it.
  23. I agree I really like the chain picture too. Nice colour and composition.
  24. Thanks a lot guys!!! That shot was the only one of the 3 not in automatic.... hahaha
  25. Hi All, Went to the zoo with the kids yesterday and got some ok pics I think... Thanks for looking bullybass
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