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Everything posted by DMASSE

  1. So your saying Other than the Ganny, you can fish Wilmont, Bowmanville, Oshawa and Duffins from Hwy 2 south...All rivers in Durham You might want to clairify the book..... Over the past years Ganny cnr south, Wilmont Cnr South, Bowmanville HWY 2 South, Oshawa CNR south and Duffins Cnr South , Maybe its changed but I am not sure.... Please make sure as Mitch (CO) is very active right now looking for people in closed areas... Good Luck Dave Regional Municipality of Durham - all waters between Hwy. 2 and the southerly limit of the C.N.R. right-of-way Becarefull of the AND, its river by river access
  2. done great shot
  3. MIKE Yes its my favorite area, we have been there many times... Misfit, not the Humber, but caught a crap load of browns there in the past... Solo ::: Its the undercuts of the banks, there is a river that I go to with about 6 different places that hold fish under the bank and you drift a fly or bag at the beginning of the undercut and you usually pull out a hiddden fish.. And fidel your the only troll I know
  4. Hello Went out last night again to fish the underbanks for BROWNY'S again, and last night pull off great. I ended up with 2 good browns the first was a nice clean male about 5lbs and the second was a nice clean female, I was in a area by myself and couldnt take a photo of the male but my fishing partner was near me for the second fish... Tons of fresh salmon in the river and most were aggressive and we caught tons of them...... here is a pic of the female... the second pic is a female from last year at this time Hope you enjoy Dave Last years brown in the same undercut
  5. PAGS Where are you from, I get out alot and always interested in fishing with new people..... Also what type of gear are you using. I do alot with Raven tackle http://www.raventackle.com/pro_staff.htm and could help recomend the right set up Let me know Dave
  6. A buck more the rapala's I have used them with great sucess, on musky and walleyes on Sturgeon Lake. Well worth the money Dave
  7. sorry all I saw was launch and fenlon falls.... there is a launch at whychwood as well on the river near the falls
  8. there is a free launch in fenlon, right by the swing bridge... Dave ps my cottage is right across the launch
  9. HELLO My brother and I are going on a hike in and around a lake near north west of MACTIER, Its called FOLGOL LAKE. Its a lake surrounded by Crown land off HEALEY LAKE RD. My question is 1) Has anyone ever heard of this lake 2) What kind of fish and fishing can I expect (bass, pics, trout etc etc) 3) Should I bring bear poppers just in case any help would be appreciated Dave
  10. Hello Try the KOPPERS live target in the bass colours, the others work very well for me and they are really life like Dave
  11. Wow a huge music icon died today from a heart attach, he went into a coma and died, Wow that terrible. I remember back in the 80's when I saw him in NY on the pepsi tour, he was a great performer. RIP micheal
  12. There is a free boat ramp in Fenlon Falls by the swing bridge. I think there is one in Rosedale as well. If you fish cameron fish closer to rosedale area, there is a area called the five fingers (most northern) part of cameron, GREAT musky fishing.... Also look for the deepest channel on a map, Closest to Fenlon and it also great for PICS Dave
  13. Where are yo from If your from TO. Lets head out. I usually guide on the grand (fergus to Inverhaul) but also like fishing the eastern residents. Dave
  14. Hello Just wanted to show some pics of the great outinfing we had on Sun and tues Had the river to ourselfs, probally 4-7 KM ofgood water. We all went into the high teens each day and probally a hundred small guys between 4-10 inches, 1 fish keep due to bleeding... To many pics to post here is just a handful... This one went to the dinner table ( bleeding) More to come Thanks Dave
  15. Hey Cancelled my guiding day due to the weather. Need current updates on the river condition of the eastern rivers.... Dont need names of rivers just if it blown out or not.... Any help would be appreciated dave
  16. WOW THAT LOOKS SCARY Nice male screwed up face Thanks Dave
  17. Hello I just received my personal best brown pic from a client. It was taken last year November early morning and released to spawn away..... Hope you enjoy Dave
  18. GOING TO THE WHIRLPOOL TOMORROW AND WAS WONDERING HOW THE CONDITIONS WERE I CAN USE A REFRESHER COURSE ON SET UP I have the pikers but cant remember how far to set up the slip float. I kinda remember 13-17ft leads under the float but please correct meif I am wrong.. any help is appreciated Dave
  19. Kemper Thanks for the report, did you guys get alot of rain or snow.... I think that I will pass for tomorrow and fish crappies instead...... Lets get out sometime soon Dave
  21. PM SENT Geoff
  22. Hello Well I have always wondered this very question... Yesterday I was talking to MITCH PHINNLEY from the Durham REGION MNR CO... and i asked him this very question. His reponse is You are allowed to keep fishiing even if you have obtained your daily speices limit, in this case 2 stream - rainbow trout, you are still allowed to obtain your other limits of trout ie Browns, specks etc etc with the daily limit of 5 trout total, if you obtain this limitof trout, you are required to release all and any other trout back into the water in a timely matter... therefore allowed too keep fishing with a catch and release only Hope this helps If you would like Mitch's phone number it can be provided on request Dave
  23. Here's mine Not finished. theres going to be a rod line and fly surrounding the tatoo Its represents the 2 things I love.. Fishing and Canada Dave
  24. Silvio give me a call, was thinking of renting a hut for the deep water, or getting a taxi with the portable..
  25. Sorry to hear that Lew My thoughts will be with you and your family Its always tough when a family member passes away Take care Dave
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