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Everything posted by mrdylan

  1. Hi as of this morning when I open a post the replies show up condensed at the bottom instead of like a regular thread and I can't find a way to change it back. Is something new that was done on purpose or is there something I am missing to change it back? EDIT: I think I got it sorry I didn't see the options button in the thread itself.
  2. I like pretty much every BBC special I have seen, the Planet Earth series is amazing and should be shown in every school.
  3. We lost the key to one of our work trucks and our boss was not pleased so I know what your talking about. Scissors, needle nose pliers and my Camera are essentials for me.
  4. Congrats. Sounds like I will be watching this for sure.
  5. This has worked for me. And really your being anything but rude
  6. Looks pretty big to me next to your rod and reel. Nice fish.
  7. I would love to catch a fish that big. Amazing.
  8. Pretty sure this starts in January does it not? This affects many things like Gas too which is already ridiculous.
  9. Nice fish and this made me laugh pretty good.
  10. Hi, I have not renewed my fishing license yet and my 10 year old son wants to go out fishing this morning can he fish without me having my license or do I have to have one for him to fish as well? Obviously I am not going to fish and when ever I take him I end up taking off the fish for him and spend the majority of my time untangling his line anyways so I am not too worried about that anyways. I just need to know if it's legal for him to fish on his own but with me there. Thanks.
  11. Amazing pics I want to go out there so bad. Some friends of mine were living out that way up until a few months ago and the pictures they have are just as nice. Thanks for sharing.
  12. I'm Canadian and I like Bud. Sorry everyone lol
  13. That was good thanks.
  14. Well we went out for a good few hours yesterday. No crappie but my wife and son caught a whack of pumpkinseeds and perch little guy caught at least 5 or 6 perch today. I caught nothing at all haha mind you I ended up putting the worms on for him and untangling his line more than fishing though. Was nice to get out but a bit chilly on the docks and man were the black flies out this weekend.
  15. Thanks for the replies. We are inbetween Rice Lake and Hastings on the trent. I will be fishing from shore this weekend though but everyone says they come in so with any luck at all. Hopin to catch dinner for tomorrow.
  16. We open our trailer this afternoon and I am pretty excited. We have not been out fishing since last season and I am just wondering if Crappie are still biting since we can really only fish for Panfish up there right now. Not seen any recent reports in the last week or so just thought I would ask. Thanks.
  17. Most employers will let you go anyways it is even written in my contract at work and the fact that it's in the media is not helping either. He will also have a tough time finding a job with a record as well as most employers check your record more so than your references. I am close to the managers where I work and from what they told me this happens quite a bit. Cheating/stealing are key things they look for too. This is unfortunate really some people.
  18. Just printed this thread off. Thanks to everyone will at least try one of these this coming Saturday with any luck at all!!
  19. Both sound good thanks!! lol We do something now on the BBQ and I am wondering if this would work. We take Tin foil basically 2 sheets and fold em over so they are doubled. We place one down and throw Snowpeas, Green peppers and Mushrooms we generally also throw in some Garlic, Onions and parslie and then cover with the 2nd piece and let cook on the BBQ for roughly 20 mins or so. Would it be possible to throw the fillets right in there maybe adding a little lemon or similar? Thanks and any and all ideas are welcome would be nice to have a sticky or somthing with everyone's fav recipes. Trailer time is coming.
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