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Everything posted by Teressa

  1. You can copy the parking permit for the purpose of fishing, you just can't have a photocopy of it for parking. ODSP stub is not accepted at all according to the CO I talked to, but like I said, if anyone wants to attempt it, I would call the MNR and get confirmation one way or another, way better than getting nailed as the "I didn't know" excuse probably won't fly. At least you know now about it saves you a few bucks a year from here on out.
  2. Yesterday my boyfriend and I attended the Sportsman show at the Garson arena and we stopped at the MNR conservation officer trailer. I remembered reading this post and out of curiosity, I asked him about someone on ODSP being able to fish without a license using their ODSP stub as proof of being disabled. He immediately picked up the 2011 fishing regulations book, and showed me where it states " a person is deemed to be the holder of a recreational fishing license if they have : a CNIB identity card issued to them or Ontraio ministry accessible parking permit" He told me that were he to come across someone that is not blind and able to fish unaided, that did not have a fishing license or either of the above proof, then he would in fact give them a fine. What I would do for those unsure about this, contact your local (or head office) MNR and ask them. If they confirm that an ODSP stub will suffice, ask for that in an official written format. Then at least you have a chance. Hopefully no one gets charged for failure to produce a license this way.
  3. LOL thanks Joey. Thanks Daplumma, we talked to the vet and he told us that because we have dewormed her, plus describing symptoms it does not sound like meningial worm. He told us to try what we are attempting, and see how it works. Thanks for the help. We appreciate it.
  4. Thanks everyone. Daplumma I have a question for you if you don't mind. The people I have talked to have never come across this before, and I just want to be sure what I plan on doing is not going to hurt our doe or her kids. About 2 weeks before she gave birth, the doe laid down and wouldn't get back up, being new to this we did not know this was not normal behaviour. We thought it was because she was so big. She would move positions, but not stand up. Now after the kids were born, she still won't stand. We began trying to help her up and she would try, but just couldn't do it. Today we realized her front legs would not straighten and thats why she can not stand. We have been getting the kids to nurse with her laying down, not an easy feat, not I know proper. We decided we would use a heating pad wrapped around her leg several times a day for 5 or 10 minutes, then massage and straighten her legs. We are hoping eventually her muscles (I am assuming thats what the problem is) will lengthen back out and she will then be able to stand again. I read that I can put a horse liniment on her legs and that might help as well, also giving her an asprin. She is eating and drinking normally, she does not appear to be in any pain. What do you think? Any help or advice would be welcomed and appreciated.
  5. I am so happy, I just had to share this. My goat gave birth this morning to twins! It is our first time experiencing this. They are so cute. Such a wonderful experience, even though we did not get to watch the births.
  6. The girl chose to participate in the matches knowing she would have to wrestle boys. She must have been proud of herself for earning that right. I would be. I enjoy wrestling with my boyfriend and take great pleasure in making him beg for mercy, but if I were to even suspect that he was throwing it because I am a girl, well I would be offended...it wouldn't be any more fun so why bother? This is my personal opinion. I dont have an opinion on the boys decision, that was his own to make. There is a difference between hitting out of anger and competing in a sport.
  7. LOL now Dad you know I have Claude trained well enough that he won't get out of hand, besides, I thought you said the scissors were a good enough deterrent . Thanks everyone for the help, advice and links. Billy Bob, those are some wonderful keepsakes! Buster, its a beautiful area. We live on Finni Road if you know where that is.
  8. misfish, ty for the link, do you have one or know of anyone that has one? It looks good, and will share the link with my bf in the morning. irish, good idea, I do have a 15 year old daughter lol. aplumma we did check into the kaiser axe, but it's not quite what we wanted. The qualities you listed when looking for a machete are exactly what we are looking for, thats why I am asking here, with so many different people, someone is bound to know where to get a really good one. Thanks everyone so far for posting.
  9. It isn't for hunting or just walking through the bush we need one. We have a farm and there are many different situations a machete comes in handy.
  10. My boyfriend has been wanting to get another machete. We found a company in Sudbury that said they had one in their Quebec warehouse, for $20, they said it is much better quality than Canadian Tire ect. We ordered it and they said it should be in next day. That was back in mid December. I am calling the guy monday and telling him to cancel it as I called several times to find out what was going on and given excuse after excuse, so now I am back to looking for another. Anyone bought one either online or in Sudbury area, good quality, good price?
  11. Just want to send a special Happy Birthday wish to you Dad. I found this poem that made me think of you. Hope you have a wonderful day. Love you Teressa My Fishing Hole I'm going down to my fishing hole, Got my tackle box, and fishing pole. Gonna catch a mess of fish for lunch, Fry em up in my pan, I love that crunch. With a bitsy minnow on my line, I'll catch enough, so all can dine. Hoping for blue gills and sunfish too, I love fishing that's what I do. I got a sandwich and a couple of beers, I do love fishing, I hold it dear. Look at this fishing hole, what a beautiful sight, Hold on, hold on now, I got a bite. by Juan Olivarez
  12. I lost the song last time I formatted my computer, but one of my favorites is "Chipmunks Roasting on an Open Fire" makes me laugh every time I hear it.
  13. I Just want to wish each and every OFC'er a very Merry Christmas and I hope that 2011 is a fantastic year for you all. Dad (Big Cliff) I hope you and Sue have a wonderful Christmas day. We will give you a call later in the day. I am crossing my fingers that at least 1 OFC'er has last nights lotto max number since I didn't. Be Safe & Happy everyone.
  14. Here in Wahnapitae (close to Sudbury) we are getting hit hard. My daughter has asked me twice already if I think there will be school tomorrow. I don't mind the snow, but the wind is down right nasty. Supposed to be -36 with the windchill tonight. Days like today are when I envy animals that hibernate.
  15. I'm glad you asked that here, I have been arguing with my bf too about the amount of air to put in tires. I always thought you put in what it says on the tire. I wont be telling him he was right though...I'll just let the topic drop now.
  16. dont feel bad, cuz I didnt either...we've gone to subway a few times this summer and didn't see signs or anything
  17. This first one is my oldest Angel, she just turned 14 years old and she is Toy poodle/Bichon. She is almost blind, deaf and has maybe 5 teeth left, but she still eats and plays ball like our younger ones. When we were bottle feeding the baby goats, she decided it was her turn at the bottle. Next is Brandy, she is 5 year old Miniature poodle. She loves hunting and swimming. Last we have Cosmo, he is a 10 week old Toy poodle. We got him for our daughter for her 15th birthday.
  18. Very nice pics T.J. Last year we had to put food out just so the bears would stop trying to get at my rabbits, wild turkeys ect. I got this pic, hope you don't mind my sharing it here. Everyone that sees it is surprised that the 2 rabbits are that close to him and he doesn't care.
  19. bigugli I don't know how you refrained from going over there and umm...telling them off (being nice although I would have wanted to do more). Thats not right. Poor kid.
  20. When my daughter was about 3 years old, she loved the Barney dinosaur, until I bought her a Barney pillow and she fell asleep and I put her drink container in his mouth for safe keeping thinking she would find it when she woke up. The next morning she woke me screaming Barney was eating her "cup". After that, she was terrified of anything to do with Barney.
  21. I've been taking my daughter fishing with me since she could walk. One way my Mom & I got her interested was when it was time to clean the fish, she would get to check what the fish ate. She always felt sorry for the worms when we put them on the hooks, but the curiosity of what was in their stomach over came that. She is going to be 15 years old next month and she has told me that any boyfriend she has will have to like fishing and camping as much as she does.
  22. hmmmm fish fry? i'm in LOL It will be nice to meet evryone and spend the extra time with Dad
  23. Dad, you're right, I'm going to like this board LOL ...fellow conspirators, this is going to be fun. I don't know if I will get down to the get together with Dad, and every child knows not to outfish their parents otherwise, they will be tossed overboard. Dad tried it last year even without me outfishing him, he pushed me right off his dock, of course he went into the water as well and I made sure he hit the water first. So I think I get a freebie.
  24. I haven't tried the patch yet, but in response to Headhunter, listerine does not work. I tried it last summer. I recently watched a show Dr Oz did on mosquito repellents and he said lemon eucalyptus oil works. He said it is available in sporting good and grocery stores, but to be honest I haven't had the chance to check it out for myself yet. He also said it is competitively priced with DEET products.
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