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Everything posted by mercman

  1. Spruce, pine, oak, and poplar too.As well as cedars and the odd shrubbery.....Ni Ni !!!!
  2. Peeking down a small hole in the ice all weekend long can be hazardous to your eyesite
  3. Cripes..they do that all the time here and its legal too
  4. Naw Pressure from friends and school mates gets kids hooked far quicker and more efficiently than laceing weed with cheap easy to make crystal meth.
  5. Got that one right. Skidoos in the winter, seadoos in the summer.They are made to go fast, and thats just what people do with them.End of storey.If you dont want these things to happen, force the companies to make em so they cant go fast.
  6. Heck no !! As it should be, but relaxing the laws governing how, when and where you consume would make it easier to police, and easier for the consumer to avoid unlawfull situations, wouldn't it.
  7. Cripes.... here in Quebec, we can get Beer and wine right next to the milk and butter in the grocery store.The states have the right to bear arms, in quebec we have da right to drink beers
  8. So lobby your Gov to change the liquor laws.Personally, i think that as long as you are not driving or will be driving while drinking, there should be no restricting laws other than age. After all, alchohol is a legal DRUG.
  9. dont forget to watche em. hsitory channel starting at 9pm
  10. I hear ya Doc. I dont understand it, dont make it wrong.Unfortunately, the social drinker like you is forced to abide by laws put in place to control the drunken yahoos that smash their skidoos into ice huts at nite, and drive their cars into peoples living rooms under the influence. I must admit though, the Ontario Liquour laws are really weird.Cant drink unless there is a kitchen and a place to cook Cant drink on your front porch of your houseetc etc...... Sounds like an uptite little community goin on over there
  11. Ya cant fool them Jack Russels Thats an incredible video, and a smart mutt for sure.
  12. Never understood why you have to drink to fish It just makes no sense at all. Fish, drive home safely, have a few beers talk about your day. At least there would be less yellow snow mucking up the pristeen landscape and less bloodstained snowbanks along the sides of our highways.Who cares if you can drink in an ice hut or not....really
  13. Man thats some nasty critter !!! They sure smash that lure though.They even have a `Snakehead Angler Guide`
  14. on discovery chanel. This should be interesting.
  15. MJ !!! As always i savor every word of your reports.Always feel like i.m right in there with you.Thanks. Good luck on your treatment.You will be beat this thing, you just wait and see. Paul
  16. By the look on your face......you must hate fishing !!!!!NOT !!!!!! All nice fish, but i love that gator!! Thanks for letting us see these beasts. Paul
  17. I always get a little chill when i hear of another bussiness being gobbled up by a huge multi brand organisation.
  18. Wow, took a whole year to come up with that one.
  19. Bought one for the wife at CT for Christmas. Works great.
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