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Everything posted by PatrickGG

  1. The Citica for $119 WOW! they usually go for $149 bucks i picked one up a couple of months ago, that is a drop in price i wonder why? How long is the sell on for?
  2. Cabelas has a good reputation when it comes to getting your purchased items on time, I recently ordered a few things and got them in 4 business days.
  3. I hope its gonna be something good i am hoping in the near future to be a part of it.
  4. I don't know if this is old news but i was surfing the net and came across a article stating the CRK is done, Any Bass pros here know why they closed there doors? are they gonna come back in 2008?
  5. Yep! one big or small scratch can stop it from playing if you have a P.C store in your area visit or call him and ask him if he has a machine to remove scratches off your disc i know down here some places charge 2 bucks and others 5 bucks a disc.
  6. Try using power DVD heres a link for the program: http://www.cyberlink.com/multi/download/trials_1_ENU.html P.S Its a 30 day trial.
  7. Well i got a invite from Team Hot Reels to be a observer for the salmon tourny Out of Port Dalhousie this weekend and i was just wondering if anybody is participating in the tournament i figured it would be nice to run into some of the board members?????
  8. Nice quality pics, almost looks like they should be in a magazine.
  9. When visiting relatives that live in a apartment building not realizing you are on the wrong floor and open the wrong apartment door and see two girls making out on there couch OPPS! wrong apartment, SO whats for dinner?
  10. Yea you can but you wont be able to cover much water, much more better if you had a canoe.
  11. Well after a long hard search for yo-zuris hybrid line and the h2o flouro in the GTA i came up with nothing so i went to Cabelas web site and place my order last week and received it yesterday it was actually packed tight and i was very satisfied with there shipping and cant wait to spool up and try out this line heres a pic of the goods.
  12. You gotta pay a launch fee i think its 5 bucks for non motorized boats "canoes etc" and 10 for motorized. the launch is located off of Lake rd just before little lake theres a road called Butler Ave down the road stick to your right and you cant miss the boat launch. If you got a non motorized boat use it the lake is really weedy and hold some nice size largies and be nice people that live on the lake they pay to maintain the lake and stock it also.
  13. SUP LUCID? Hope we run into each other pike fishing the lakeshore sometime soon, other than that how you been doing? hope we start seeing you and FHR posting pike reports after opener.
  14. I got a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach after reading the article, I just cant imagine these kids sitting in a class room doing there work and some wack job walks in and starts shooting its terrible to even think how the parents are feeling, my prayers go out to the families that lost there kids.
  15. Funny! i thought at one point you was gonna mention bringing a lap top with you when you go fishing just to make sure you are going in the right direction.
  16. Sup everyone! i got a issue which maybe some of your ideas would help me out, over the years i managed to buy a few opened face reels which came with a additional spool and now looking at some of my spools i am tring to figure out what line i spooled on them, i notice some people label there spools and i just don't like the thought of sticking labels on my spools so whats sort of system do you guys use??
  17. Dang 55 bucks she don't look to shabby either and perfect gear ratio for pike and musky, give it a go and tell me how she runs i am in the market to buy a 5:1 baitcaster for pike and with that price i don't think i can turn a blind eye.
  18. talk about wearing diapers, I would most definitely be wearing one to work that high off the ground.
  19. Congrats to the winners, nice package of free stuff.
  20. Welcome aboard and awesome pics alls those bows need is a superman cape on.
  21. Nicely done little angler hope we see some more of your reports in the near future.
  22. I got a Quantum burner and got no complaints i actually picked it up the first year they came out and returned it because the blue color on it started to tarnish they replaced it with no questions and it casts a mile a minute especially with some heavy lures on it.
  23. Dang! I guess shes dead now thanks to the guy that caught it.......
  24. I fish from the shore so my hands make all the landings when bringing fish in.
  25. I picked up a bunch of Booyah chatterbaits at the spring fishing show i cant wait to give them a go.
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