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About mrdylan

  • Birthday 08/30/1975

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  1. Nice fish. I love catching the sheepshead.
  2. Yup I have been hit by mosquitos down there and it's down right nasty. Every time you sit down!! I also agree about the knuckle though too.
  3. Congrats. It really is a nice picture well deserving.
  4. That's crazy!! Good shot.
  5. Normally I am not into these kind of theories etc but but I wonder if they jumped the gun on these 2 maybe just to try and avoid another 911 type fear/scare situation? As of yet there isn't a single photo "released" that shows these 2 without the back packs what so ever but they say they do have video I would hope that eventually it is released to ease such minds!! They still have them listed as suspects even though the younger one has now been charged. All they found for proof in his room was the clothes he was wearing the day of the bombing and something tells me if they were going to get rid of all of the evidence why wouldn't they get rid of the clothes as well? The young one also continued to party the rest of the week on his campus which if he was guilty would show no remorse and this does not fit with the description that everyone gives about him, really being only 19 years old he should have been sh*tting himself couped up in his room about getting caught. Certain things don't add up here and I hope all of these details get released. I am not sure that this is part of some elaborate plan but I hope they got the right guys because one is dead and the other is pretty close. All i'm saying is that according to what is being shown to us from several media sites there isn't a lot of proof here and I hope that they have actually have some and that it comes out before or during the trial. The whole thing is horrible no matter how you look at it, I feel for the people suffering due to this.
  6. I have caught some large ones this year as well BOQ area. I was wondering if maybe the warmer season had something to do with it? One was much larger (maybe 1 1/2 times) than the one in the picture I was pretty shocked when I pulled it out. I could have sworn I had a nice bass on too!!
  7. Nice, I have never seen that before!!
  8. Looks like heaven. Nice pics and story.
  9. Nice pics and amazing story. Sounds/looks like a trip of a lifetime!!
  10. When I lived right in Peterborough Sept/Oct was the only time I caught Walleye. From shore I casted out as far as possible with a jig and 3" Black shad Gulp minnow and caught many. Also worked with bass but as you said not so much in the fall. give it a try it might work where you are. I did mostly try for Muskie this time of year though as this is when they started to go nuts there.
  11. Mepps black fury and Blue Fox (3 or 4 diff ones) are my go to lures caught everything on em including many many Musky!! Every spring these are what I buy as well as Gulp and jigs.
  12. being the government they will promise them (the business owners) tax cuts etc from the increased revenue and tell fairy tales of the money going back into the severn system itself which I highly doubt and they will all vote for it guess who voted on the HST I know I didn't. The federal gov just cut half the jobs along the trent so your going to be paying fees for an already lesser service that is already designed to drive away tourism. You can thank Harper for this and I know you guys are aware of Bill c 38 (which is supposed to have passed) so the money going back into things such as this are against that bill & basically can't happen. This is just another cash cow to increase local MP's budgets for their own agenda's I don't see this being a good thing.
  13. Amazing pics!!
  14. This is spam but honestly I was checking out my tune as I read this lol. My music What do ya's think?
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