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Mike the Pike

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Everything posted by Mike the Pike

  1. Glen. I no longer hold pike through the gill plate inside the mouth near its tongue.I have been cut too many times by those toothy critters so the small ones are held like that and the bigs ones get held with a glove.I am a woose when it comes to pike.So be it no more cuts for me.I now prefer the 2 hand slime hold. MTP
  2. Your Pimp my Ride vessel is coming along can't wait to see the final product.Are you going to install storage doors in the floors for storage under the floor?Just an Idea I will do when I build my casting platform. MTP
  3. Have a great time fishing; like Clampet says high on my list of places to fish also.Say Hi to Kevin and jenifer at Merlands.Send lots of pics of Walleye. MTP
  4. Great family report Cliff.Won't be long and believe me the litlle one will out fish you. MTP
  5. Got out yesterday on the Richelieu River launched in a town called Sabrevois 10 Miles from the US border.Felt good to be back in the comfort and safety of my 18 foot Lund after flipping my 12ft tinny on vacation. Decided to go out with a coworker of mine and he brought his son and I brought my fishfinder my son Ryan. Here are some pics. Double header of Perch.They were hungry Sunday. Ryan doing what he loves. Julien who is ten caught his 2nd fish of his life took him awhile but the boy was happy. This is what I came for there are plenty of Pike on the Richelieu River. The boys actually saw 2 pike checking out their jigs beside the boat. Gerard far back my son Ryan on the left and Julien on the right. Ryan caught some crayfish while we took the boat out of the water. Stopped of at a farm to pick up some vegetables while the boys enjoyed the animals. A great few hours on the water between father's and son's. Mike the Pike
  6. Now let the trolling begin, MTP
  7. Way to go MJL I wish I had of known you were going there I would have given you 2 of Long-Saults finest shore carp fishing spots.from the looks of your pics you were camping at millroches campground.I frequently camp in Long-Sault although I don't target carp I have caught some decent ones while fishing for walleye.Next time you go let me know.I know some real hot spots.MTP
  8. That was great Cliff thanks for sharing that looking forward to the OFC song.Will you be mentionning the Rednecks MTP
  9. Le Baron's usually has the Yozuri's in stock.Manns 30's are the alternative.good Luck,MTP
  10. Yozuri hydro minnows will go 25 and are 7 inches long .manns stretch 30's will go 30 feet plus and are about 8 inches good luck .MTP
  11. No those are for trackers not lunds
  12. Looking forward to the pics Darren maybe we will finally see a pic of you. Now send us the pics.MTP
  13. Oh here we go now I am going to here this all year.Toast and Roast the boat flipper. I will be back in the 18 footer sunday morning.MTP
  14. Ouch your description of the embedded lure was too perfect that I almost felt your pain glad to hear after all that you caught some fish .Thanks to Roy I always keep cutters on board. Hope it heels quickly be safe. MTP
  15. When you get old like GCD its all in your brain.He is just dissapointed that he could not display his half naked ass up in Lakair due to a little cold front Oh and he has those cottin sweaters too Southern woosy Red devil #1 ,mepps spinners long Rapalas big spoons and don't forget leaders.
  16. Too bad 007 about the bad experience but not all trips are like this.As for the late night parties a quick call to security at most provincial parks are usually taken care of promply.The rangers can hand out $150.00 dollar fines if they want to.next time if this happens just play some music loud in the morning .There lack of sleep from their late night party will be taken care of with your tunes.I usually ask my kids to be loud in the morning if people had no respect the night before.The key is to complain to security.I have complained about loud music and yelling not folks who just stay up late and talk around the campfire.Oh did I mention you are really good with the rockbass Good Luck on the next trip. MTP
  17. As always I enjoy your detailed reports and the many fish that are caught .Thanks fo taking the time to upload all those pics. MTP
  18. Fine report Chris always love pics of happy kids holding fish.Looks like a great family vacation MTP
  19. I was waiting for your report Kenny too bad about the fishing but Eastlake is great for that.Despite your limited access in the canoe it sounds like you had a good vacation.I hope you have more pics for us MTP.
  20. Well thanks for all the great comments and support folks .After the mishap I actually went fishing in my brother inlaws 12 foot tinny in Northern Quebec minus my 8hp Yamaha which I am still trying to start.Brought the electric motor and this got us around the lake boy the thought of capsizing went through my mind numerous times the fishing sucked but I did manage to catch a little smally before the cold front; I will post a report soon of my trip up North.I will have to replace my net to me the rubber nets are the best for now I have my old net.My fish finder works but LCD screen is only showing a week image hopefully it will come back with time.I am now shopping around for a new camera I only buy Canon camera's and I don't need anything fancy as the wife has a Canon Rebel EOS XT.I am looking to replace my A530 with a Canon A570 for now I am using my daughters HP photo smart.In all the boat flipping mishap will cost me about $500 but I am just glad to be still breathing.Good to be back online our computer was down for 3 days due to a virus Man I was really missing OFC. Ryan and I are going out in the morning in the comfort and safety of my much bigger Lund.Hopefully we will have something to report. Mike the Pike
  21. Now that was an awesome report thanks for taking the time to put it all together .Congrats to your Dad for catching the 55" ski and to Marc for puting you on some great fish. MTP
  22. Gerritt go vinyl I have the flat floor inserts on my Lund I absolutely prefer vinyl for fishing .I have had carpet in my previous boat and will never turn back.Fish blood and slime wash right off with the hose carpets are hell to clean.Yes its a bit colder on those November days but a good pair of boots will take care of ,that .Just remind Corey to bring his LOL.The only inconvience with my floor is it can be slippery when wet. Mike
  23. Great report Cliff alot of happy little kids.Nice weather to boot thanks for that report .I like the picture of your daughters fishing Rod looks just like the one Biteme uses for Salmon MTP
  24. What a prize good for you.MTP
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