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Everything posted by DMASSE

  1. give me a call at the store ok
  2. HELLO AGAIN I am looking for the proper chanell for WILD TV. Its suppose to be a new station for 24hr fishing and hunting shows..... I use to have it for bell sat. but I have switched to roger and can not find it anywhere.. If you know please tell me, it was a great station DAve
  3. hELLO GOING TO BE FISHING AGAIN AT cooks bay again on tursday... Would anyone like to meet up somewhere and go... I went today with my wife and we had a blast, all i can say is there are alot of perch... I lost count after 100 fish Tons of small one but we managed to keep 30 all around 11-13".... It was a fun day... If you would like to meet there are hook up in the city somewhere give me a call... If you dont drive and u live in the city like I do there is public transit that takes you right there.... If you drive I will pay for the expences like gas, monnows etc etc.. give me a call tonight at work tomorrow at the store (416)651-6436 or pm, post here and i will call after six. thanks DAVE
  4. Hello Going fishing tomorrow at Keiffers for some small fish action. If your out there and you see a black shelter with a big guy ina orange suit and a women in a orange jacket, pop by and say HI.. My name is Dave Good luck tomorrow and be safe DAve
  5. Well I was fishing on Tuesday on this gravel pit near Cambridge and there was consistant 4-5 inches of ice ( punch bowl and no wind) We killeed the crappies and blue gills..... I was hoping with all the cold weather we are having the ice might form...
  6. Ya I remember you, I tols you about the white tubes for lakers, and you like SLUGo's... Ya we talk alot, we shouod go fishing soon I am dying to get out fishing again.... Dave Ps I call everyone BOSs for some stupid reason LOL
  7. Hello I was thinking of doing some fishing this weekend either at Cooks bay or Island lake or even a small quarry I know for Crappies and large Blues. Is there anuone who would like to venture out, I am dying to fish and all the reports I have been getting is good for the weekend.. Anyway let me know by email [email protected] or call me at the store. (416) 651-6436 Thanks Dave
  8. Hey I live in High Park and work at Al Flaherty's fishing store. drop by and and lets fish sometime.. Dave
  9. YA it look decieving but the water was high for this time of year, But i did notice that the pools seemed deeper, than usual... maybe the faster water over the time made them deeper...
  10. CRACK ROE LOL no just salmon and rainbow roe, SHH the secret is mashed garlic in the bottom of the jar so the roe smells good enought to eat... actually small worm from my local pet store worked well..... BEAT yhanks for the advice I didnt reliaze that I posted the name as well... Dave
  11. Good report. We should fish together soon... DAVE
  12. YA fishing today was flawless, it didnt matter on what to throw at them, The water was atleast 2 feet higher abd the water was still clear... Cool Day
  13. HELLO As usuall we went to one of my favorite fishing tribs, and I am glad we did . I went 17-23 fishing.... Here are some of the pics of the day, Dave
  14. Hello Going tomorrow to some eastern tribs... Managed a ride for tomorrow.. If anyone would like to come we will be leaving the coffee time at dufferin and the Yorkdale mall (just before mall) at 5:30am Will report after the trip Dave
  15. Lets put it this way.. I have been fishing the east trib and the credit... where would you like to go.... I am open, just like fishing for steel.... Dave
  16. HELLO HELLO This is my weekly invite to anyone who would like to fishi for some STEEL again on tues... The last 2 tues have been very productive... So if you have the time Pm or post and lets make plans... Dave
  17. HELLO EVERYONE HERE IS MY BABY SHE IS A 18 Month old Black Lab named KIRA, Amazing dog with the family and me.. DAVE
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