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Wolf 3

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Everything posted by Wolf 3

  1. Bird beak paring knife may work for you. https://www.google.ca/search?q=bird+beak+paring+knife&espv=2&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj0453Y147TAhUN8YMKHepqCcEQ_AUIBigB&biw=1280&bih=591&dpr=1.25
  2. wallyboss, Thank you for the information. I figured it had to be some kind of modified cutbait rig. Looked into it a bit more (out of curiosity) and found these "lip scull baitfish". https://www.google.ca/search?q=lip+scull+baitfish&espv=2&biw=1280&bih=620&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=24BOVeKPLIm6yQSGroDYDA&ved=0CCsQsAQ Looks like they are available on ebay and amazon.
  3. ticass1, I think you are looking for "cutbait rigs" also known as "meat rigs". http://www.greatlakestackleshop.com/products.php?cat=97
  4. http://www.centraloutboard.ca/index.php
  5. Bass City in Markham carries them. They were on sale for around $11 at the end of January. Here is the link. (Scroll down a little) https://www.facebook.com/BassCityFishing Tried sending you a pm but for some reason it would not allow me.
  6. Special Mate Tackle Boxes? http://specialmatetackleboxes.com/home.html
  7. Looks like they are offering free shipping over $25. They have these promotions frequently... Edit: looks like free shipping doesn't apply to inflatable vests (Hazardous material) Maybe try LeBaron. They had the best prices back when I was looking.
  8. http://radioworld.ca/ethext-15yl-p-6416.html You will need a map chip for each unit if you want to have the detail of the nav chip on both units.
  9. Like the fish had a chance before you got the Terrova... Very nice. Enjoy!
  10. bawbag, Where are you located? Most marine supply stores will have these in stock or be able to get them for you. I purchased mine a few years back from Port Whitby Marine Supply. http://www.weblocal.ca/port-whitby-marine-supplies-whitby-on.html For 238 extension post reference, http://www.attwoodmarine.com/store/product/Bell-Pedestals-Fixed-Height For 238 series seat mount reference, http://www.attwoodmarine.com/store/product/238-seat-mounts When choosing a length for a fixed post, make sure you take into consideration the height of the seat base/mounts and the height (thickness of cushion) of the seat you choose to make sure the total height isn't too much. Not sure of current pricing. I remember paying around $100 for the fixed post and base combo and almost double for the adjustable.
  11. What's your price range? http://www.lundboats.com/boats/aluminum/crossover-xs http://www.rangerboats.com/models.cfm?gid=32&mid=7020
  12. BPS started including Canadian addresses in their shipping promotions around a year ago. They frequently have free shipping/reduced shipping promotions. http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/CFPageC?storeId=10151&catalogId=10051&langId=-1&pageID=4904&cm_sp=5FRShpFeb2014_GLOBAL
  13. Bunk, BPS currently has " $5 shipping no minimum purchase, use code SHIP5" promotion. Might be an option if you can't find them locally.
  14. I think he is implying that since the "tax free event" only applies to items not already on sale, that they purposely reduce big ticket items before the sale... Just a guess...
  15. Looks like Fjord... http://www.grandpastreasureschest.com/fishinghunting2.htm (scroll down a bit)
  16. http://www.goldeagle.com/brands/stabil/faq.aspx#3
  17. Well, at least his hand was well protected...
  18. Lape0019, Looks like the the stradic CI4FA will have x ship. http://www.basspro.com/Shimano-Stradic-CI4FA-Spinning-Reels/product/1306150615101/
  19. For anyone interested... http://www.anglergear.net/shimano-to-debut-chronarch-ci4/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+AnglerGear-TheBlog+(Angler+Gear+-+The+Blog)
  20. Some really nice Buckets there Mike! I noticed your smile is directly proportional to the size of the fish...
  21. She really is a natural! Great job!
  22. X10! Great report Bunk.
  23. She's a beauty! Congrats and enjoy!
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