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Everything posted by DMASSE

  1. Hey My wife bought me a 80 GIG Playstation 3 for our 10 year anny> And Call of duty 4 My questions is : Does anyone here play that game, and do you play online. My user name online is DRMASSE so if you see me add me to your friends list Dave
  2. Count me in again I like to stir the pot LOL Dave
  3. GERRITT ANY tine bud. you have my number and lets get together and do some fishing Dave
  4. HEy Your welcome, did you go to the spot I told you about. Was it as good as the reports that I got... Its always cool to catch steel on a pin. way to go. See you on the river Dave
  5. Lew good to meet you today, I saw quite a few OFNers at my booth ( flaherty's) Good to meet the new one and I was a pleasure to see the ones that I meet in the past Dave
  6. Ken ( Bowshep) myself and our friend Peter will be there... I have the prizes that AL FLAHERTY'S Donated and will bring them also I know Ryan ( hammerhead Lures) will be there and I think his cousin.... MO if you need anything call me (647) 832-0994 dave
  7. Cell (647) 832-0994 always on OFC isnt working, I am not getting PM's [email protected]
  8. Where r u looking, we have it for $17.85 and I think Lebaron's is $.15 more The major companies have dropped there prices, being in the business I see and order alot of the new fishing products, Hunting and Guns are the same, price dropping like crazy Just my 2 cents worth Dave
  9. WOW IT COULD BE LIVING WITH BOWSHEP (That could explain alot of weird things LOL) Nancy call me or have Ken call me, I think he for got my number See you next weekend anyway Dave
  11. Ryan Look forward in selling and Using these baits. They look and feel amazing.. and the price point is amazing.... Hope you do well.. Dave
  12. Hello Was thinking of getting a underwater camera, I seen tons of pics and was wondering if anyone use them, what do you think, and what brand... I am lucky I can order at wholesale $$$ (perks of working at a fishing store lol) I seen FISH TV, AQUA VIEW, others I cant remember Any feed back would be appreciated Dave
  13. Gerett Give Grant.b.Mcallister a call, he is in the business, he is a good guy to deal with professionally and as a friend I would recommend him to anyone.. Here is his number 647.402.2277 good luck Dave
  14. Ya and wait untill JULY LOOMIS CANADA (Lorne Greene) has sold the canadian right and company to Shimano. They are the sole owners..... The rods will still come out of Seattle but all the clothing and acc will come out of Peterbough By the way anyone with a FRONTIER good luck on the warranty, lorne has retired and the company is no more. People assume that they are LOOMIs rods but they are not the are fromtier owned by Lorne Greene. Trust me I know this info from the horses mouth Dave
  15. First of all I was trying to explain to everyone who entered the store that it was not a SMASH AND GRAB thing. Then it went to a DRIVE THRU SERVICE, Then finally a DOOR (and Window) CRASHER.. I think people like that one the best... I am trying to figue out how to post the pics from my RAZOR but so far no luck It scared the craaaap out of me and I couldnt believe even that I was safe I could have died.. we aswser the phone where the car was 10 times a hr. and some how no one was killed.... anyway its done and I will post the pic and hopefully the video later Dave
  16. ALL IS WELL NO ONE WAS HURT Last night myself and Sam were working around the front of the store when I heard Sam yell Watch out.. I Mercedes Benz crashed at high speed into the front of the main Window. It missed the counter and flew between the main wall and the counter.... Luckly no one was in the store at the time and that sam and I were on the other side of the counter... We watched the vidoe ( cool to see ) but scary at the same time... we both were standing there not more that 5 minutes earlier. STORE IS OPEN FOR BUSINESS and we will move on.. Dave
  17. To all the OFC'Rs Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Be safe, have fun and enjoy life all the Best The Masse Family
  18. Hello OFNers Just a quick note that Al Flaherty's Outdoor store on Dufferin Street has the new 2008-09 MNR fishing regs... Some interesting changes and some new and good changes.. I am responding to about 15 PM's about the regs... Drop by and grab one if your downtown TO Dave
  19. CC When r u fishing again, I miss the reports LOL Ryan Thanks again, Bowshep Nice words, carrie said your right to a T Dave
  20. Ken WHAT do you mean ON THAT C AND R Dave
  21. Hello Went fishing today with a OFC board member " THE URBAN FISHING" AKA RYAN, We meet downtown TO and went to one of my favorite rivers... I got some reports earlier that the water was perfect so off we went.. When we got there, we went and got our gear togther and as we were tying up CHICKENHAWK and his friend arrived and bolted down river LOL Anyway we started at some of the pools just below the dam, and managed to get into some fish At another pool Ryan missed 2 really hard hit, and we managed to catch a huge surprise Now the fish was a very bright red in the water but darkened as we took it out of the water A surprising COHO SO after fishing most of the pools, the rain started to come down alittle hard and we went home Here is a PIC of RYAN What a great day, met a new friend, got into some fish, what can anyone else ask for.. Thanks Ryan " THE URBAN ANGLER" it was fun Dave
  22. Hello Was thinking of heading off steelhead fishing tomorrow, probaly east rivers. Anyone one want to fish... Let me know PM me or call (647) 832-0994 Dave Also in the HOOK UP section
  23. Hey Usually its Tuesdays, but have MONDay this week off. and as for lunch 3-4 Drop by Dave
  24. HEy I am always eating, or fishing... Its in my nature LOL Good to see you today, and please if your in the area pop by and say hi.... Anyone from the board, if your in the area stop in and say hi Dave
  25. The guy that runs the Sportmanshow, bought the rights to the spring fishing show. His intentions were to shut down the show for the spring, combine the attendance for the sportsmanshow, up the price for the ticket and charge the booths more money..ETC ETC You wait and see what we do this year a t the sportsman show.... Its going to be a differeent show for US.. Dave
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