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Everything posted by snoil

  1. High school daze. Wow lots of Goddo fans,me too.How about Frank Soda?Exploding the tv on his head night after night.Zon?Coney Hatch?Copper Penny?Even saw Rush in a high school, Etobicoke C.I. Also saw Max Webster and Triumph.Man betcha todays kids don't get acts like that to high school "dances" anymore.
  2. Elephant lake,Batiste and i believe Benoir form a 3 lake chain in the Bancroft area.Close to Haliburton as well.Lots and lots of smaller lakes in the area.3 hours from Toronto.I love it.
  3. A for effort.
  4. Boat and/or enjoy the Rockcliffe...
  5. Good luck Jer.We were booked there this weekend.Have rescheduled for March9th.Let me know how you make out if in fact you do get your trip in.
  6. Maybe for some but not for me.
  7. Nothing at home in Etobicoke or here at work in Oakville.Guess the big storm missed us...
  8. They are terrible aren't they?Watching on a 19 inch makes them look even worse.
  9. ice yes ice hopefully on Nipissing by Jan 1st. Yes i know fat chance.
  10. Yep 5th-7th here.Fingers are crossed.
  11. Saw an article in the paper when we were in Dover this summer.Apparently its a local greenhouse/nursery that rents them out and stores them for you in the winter.Said lots of people were using them around backyard swimming pools.Was a nice touch to the beach area,although the one day we were there it was windy and about 19 degrees.And that was in July.
  12. Same umm er boat as you Jer.We usually go to Birch Hill and are also going to Promised Land the week before you.I'll let you know how we make out.
  13. Yes i support our troops but like others i don't own any red clothing.Also have to wear a uniform.
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