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Everything posted by deffect

  1. Was out two weekends ago. Brought the atv out with me. about 8 inches at that point. lots of bikes and sleds out. Had some rain and really cold temps since so not sure what it is now. When i was up cooch had the sled trail staked which i believe they dont do until the is 10" all the way across. I got 8 pike that weekend the biggest being 6lbs. But fishing was pretty slow Good luck
  2. At the end of kilworthy road(accesible off the highway) there is a public boat launch. You can access it there. There is usually a couple huts out from there a short ways. i have not been out myself but have talked to someone who rents huts on the lake two weeks ago and they claim to have 10" at that time. there are two rivers that enter the lake (severn and kashe) i would assume those areas would not be safe but kilworthy is north of that area. Unfortunately i cannot vouch for the fishing. Good luck
  3. Mechanics wire maybe? Or you could drill holes on either side and use decent size zip ties to cinch the crack together then epoxy over to make it smooth on the bottom again? Just a thought Good luck
  4. Thank you so much for the help. I looked into temagami shore and may go with them for the ease of access. Although tamar peaks my interest aswell. Can you drive the trucks all the way to tamar? You mention off trail travel on bikes being possibly difficult? Is this because of deep snow or is it slushy? Again really appreciate the help. I will make sure to do a report on how we did. Thanks
  5. Hey guys, I am planning a trip up to temagami for a few days with my paps the week of the 18th (just after trout opener). I have fished temagami in the summer many times( I rent a houseboat every august) and i love the lake, But never been in the winter. Just wondering if anyone may have advice on accomadations, ice conditions or even depths or areas to fish ( trout whitefish and pickeral)? I have my own portable hut and we will have quads for transportation so i dont really need hut rental or transportation just lodging and easy access to the lake. Really appreciate any help/advice. Dan
  6. Kushog lake has both pike and lakers. If you can find a map of some sort look for fairly shallow flats near structure/deeper water?
  7. I have taken some of my best fish on shallow flats (15' or less) on lakes around halibuton and dorset. Light flashy spoons+/- minnow head and white tube jigs seem to work great. If you can find them try shallow flats near structure. Good luck
  8. Went out to a small back lake 30 min north of Halliburton this morning. Ice is a mess. Maybe 3" of decent ice, And it was disappearing very fast. Supposed to be warm all day/night and rain and warm Sunday.don't mean to rain on anyone's parade, but Could spell disaster for ice anywhere south of the bay? Be careful and good luck.
  9. Apparently canada goose never has sales. If you find a "deal" or sale on one, good chance it may not be real.
  10. Hey guys, lookin for some advice/opinions on flasher or flasher gps combos. I have been looking to buy my first flasher and been doing a bit of research. I was first looking at the vexilar fl 12 or 18 but am now questioning a combo such as the humminbird ice385 ci or ice 597 ci. Does anyone have any first hand experience with these machines? Any opinions or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Bring on the ice!!!
  11. I fish perch on lake couchiching often and have been using them alot this year. They have been outfishign minnows at times the have a good flutter to them . Tremblays tackle box ( local tackle shop) is having a hard time keeping them in stock. Havent used them for much else but will be on nipissing tomorrow and will give it a shot. Good luck
  12. I had wind mobile. Service was awful. Switched over to chatr wireless same idea no contract but they use the rogers network so reception is great everywhere. Both companys have what they call there "zone" which when your in it everything is unlimited depending on your plan. When your outside the zone you are charged for everything or your phone wont work depending on your plan. Chatr, text messaging is unlimited anywhere which is a good feature. Was a good switch to chatr.
  13. I was on lake st john two weeks ago and there was about five inches of clear and 2 of white. Had some cold nights since then so i would imagine it will be even thicker now. Apparently there is two springs in the middle of the lake though that need to be avoided this time of year. I should be out there this weekend. hope this helps
  14. I am renting a houseboat on lake temagami in the middle of august and i am hoping to get some goodfishing in. i have neverfished lake temagami before and it seems like a good sized lake. Anyone know of any hot spots or even somewhere i could get maps? any tips would be helpful. thanks
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