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Everything posted by mercman

  1. I am in the market for a bow mount trolling Motor, and after doing my normal research I have chosen a MinnKota Edge, hand control .So far, best price is by far BPS, and with the exchange rate, it looks like a good deal.Shipping is 36 bucks and there will be no tax, so that kinda equals out there. The question i have is, Has anyone purchased a big item from the online catalogue before, and have you had any negative issues with shipping. I have purchased small items from them, lures and such, without problems. Thanks for your feedback Paul
  2. Dave, for the fridge, get an istallation kit for fridges from home depot, or an appliance parts store near you. They should go for under 20 bucks.They include a tapping valve to tap into your water supply without adding an elbow or soldered in valve. Leave the extra tubing coiled behind the fridge so you can pull it out to clean or service it. Get the kit with plastic tubing, less likely to break or kink.
  3. Catching fish is part of it Dan, but getting out is the other part. Thanks for sharing
  4. Hey !!! Nice fish guys ! Looks like a picture perfect day on the ice.Thanks for posting
  5. Porn channel What the heck is that
  6. Hi Lew i will tell you just what i found,on the internet not my opinion.Most Manufacturers suggest that gas be removed if not used for extended periods.they also suggest stabilizer, so it may be confusing. They suggest a min octane of 87, i personally use 90 in my snowblower. Generator companies suggest you start them at least once a month for 15-20 minutes. Thats all
  7. i knew it was a new species Porcine Perch Positively Peachy!!!!
  8. ya it did.I dont think anyone has ever been so brutally honest with him while remaining calm and to the point.Seeing that his products reputation may have influenced a potential buyer into buying his competitions product may have been a bit much for him to absorb all at once.
  9. Ice fishing !!! nah.....i think i'll stick with hibernation Jacques
  10. I stopped at the Tacker booth today,at the Montreal Boat show, and spoke with a very pleasant company rep,english speaking, and i assume from head office.There were 6 or 7 other people there milling around,talking to other reps in french.This gentleman, heard the wife and i speaking english, and came over asked if i had any questions. I let him go into details why welded was more efficient than riveted, and how Tracker offered one of the best warranties of any aluminum boat on the market. I had this thread clearly in my mind from reading the first couple of pages this morning.I could feel my ears getting warmer with each praise he spoke of his product and company. It came to a point where i could hear him talking, but nothing was registering in my brain.All i could think of was all the crap that you and others have gone through, and how he was Bull ing me with his speach. I finally took him aside, wife looking at me like a deer in headlites at this point, and began. I told him that i always do alot of research,before making such an expensive and hopefully lifetime commitment to a product, and asked him to honestly explain to me all of the negative feedback that i had encountered on the internet from owners all over north america.I love eye contact, and all this time i was looking him right in his baby blues.I told him that the biggest problems were cracking around welds, and poor finishing and nightmarish accounts of people trying to get help from customer service. I told him i had first hand knowledge of someone having these problems,and told him that i had just purchased a PrinceCraft product because of its riveted design. His jaw dropped, and he was having trouble finding words to say. All he said,was that i should move along. On parting, he touched my shoulder and said "tell your friend to keep pushing, and stay in thier face until he gets compensation,and he will get compenstated" He then turned and walked back into the booth and sat down. I left at this point. so stay in thier faces until they get so fed up, they will take responisbilty.
  11. ya, it was a great way to pass some time. Lots of stir crazed,fixed eyed stares from everyone i saw there. Counting down 6 weeks till i get the boat.Think i'll try hibernation to make it seem faster
  12. Well, i was supposed to go on Sunday, but i really needed to get out of the house today Been doing some reno's in the house, and was tired of breathing plaster dust. I was amazed at how many people were there! It was packed!!! Saw some great boats both fishing and cruising, and picked up some good info on my area waterways.The majority of the displays were for pleasure craft operators, with little fishing related merchants and reps.I guess i have to wait till Feb 27 for the husnting and fishing show. Here are a few pics for you look at. The first 3 are of the Starfish DLX SC by PrinceCraft, i just bought. Only dif is the color, mine is red. Love to fish from this baby.Maybe when i retire.....
  13. Two stand up guys for sure!!! Like brothers from different mothers.
  14. another thing just crossed my mind.The original warranty is probably still in effect. I believe it was 100,000 km or 5 years on motor and powertrain.look into that, the warranty on used dealer purchased vehicules is transferable. if so, forget about the extended, unless you do alot of driving, you may not even need it.
  15. I leased one for my bussiness for a couple of years.It was alot of fun, and never gave me problems.in 2006 i was getting overall 8.1L/100k which is pretty good for an suv.it was a 4cyl.4cl is a bit noisier than the 6.
  16. man they are some big bellied perch!!! Is that a new species
  17. Thats the weirdest thing i've seen. What about adding Drum.Are they considered a game fish yet.
  18. like insurance.never know when ya mite need it.but when ya do,its nice to have.
  19. oh oh......getting a little weird again. I'm not sayin another word .Once a king, always a king.but once a Knights enough.
  20. ya man !!! happy birthday to you ! nice gator and crappies dude
  21. HTHM is right.ask lots of questions and get it all in writing.For that price make sure it includes power train,electrical and directional components
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