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Everything posted by superdad

  1. Bay of Quinte for the long weekend - you could have a look at www.quintefishing.com and look at cottages. Lots of places on Hay Bay with cottages. Hope that helps
  2. There was a record attendance for the 6th Legends of Perfect Vue Fishing Derby held on Saturday, Aug 4th,2007 on beautiful Hay Bay. Over 100 anxious anglers registered for the event. The event kicked off at the 0600 breakfast on the west side of Perfect Vue Camp Ground, everyone enjoyed the Egg Burritos or Eggs on Toast with all the special condiments. Co-Chair Bob announced the rules and everyone headed for their boats to be on the water ready for the 0700 shot-gun start. The shot gun blasted and so did the many boats all primed and ready to fish. There was a trail of boats heading at full speed towards the fishing grounds. Many of the boats headed to Mallory Bay,(where the fishing had been outstanding the previous week), while others headed to other familiar spots - Shermans Point / Thompsons Cove. Everyone fished HARD for the allotted time and the weigh-in was active from 1130 til all the boats who were there had weighed in their catch. Lots of fish were brought to the scale and weigh-master Bob announced each weight for Registrar Jack to duly note in the log. All fishers docked their boats and discussed the mornings fishing, some had good luck, while others were not so fortunate. All said that the amount of boat traffic in Mallory Bay had a profound effect on the bite of the walleyes. The prizes and BBQ were scheduled for 1300 and everyone was anxious to get the results. The crowd gathered around the podium and waited with patience. Some waited by the prize table - which was long and over flowing with lots of goodies. Master of Ceremonies - Bob Fendley was in fine form and was pleased to announce the winners with a total catch of 14.1 lbs - The Three Amigos Fishing Team. Hey Look at that- Superdad's team of Superdad's Dad / Laker John & Superdad. They sure looked happy with the prize $$. Another BIG win for the Bayview Resort Campers and the Prize for the largest Sheepshead went to another Bayview Team - Jackie Parent and John Mydlinski Jr. The prizes were given and the draws for the prizetable was underway as well as the BBQ lunch. Everyone had lots to eat and were kept laughing with the comments of Bob F. The crowd was most appreciative of all the action and all the hard work by the organizers. Following the completion of the prizes, M/C Bob introduced the organizers for the 2008 Legends of Perfect Vue Derby. We wish them well and offer our best wishes and sincere thanks to Jack and Bob for their efforts in the last six years. Tight Lines to all who took part in the derby and see you next week at Bayview. David aka Superdad
  3. There a ton of streams that look like that and the beaver dams are a dime a dozen. Where were you????
  4. Bit Torrent and Mininova.org work well. I wish I had High Speed - ADSL is ok but High Speed would be llike lightening. David aka Superdad
  5. Mike: Soo-Pere report. Belle effort avec les enfants.
  6. Last Tuesday, the 12th was the first day of the fishing with my son, SuperDave and his bros in law and sons visiting from the 'Show Me State' Missouri. They are experiened fishers with an assortment of different Catfish, LM Bass and crappies. They have a pond on their property that has seen 10 lb LM Bass being caught and the younger son - Brett is a keen fisher who regularly lands 5 to 8 lbers. The fishing in Canada is a totally new experience for them and they were anxious to land walleye and pike. The young lad was keen and I rigged a rod with a hook and a bobber for some perch and sunfish off the dock. Within minutes of fishing off the dock, he landed several LM bass, ranging from 1lb to 3lbs. He was happy to break the ice for his first Canadian fish. We were able to get Tuesday after supper for a couple hours and we headed to Thompsons Cove for some trolling. Began the troll in 14' adn shortly thereafter, Brett had a strike and was able to land his first Walleye. He was a happy camper. We trolled the weed line and began a turn, which took us out over 19' of water and on that turn, the older lad - Ryan had a strike and fought a real nice fish - 4.75 lbs of Quinte Walleye. We started the trip off with a couple of fish and following the previous weekend when the fishing had dropped off, we felt lucky to have taken those fish. On Wednesday, we headed out to troll some deeper water looking for some suspended fish, but the East wind make the trolling difficult, but we were able to get another first for the boys from MO. We changed locations and trolled near Q6 along the shoal and SuperDave landed his first walleye of the year. Not a big fish but enough to give him a tussle on his ultra-light rod. We continued fishing there and shortly thereafter, the Bros in Law-Scott hooked into his first Walleye ever. Not a big fish, but a walleye all the same. On our way back to Bayview, we decided to make a couple of passes at Thompsons again as we had been lucky the previous evening. We started trolling and Scott's rod bent with another fish, this was a really nice 4 lber. The Lake Gods were on our side - everyone was happy as everyone was getting fish. We hadn't caught a pike yet, so for the evening fish, we trolled the north shore of Hay Bay with a Red Swan Gold Wobbler and finally in front of BayBoys place Brett hit a really nice pike- His Quinte Grand Slam was complete - Bass-Walleye & Pike. Everything was working well, and we were catching fish also - can't ask for more than that. Off to fish on Thursday, we headed to Green Point as we saw some different parts of Quinte. We landed a couple of 12-13" fish up there and decided to head back down Long Reach to an area where I had marked some fish on Tuesday AM. They weren't biting but the troll took us over to Shermans Pt and when we cut across the shoal into the shallower water and weed line, we started hitting some fish. Ryan was the first to get one and it was a surprise. The fish were biting and we continued to troll back and forth and during the next 75 minutes, we landed 11 walleyes, mostly in the 13-14" size. Size doesn't matter for young lads having a ball hooking fish and tangling lines and feeling the weeds pulling like walleyes. We had quite a morning with 13 fish landed - all hands were happy with those results. On our way back, we met the C/O and OPP who checked our licenses, livewell and coolers. We had ALL the safety equipment and more than was asked for. Please remember to carry your boat registration with you - it's important. For the final evenings fish, we stayed close to Bayview and fished the shoal and Wagon Wheel Point, Brett was hot as he landed three more small walleyes and as the sun was setting we turned towards the dock and his rod REALLY bent over...... was this the BIG walleye - Don't think so as I saw the line circling in the water as he had his hands full with the rod doubled over. Five minutes later, the net answered the question - Walleye or Sheepshead????? Quite the fish to end the first trip to Canada - pulled like crazy and that's half the sport of fishing - fighting the big one - regardless of species. The final count of the fishing was over 24 walleyes, several bass(released) a pike and a couple of sheepshead. The visitors from Missouri were happy with the fish and the chance to see the fabulous Bay Of Quinte. I was very happy to have lead them to the fish and all the walleyes and sheepshead were caught on the Fabulous UZICK Spinner (Chratreuse and Orange). I am sure this trip north will whet their appetite for another adventure of Canadian fishing.
  7. Duber, Fish are biting at Shermans Pt, Carp Cove (if you know Hay Bay-you'll know this place) Thompsons Cove and the Old Church area. At least they were yesterday and this morning.
  8. Just talking to a local fisher and he told me that the walleyes were just starting to bite at the LaSalle Causeway, casting from shore with stickbaits into the darkness. Hope that Helps
  9. Mike Soo Pere Peche TL David aka Superdad
  10. Was out to fish Saturday evening with a fellow camper and we headed to the flats around 1830 for a couple hours. Landed 6 eyes on Uzick Spinners in 7.5' of water. Fishing with 20 other boats in the area. Went out Sunday with my Dad and fished the flats in the morning,counted 28 boats from Ram Is to Blakewoods and 27 more in the flats (Busy holiday weekend fishing traffic) and hit a couple and fished in the evening in front of Bayview and hit another - all on Uzicks. Took a spin on Monday morning to Mallory to check it out and found 6 boats fishing the south side of Trompour PT (jigging and trolling), marked some fish on the north side of MAllory in over 20' but couldn't entice them to strike. Headed to Thompsons and started to troll and withing 5 minutes, I hit a nice 21" on an Orange Uzick Spinner about 125' back on a flat line. Wind blew Monday afternoon and evening so didn't get out again. People staying at Bayview all were bringing in catches of walleyes and quite a few pike. Everyone had a great holiday weekend. Stay Tuned
  11. Mike, Les poissons sont la - Bonne Peche
  12. I got the X14 gold Navionics for my Lowrance 332c amd it is SUPER..... Shows all the structure which will allow us to troll closer without actually finding the top of the weed bed and fouling the lures. Really Pleased
  13. Well, the opening weekend rolled around and Laker John, SuperBert and myself arrived at Bayview Resort in midafternoon on Friday. Loaded the boat with gas (Yikes- it's a tad expensive- those rotten oil companys :evil: ) Met all the campers and got to bed early as the 0500 alarm comes early. Up before dawn and left the dock at 0615 and headed to the fishing grounds. Trolled over the area with 6 rods out and with about 7 other boats. Never saw a NET. I would bet we didn't mark 20 fish in 6 hours. Guess they weren't there. Trolled the south side and over on the north side - water temperature difference was 8degs F, (South side 52.8 F and the north was 44.7). With the North-east howling and makes the waves larger by the minute, we headed home to wait until the winds calmed down- FAT CHANCE :twisted: Back to Bayview after 7 hours fishing with nothing to show in the livewell. Took a chance on Saturday evening and tried to troll near Ram Is, wind blew us to the old Church like a speed boat, it took over 165feet of line to touch the bottom. TOO FAST...... Spirits were still high for Sunday and although we left at 0700 heading to Desronto, when we rounded the Shermans Pt Light house, the North-east winds were still howling right down Long Reach. Our discrection was to troll down wind and we marked some fish as we trolled to the cement plant. We were changing lures and heights and doing all the things trying to find fish. Laker John decided that his favourite lure was due and flat-lined an Alpena Diamond and a snap weight about 180' back. As we approached the cement plant the flat-line went off. SuperBert was on deck and took the rod and had a nice fight and as the fish approached the boat, John thought it was a laker, but as the fish flipped into the net, we saw a RAINBOW TROUT - 7.25 lb. My 86 year old Dad had landed his FIRST Rainbow Trout of his life - what a beauty. Spirits were revived and our enthusiasm restored - we continued the area and made our way over to Buoy Q4 and trolled back past Q6 and through Mallory Bay. Marked More bait fish there than any other place we had been. Made our way back to Bayview at 1500 as we had been out for 8 hours and one fish. People were catching fish in Hay Bay and one angler(who shall go name-less) was the fortunate catcher of a tagged fish valued at $1000.00. OH Yes, Guess you have a Kiwanis Ticket to get the prize D'OHHHHHHH. We had a good weekend, fish-less as it may have been, but just when you think you got this fishing thing down pat - the fish will bring you to your knees just as fast. Anyhow, that's our weekend and we're looking forward to 2008, like the Dodgers used to say "Wait til next year"
  14. A week ago, I posted about our Brown Trout fishing as if it was the ultimate angling adventure and would never be forgotten. That was true until yesterday - May 1,2007 was another OUTSTANDING and never to be forgotten fishing experience for Lake Ontario Brown Trout. And yes, Virgina, Lightening Does Strike Twice As a neophyte Lake Ontario fisher, my learning curve has taken a SHARP rise in that fishing. Yesterday, LakerJohn, Bayboy and myself headed off to Wellington to try our luck and sea-trial for 'Superdad', Launched at 1030 and headed off to the fishing grounds off Sandbanks Park. Trolling began at 1115 and BayBoy had his first Brown Trout at 1135, the second fish arrived at 1150, the bite was still on and they were in the same area as the previous week. The weather was co-operating and with winds under 5 KPH and a cloudy sky, the fish were there. We continued to fish and rotate the rods with SUPER results. Our count for the day was 16 Brown Trout landed, one HUGE SM Bass(oddest colouration for a Bass we have ever seen) and we had 9 other strikes and lost fish). All fish were caught on Alpena Diamonds off in-line Planer boards with the water between 47 and 50.9 Degs F. Laker John and myself never for an instant thought we would outdo the previous trout fishing trip - BUT we did. We have the memories of two absolutely fabluous Brown Trout fishing trips in 2007. We are pumped for the Walleye Opening on Saturday. Here's a shot of the successful anglers and their catch. We all enjoyed the day and it concluded at the Wellington Launch Ramp as we witnessed the addition of 15,000 Chinook salmon added to Lake Ontario. All in all - a SUPER day.
  15. The Spring Brown trout should going real good, so Laker John and I decided it was time to fish for some Browns. It also afforded me an opportunity to a shake-down trip of Superdad for the 2007 fishing season. We never though for an instance that the day would be a day to remember. The boat had just come out of the shop (MP Marine) and all tuned and ready to go. We headed for Wellington from Bayview at 0430 on Monday and after breakfast at Timmies in Picton, made our way to the launch ramps in Wellington. The ramp next to the LCBO is usable as it has the floating docks chained to the main dock. The other launch ramp past the beach doesn't have the dock in, so we were unable to use it and used the LCBO ramp. Parking up the street was ok. Launched and headed out the little channel and headed for Sandbanks shores. We trolled a quick pass at West Point but had no results. Headed off to another area and began to troll in earnest. We were trolling in 4 feet of water with 75foot leads behind the boards and we were hitting the bottom a lot. We shortened the leads to 60 feet and found success on the outside boards. Then we decided to troll in 6 feet of water and the Fish Gods smiled on us. We fished from 0715 to 1430 and made approx 7 passes along the shore(each taking 1/2 hr to 45 mins) and here's what we did. We landed 14 brown trout and lost two at the net. The biggest was one that I landed at 6.75 lbs, the rest ranged from 15" to 19" (1.5 lbs to 3 lbs). All fish were caught on Alpena Diamonds - you know the ones that were discontinuted about 10 years ago........... Here are a couple shots of the results. And Laker John's Pair The results were outstanding and we couldn't believe we were able to get the fish all day long, we had thought the morning and evening would be the times to be on the water. We have to thanks Capt' Steve from Lake Ontario United for the advice that he had on his Fishing Board. The water temp and trolling speed was perfect. To sum the day up, we had a day like none other (for Brown Trout) and may never experience that sort of a day again.
  16. Hey Lew, We'll see you around your 'island paradise'. Our Hay Bay base is Bayview Resort (Trailer parked there) Hope it's a good as last year - nothing under 26".
  17. We saw the Fiberglass Lund at the Toronto Sportsmans Show last week. It looked heavy.
  18. Lew, Navionics has released a new card the ' 14XG ' replacing the X9 (eastern Lake ontario etc..) The new 14xg covers the maritime and the great lakes - those SD cards have huge memories now. If you find the old eastern lake ontario card, don't pay full price they're discontinued. BY the way, RadioWorld was selling the 14XG for $239.00 at the Boat Show.
  19. Lew, It's unfortunate that you had those 'Charities' in your face whenyou were at the Boat Show, on my part, I never saw anyone selling raffle tickets, - guess I was lucky and by passed them. I found the show extremely positive- I had things work out for me. 1. The rep from Lowrance (Dino) was able to point in the proper direction to get my GPS speed to show up on my graph display. I've been reading the manual and couldn;t solve that problem. 2. Talked to Navionics and found out that the SD card I was looking for has been replaced by a BIGGER and more far-reaching card. The Gold SD card now covers the Maritimes and the Great Lakes. Also found out that the Platinum Card wouldn;t work in my Lowrance. 3. Was able to purchase some special cleaner that I picked a couple years ago and it really works for me. 4. I was able find a vendor from BC who had Grommets what can be used with any sort of tarp. This will help tying the tarp when winterizing the boat. 5. I met a vendor who was selling siphon hoses. I already have one and was listening to his pitch and he mentioned a method of increasing the flow from the siphon. Change the size of the tub attached to the gizmo, by cutting off the old hose and using the piece left on the device to fit into a new and larger hose. This increase the flow of the liquid(gas) especially when emptying four 20 liter jerry cans. 6. Had a chance to talk with one of the best fishers in Quinte - Tom Gustar and discuss the state of the Quinte walleyes - Always a pleasure to talk to him. On the whole I was pleased with the show and will be back next year. Almost forgot the BEST thing at the show (IMHO)- the Italian Travel/Boat industry had a booth where they were passing samples of Parmesian Cheese and Italian Sparkling Wine. Made my day as I was getting hungry and thirsty, but didn't want Pizza and Beer. I was able to take the TTC Rocket from Union Station and return using less $$ than the 'GO' and far less than driving and parking. Plans are under way for the Sportsmans Show in March. We drive to Oshawa and take the GO to exhibition, saves the cross town drive and parking problems. Just my .02
  20. I've called this post Soft-Water Fishing, BUT, the reality was that we were out on the water and not fishing very well. Ken, Laker and myself launched at the Ferry at 1000 and headed across into the lee of the high shore. Got the rods and lures into the water and headed east. As we came out of the lee and into the wind, the breezes began to gust in ernest. We had 3 footers at first and we were being blown like a rocket up and down in the waves. Trolling a little further, my planer board slipped and went under - Thought it might be a fish...... It was all I could do to SLOWLY reel in the board. The winds were really starting to gust and the waves grew to 4 footers. Slowly the board came to the boat and with that we realized that we were beating our heads against the odds. Head to the lee of the south shore. We had a shore lunch while we waited for the winds to subside. Laker checked the waves and we got back out into the waves(slightly smaller) and trolled down past the Keith Shoal Buoy. Hard to slow the boat down with the gusts. The wind died a little and we headed towards the cement plant for a troll along the south side towards the marina. The fishing was ideal for about 45 minutes, before another weather front went thru and the winds picked up again. We had an issue with another boat who was infringing on our right to fish, but disgression is the better part of valour. We insured our lines were out of their way, although there was another boat who wasn't deterred with the size of the Stephen B. Roman. They persisted and trolled right by the high flying Cement Boat. We made another pass from the White Marker between the cement plant and Thompsons Pt, but the wind switched direction again and we were being tossed around trying to run the lines in the water. We came ashore at 1530 and talked to another boat that was coming out. They had one landed a few minutes before landing as the water was claming down east of the ferry. We were skunked in our attempt to land a big mama, BUT, we fished the soft water on January 6th. We happen to have chosen the wrong day to fish with the high winds, Sunday was a gorgeous day with little wind. You can read the results of others on Sunday- oh well if horses had wings, they'd fly. It made the rest of the winter a whole lot shorter. If the soft water persists, Laker and I are formulating plans to attack again. Stay Tuned.
  21. Lew, The Gold chip will do a good job for Quinte, I hope to get one this spring, Have to investigate the Platinum card too. Will show all the bumps around your little island Happy New Year David aka Superdad
  22. Big Swede, Congrats on your report and the fishing. Too bad about the motor, BUT you guys got some fish, PB's are always good. Glad to see the rigging worked out and was productive. Thanks for your kind words.
  23. Mike the Pike, Belle effort sur le st laurent, c'est une bonne place pour l'alose, ne c'est pas? David aka Superdad
  24. Saturday, Dec 16,2006 will be carved into my psyche forever... It was the BEST day of Walleye Fishing that I have ever encountered - Bar none. Was out to fish with Steve Hamilton and Jackson Brawn on Steve's boat on Adolphus Reach from 1100 - 1645. Before we got all the lines out for the first pass, the outside board went off and we had the first fish of the day, five minutes after starting. The fish was landed and released and away we went again. To summarize the day as it would be a long post and most of the details are vague and fading fast. It's tough to keep track of the sizes and weights without writing them down. We totaled 13 fish in the five hours, including 9 double digits - A PB for Steve of 14.25 lbs and the first ever for me - a TRIPLE HEADER.... Here are a few of the Pix from my Camera. And my Fishing companions: I cannot express my thanks to Steve and Jackson for taking me out with them allowing me the chance to fish with them - Real Gentlemen and Real Fishers. We were fishing east of the ferry, but short of the Keith Shoal buoy, in 75-85 feet of water. We landed eight on Reef Runner(deep)- Purple Demon, a couple on TailDancers TDD11(Clown) and one on a Purple Demon Ripstick. We ran six lines and never had a tangle - good boating and landing skills. I would suspect that this will be the last trip on the water this year, BUT never say Never...... The outlook for hard water fishing at this writing is to say the least slim, but you can never tell about the weather. One of the posters today spoke of not going because they had predicted high winds - that never happened. The weather near the ferry was enjoyable and sunny most of the day, while in Kingston, 45 kms away it was grey and cloudy almost all day. Thanks again to Steve and Jackson - we must do it again some time next December??????
  25. Shaun, Just one word FANTASTIC.............................................. Great Report - Thanks for posting
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