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Rod Caster

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Everything posted by Rod Caster

  1. A mudpuppy in gunshot pose with reel in mouth would have been epic.
  2. With the ire between Leafs and Sens, I'd LOVE to see a Hamiliton Team slip in the middle. hahaha, that would make some people go mental, especially because you'd get a lot of team-flippers and ex-fans. For now, I'm quite pround of our little team that could (the jets).
  3. I love how NOBODY trash talks the Jets. They ARE Canada's team! Lets hope they make the playoffs as SE division leader. It's gotta be emabarassing for the leafs to see the Jets doing just as good or better than themselves in just their first year in the 'Peg.
  4. It's time for the Sens to trade Spezza now that he has the appearance of being worth something. Trade him straight up for Tavares.
  5. A little update here: Matt and I hit our spot again last night. The perch bite was CRAZY! Literally every 10 seconds for three hours I caught a fish.... with a walleye mixed in every 15 or so perch. We caught 14 walleye in total, 6 of which could have been keepers. 1 was around 2.5lbs and had the same gross warts that Nipfisher showed us several weeks ago. All in all, another good trip!
  6. Goofstavsen is back! I never liked his play, he is mediocre at best. The air canada center is but a giant goalie cemetary. They need to take some tips from the coyotes who can turn any backup goalie into a vezina contender....beyond that the Coyotes have nothing to offer haha.
  7. We fish in approx 28-32 FOW. I don't move around at all... I know there is a nearby shoal, and I just fish the edges of it. I've tried a few spots around the shoal and it's the same quality fishing all around it seems.
  8. The reporting info comes directly from the Canadian EPA. I work in the environmental field. An acceptable period of time is defined by the MOE officer who is overseeing the file. Basically, if he/she believes that the insurance company is delaying the removal and that the delay is unreasonable, then they will file an "order" to the insurance company. The "order" will outline the timelines and if they are not met, then fines will be laid. This doesn't happen often, but the MOE is almost always involved in these recoveries and will put pressure on the insurance company to remove the truck asap. They watch these recoveries, because there is always a possibility that a tank will split, or operational fluids will leak, or the recovery team will be negligent, in which case, basic containment and removal is required. Any charges laid to the vehicle owner are for criminal negligence .... guy was hammered or clearly put someone's life in danger. As for the stupidity law... I don't think we have enough room in our jails. haha
  9. The MOE part is not true. The rules are much more complex than that. Your vehicle cannot be left in the water and must be recovered in an acceptable period of time, each MOE officer will make that call at his/her discretion. If the insurance company is bumming around looking for cheap recovery rates, then the MOE can fill an order against them. Most drowned vehicles dont' leak out there fuel, but a truck in the water is still considered a pollution source. The "certain amount of contaminate" rule has many exceptions. It goes like this: If it is under 100 Litres and does NOT enter a waterway or is NOT within 30meters of a waterway, or the contaminant has NOT impacted a "sensitive" ecosystem and if it IS cleaned up, then it does not have to be reported to the MOE. Either way it MUST be cleaned up. The 100 litre exception is only for reporting purposes to save paperwork and money. Most people, even in the industry think that under 100L you do not have to report.... it's a common misconception.
  10. ok, here it is. Stupidity is built into the policy. So yes, if you have comprehensive coverage, the insurance company is fully responsible for the truck, the recovery, the MOE fines etc. Even if you drive onto one inch of ice or it's considered "careless" driving under the Highway Traffic Act and you are fined, the insurance will still cover it. The exception is when there is a criminal charge. This basically voids the policy. So for example, if you were criminally charged for endangerement, drinking over the legal limit or causing death, then you are personally liable for all associated fees, fines, recovery work etc. So if our subject gets criminally charged he will paying up the wahoo...otherwise he gets to live in shame, in a brand new pickup truck.. and have his premiums skyrocket.
  11. Agreed. I'll get some good info on the ice recovery coverages and pass it on some time today. I wish I had definitive answers on this stuff, but I exhaust far too much brain capacity thinking about fishing.
  12. They do? I haven't heard them say that on Nipissing since earlier this season. I'm talking about official public warnings. Sometimes they release those on the news etc. BB: well, from what I understand, if you are found to be driving reckless, DUI etc, they might initially cover you, but will turn around and sue you and recover their monies if you are found guilty. Or the third party could be suing yourself and not the insurance company. I'll check with my sources again today, I'd like to get a straight answer about the ice driving and all the implications as well.
  13. Like our subject above, the police will probably charge him for careless or endangerment if there were warnings released by the police stating the lake was unsafe to drive. If that's the case, his insurance will either recover the truck then sue him or they will flat out refuse to cover it. If they don't cover it, he's responsible for removing the truck and the MOE will rack up the fines if he doesn't follow their orders of timely and environmentally safe removal.
  14. If you drive straight into a river or on one inch of ice, do you honestly think they'll cover you? No, and the police will charge you with careless driving. And the MOE will charge your insurance company for everyday you are polluting, then the insurance company will subrogate or take you to court to recover the MOE costs and the recovery costs. If you pay an unqualifyed or unprofessional ice recovery team, you may be on the hook by the MOL. They will only insure you under a specific set of variables... If your drinking and get charged your insurance is gone, if you drive into essentially open water, you get careless driving charges and then lose your coverage. They might pay upfront, but they'll do whatever they can to prove you were outside your coverage limits.
  15. I've kept two ling this year and I really enjoyed the meat. I just baked it with cajun spice, like I do with some of my walleye/perch and it was great! This one I felt was too big to keep... She was loaded with eggs and will make a fine mother I prefer keeping 3-6 pounders. Roy: their slime does stink a little more than most fish and it sticks to everything. I once handled a ling with those little black cotton gloves and accidentally place the gloves on my dashboard heater while my truck was idling. Trust me, it creates a very distinct odor haha. Other than the slime, your are right, they are a clean fish and clearly a predatory species... Not necessarily a bottom feeder like some people think. If they are considered a bottom feeder, well, then so are walleye because I catch them with same techniques.
  16. yup. And if the insurance company consider it careless driving, like our subject above, you will get charged and be on the hook for the entire recovery bill.
  17. If I could catch anything on Temagami I'd be happy! I was there this weekend and to be honest, I was a bit lost. Million dollar smile on those ling haha. Always good fishin' with ya bud, had some good laughs tonight. You nose it. If you do, let me know, I'll show you around. Joey is apparently up next week, could you do join? I know. Life. Is. Good. oh do you now? haha. I'm in if your in.
  18. I'm looking forward to white bass season more than anything after the ice disappears.
  19. Chad to Matt: Nip tonight? Matt to Chad: What time? We were on the ice and fishing by 3:45. It was overcast with brisk winds and around -6 deg C. Gotta love April in February! The Perch were hitting non stop from the moment we arrived, dinks mixed with some nice jumbos. Matt gave up on his set line within 30 minutes because there was a fish biting every 10 seconds. Both of us were running back and forth for about 1 hr. Even with my second line 7 feet from my jigging hole, the perch kept me running. Walleye began biting at around 5, mostly small ones, with a few nice ones mixed in. The biggest was around 2.5lbs and two were kept for dinner. In total we got 9 walleye. Matt with his keeper Me with the best of the day... released as it was in the slot. Matt was telling me about the ling he caught the other day on Nip that was 12lbs13oz!! that is only 2.5 lbs from the ontario record. He released it and afterwards he released his stinky gloves to the garbage can haha. Those things are PUNGENT! Is this huge or what? As the walleye bite died off, Matt hooks into a BIG fish that gives him a real exciting fight. After about 3minutes, it approaches the exit and BARELY makes it up the hole, it must have sucked in it's gut; I've never seen a belly like this on a ling. It must have been a pregnant fish...check out this gut. He releases the fish and goes back to jigging in his shelter.... a few minutes later I hear him say " it stinks like ling in here" Good stuff haha. looks like a slow work week for me, so I'm hoping to get out a couple more times. Gotta love driving out to the spot and fishing prime time.
  20. How far is Barrie from you? Try contacting Steve Rowbotham from our board... He catches LOTS of big bass.
  21. Its part of our culture apparently, so yes its insured with PDL coverage. It has to be insured, because who could afford to remove their vehicle from 30 feet of water and the subsequent MOE fines. Definitely insured. You wouldnt see half the vehicles on the ice if it wasn't.
  22. Put it this way then, one more point and WPG takes over 8th from the leafs. Pacific is close, PHX can jump from 7th to 3rd with three more points. They are currently 2 points away from 9th.
  23. Wow, four points for Carelson. Good stuff. Ott is looking promising right now. Still, I can't stand hearing or seeing Spezza. I've never seen anybody back-pass out of the opposition's zone so many times. The leafs are old news now; looks like the Jets have as much of a chance at making the playoffs 2 more poiints and they will sit third in the East The MTS Center will go NUTS if they make it in this year.
  24. That one perch in the photo is goliath
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