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Everything posted by sauce

  1. Nice! Thanks for reminding me how spoiled I am. I haven't been out to fish the creeks in my area for a while now. Strictly rivers for bass n eyes (which has been good). Only a week left now to hit some local trout. I really should give it a try...
  2. I'm pretty sure I know which stream you're talkin about. And this stream has had a population of pike for longer than its had browns... look it up in the guide to eating ontario sport fish. If this fish was as big as you say it is then wow! I've seen quite a few in there. Most were small. Did see one that looked to be around 10 pounds.
  3. Gas augers are nice. And there's times that you absolutely need one. But for all around fishing a 6 or 8 manual is all you need. Don't lend your auger to strangers or people that are clumsy. Its very easy to damage the blades. A new set that is well taken care of should cut through hundreds of inches without too much effort. One little knick in the blade and you'll be cursing. Some people say you can sharpen them others say its a waste of time. I've never tried. Just take care of the blades and replace them every 2-3 seasons. You'll know when its time.
  4. Sad news. I remember hearing about this last year. My condolences to his family. Please respect their privacy when posting details. Lindsay could have been any one of us that loved the outdoors. Be safe everyone.
  5. When learning, start out casting sidearm. If your release timing is a little late it won't matter, you'll just be off your target a bit. Overhand cast and late release is a monster birdsnest. As you get more comfortable go overhand whenever possible for maximum accuracy.
  6. Do you have access to a boat of some type? If not, id be focusing on rivers and streams. I find it to be real tough finding quality fishing on any lake when you're forced to fish from shore.
  7. Find an island nearby and clean your fish there. Leave the remains on the shore and the birds will thank you. Do not clean fish near any camp sites. Especially your own!
  8. For mono under 10 pounds or braid under 20 stick with spinning gear. One of the biggest downfalls to spinning gear is that it doesn't cast heavier lines well. The advantages to baitcasters really stand out when you spool up with heavy stuff. Baitcasters and light line can work, but that's something to try after you get the feel for casting. I think that's why a lot of people buy a baitcaster and give up on it quickly. You're better off to learn with 14 lb mono or 30 lb braid. Birdsnests with light line are awful. And if you do manage to get untangled, you have probably damaged the line and created a weak point that you won't find until you hook a fish or snag up and your line breaks 30 feet from the lure...
  9. If I were you I'd take a few scouting trips up there. If it feels right and you catch fish or see potential, buy it before someone else does. I've heard that eugenia is still a good bass lake. Maybe not as good as it was but still worth spending time on. If this is going to be a vacation property its gotta be a place you don't want to leave... pick your location wisely. Good luck.
  10. I was told that fish head size is based on age and growth rates. A fish with a large melon is an old slow growing fish. Smaller head would indicate a younger or faster growing fish. No matter what, that's a great fish you caught. Best of luck breaking that PB.
  11. Can you imagine seeing a 9.8 pound smallmouth? That's a giant fish. I've caught walleye, trout, pike that size. But never a bass anywhere close. I've heard of and seen pics of smallies up to 7 pounds. SMB that size are rare fish. So, I'm thinkin if I want to catch a giant smallie, I need to fish a body of water that can create such a monster. Ya, Erie, simcoe, etc... what about the lake where the record was caught? Does anyone fish it? My research tells me its bark lake near kinmount. The record LMB comes from a lake close by. Something in the water? Just starting discussion. Don't need to know anyones secret spots. Just maybe hear about others experiences at this lake.
  12. No nosense is right. Time on the water is best spent fishing. Break off? Then re rig. Snap weights get you back to fishing fast. Just tie on a new lure and clip on a weight and you're in business. I imagine retying a fancy rig in a kayak could be an awkward project.
  13. Ya. I remember the long cast minnows. Same bill as a flat, but not a balsa lure. They had the internal weights that shift to the tail on the cast... a lot like an xrap.
  14. So I took a look at your rig. It makes sense. I assume that your slip knots are bobber stops. Or something along those lines. The thing I don't like about your rig is all the extra knots. You've got a lure on a leader - 2 knots. Then a 3rd knot that attaches your weight. When you hook a fish, your leader is gonna slide down the mainline to your weight. A lot can go wrong here. Especially when dealing with fish in the 20 pound range. Just a suggestion... google "snap weights" to me, this is a much easier way to get trolled lures deeper. You can make your own using snaps (try the red or orange offshore releases), split rings and bell sinkers. The only limitation is how heavy of a weight your tackle can handle.
  15. Yep will be contacting rapala for replacements. Between me and a bud we have 6 to return. Only a few bite marks on those ones. I'm thinkin bad batch, they broke too easily. Like I said, I've got one that seems a bit tougher than the rest. Its lookin pretty beat up though.
  16. Not using it as a deflection bait. Actually trying to avoid hitting anything with'em now. Just thought they were rather weakly built for a rapala. I'm just interested to hear if others have experienced this same issue. And ya, flat raps are new. Brand new and they work awesome. They advertise the "hard flashing action" Try one out and see for yourself. If you fish bass or walleye in shallow water you should have a few of these in your box.
  17. That's probably the best you can do for a $125 bow mount. I've purchased 2 used minn kota power drives. Both worked but eventually died. Couldn't even scrounge up 1 working system out of 2 duds... When you do get your motor, new or used, make sure you store it indoors when not in use. It will last a lot longer. Like all electronic equipment, they do not like moisture. And once the guts (servo motors and circuit boards) get wet, its gonna need service to get it going again.
  18. Hey! Once I figured out how to make x raps dance, they became confidence lures. The only problem I had was working them in water under about 5 feet or so. Lost quite a few of these fish magnets to snags. This year rapala came out with the flat rap. Its no x rap but I can make it dance and its another magnet. To me, ideal flat rap water is as shallow as 1 ft. Keep the rod tip high and just watch the fish slam'em. No real max depth cuz fish will rise up to bite these babies. I've had a few flat raps fail on me though. Not right away but after bumping bottom a few times the diving bill breaks off rendering them useless. And I mean bumping bottom, not slamming or dragging. Anyone else have this issue? I have one in particular that seems indestructible. But a few others that were total losers in a matter of minutes.
  19. How are the blades coming off? Are they working their way off thru the split ring or is something breaking? If somethings breaking you could customize them with better components right off the bat. If blades or swivels are working their way off the split rings, try putting a drop of crazy glue on the split ring. Just don't glue the blade or swivel in the process. I hate breaking lures. Id almost rather loose one to a snag than have it break. Falling apart after dozens of fish is one thing but just falling apart while doing its job??
  20. How far do you want to travel? North or near north... Do you need to rent a boat? Is your group gonna need a fancy cottage or a shack? Lots of places to choose from. But depending on specific needs, some places may not suit you...
  21. Yes! This has to be the problem. Its a habit I have forced upon myself because of experiencing the exact same problem. Spin fishing with light braid (10 pound and under) is dangerous if you don't pull the line tight on the bail roller after every cast. Why? Because its super limp and has slack in it until you put tension on it. Most people will cast and start reeling and this is what causes "wind knots" and birdsnests on spinning reels.
  22. Huh. Suspended a foot off bottom in 25 feet? Sounds like they're cruising and active. You need to match the hatch. I bet they're chasing some specific type of bait fish. Match the size and shape and you should be able to catch fish. Just gotta get your bait close.
  23. The grand is awesome. Glad to hear you had a good day. I grew up shore fishing this river. Good times. I bought a boat and forgot about the awesome fishing available within walking distance. Last summer I got back into shore fishing and had some great days myself. The river is loaded with fish. All you have to do is find an access point and get in the water. If you walk more than 500m and don't catch a bass you are doing something wrong. Man, the number of 16" plus bass that I've caught near my house is unreal. And I've caught 20s down there too. Just not as many.
  24. that's a great outing in my books. Congrats. I know how you feel about the accidental fish killing. My fishin bud has been havin a tough year with bass swallowing senkos on him. Lotsa blood. He's spent a lot of time trying to revive fish and they end up floating a minute later. Not trying to be a jerk, but was your fish of "keeper" size? If so, you gonna eat it? Sucks to think that an undersize dead fish must go back. Even though it would probably be better table fare than a legal keeper.
  25. Maybe I'm blind but I'm missing something. Solo and roy both say "its a good deal" I don't see anything about a price for this combo anywhere in youngones post.
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