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Everything posted by ravinerat

  1. We all know you have to compare apples to apples. I have been looking at Legend for two seasons now. (own a 14' Lund with 15 hp 4s) I have talked to a lot of Legend owners here on Simcoe. All seem satified with the boat. A few have had problems with the Merc motor but that's Merc. No one I have chatted with had a bad thing to say about the boat or the local dealer. I live not far from the dealer and like to buy local. Still haven't made my mind up yet and will probally have to wait till next season. RR
  2. Some good solid advice guys. Being a white water paddler and my wife says I have too many kayaks sitting around you can find used ones quite easily. As mentioned above Kayaks go by weight class and performance. Then there are different types of kayaks like cottage, recreational, white water, tripping, extended tripping..........the list goes on. Usually the type of Kayak you purchase from Canadian Tire, Cosco Walmart will be a recreational/cottage kayak. Meant for playing out infront of the cottage. Of course any device can be adapted you your use. The flat botton on these boats make them more stable. The inital stability is good but there isn't any secondary stability. Of course a good PFd is needed in any craft. The Sit On Tops (SOT) are really taking off and are now being marketed as fishing crafts. There are some real good ones on the market. Great for summer but good paddling gear is required for the more cooler mths. Go to some of the manufactures and read up on their Kayaks and SOTs. The cheaper ones are good for getting into the sport buy you'll find they are harder to paddle due to the shape (flat bottom) and most people get fed up with them. Try some of the buy and sells like www.supershopper.com there is always kayaks of different price ranges in there. I bought a SOT for $50 because it had been leaning against a cottage wall for a year or more. There are also a few good Kayak Fishing web sites now and a few in Ont. You can buy cheap twice or good once. RR
  3. It sure looks pretty sweet. I wondered about the triangle of stability being so high now too. I'm sure you'll enjoy the pontoon boat. My buddy bought one for the back lakes we hit. I'm going to one because of getting too wet in the float tube. I'll have to show my buddy yours. RR
  4. It was nice hooking up with you guys Joey. You sure couldn't beat just being on the lake that day. Still nursing my sun burn. The Wilcrat is classed as a boat in Ont. right now. I'm sure they'll change that once a few more are brought in. Remember the once only snowmobile license. RR
  5. I have the Guide I other friend has the Yukon and other buddy has the Voygeur. The Voygeur hands down. It has more head room. You can stand up and I'm over 6'. not only lots of room for two but room for three. The tub is bigger and doesn't seem to get snow in from the snowmobile/Atv like my Guide (which fills even with cover). The seats are upgraded and more comfortable. The seats are also higher off the ice becasue of the taller tub. This way yor sitting up straight all the time instead of hunched over becasue the seats are lower. Definitely a nicer unit. Don't forget the extra weight when loading it into/on to your vehicle. It needs to fit into something as well. RR
  6. Well City fisher although it was a bundle to get out we really have to thank guys like Eugine for being out there and willing to do it. Just think if you vehicle went under his could have been pulled right in too. When I frist pulled up I though "geese this doesn't look good". But once I walked over I could see it was worse than I thought. I'm really glad it all truned out for the good. Hey and what about that Photographer Eh? Lol. You weren't the only one handing cash to Eugine on Sat. RR
  7. The "little" Lakes in the Barrie area are freezing over as well as some of the creeks. This was today. 4" of blue ice. Don't know what further out brough. I was only 20 ' from shore checking. I hear Couch has turned. RR
  8. Cool one Misfish. Ok now lets bring on the hard water. RR
  9. There is a huge fire burning in Wasaga right now. It is at beach area one by the entrance to the PP and the mouth of the Notty.Thid is what I have picked up off the news by the photos. Access to the mouth will be cut off through the park from what I have seen on the news this morning. So if heading up to fish today you'll need to fish a different location. RR
  10. Glad your going with the Trap. You can buy cheap twice or good once. I stared with a fish trap scout and up graded after 3 years to a Guide. Runners for the bottom are a must or you'll wear a hole in the bottom of the tub in no time. As mentioned the longer rope really makes a difference. If your going to be pulling it by hand really cut down on your gear. Place your gear at the back to the front is unweighted. I pull mine with a snowmobile/Atv. I don't use the Clam towbar as it seems to flimsy for me. I have one off an Equiox toboggan I have. I made my own brackets which run down the side of the tub. Mush stronger than the little brackets Clam gives you. I take mine into the back lakes with no problem. My buddies clam hitch failed. We've fixed it good now. RR
  11. This is a very sad day for the fishing community for sure. I have fished with Serge on a few trips now and he loved the past time. he was always looking for a new way to explore his passion. He will be truly missed by his friends. Here's a few Pics of Serge (Tito Woody) Bay of Quinte 2007 Second from left Serge on the left RR
  12. Been doing well with Williams Half and Half in Red. Got a bunch of Whities on it yesterday. Don't jig it or anything elese too hard. Sometime just lift it so one end comes off the bottom and drop it a few times. Then a 12" lift. Vary your jigging and find what works that day. RR
  13. Now that is one great trip. You definatley have more B@#ls than me with the fires. I've done a bunch of Solo trips on Northern rivers but that has to top it. Something elese running the white water solo with no one around for days. My last solo was on the Nagami R near Hornepayne. Still haven't paddled the Missinabi to Moosenee yet even though I had lived so close. I'd like to read some more of your trip reports. RR
  14. Those are some nice fish RSB. Looks like another productive day on Quinte. We'll be there in 6 wks. RR
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