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Everything posted by tb4me

  1. Awesome report..2 questions, the one fish with the orange belly is that a pink salmon? Also whats a dolly? sorry if they are stupid questions, I only river fish for bass walleye and pike..So im clueless as to what they were
  2. that sucks..I didnt realize it was a facebook only contest..
  3. my wife and I entered this Halloween contest. We dressed up as Ricky and Lucy from the Trailer Park Boys.. Have a look here and vote for us..If you wouldn't mind.. Thanks folks! http://bit.ly/1rNf3Zn
  4. Hang tough Cliff. You have the power of many friends here..Some you have never met..Myself included. You and your family will be in my prayers my man..
  5. lol leave it to you to spot my mistake..ha ha ha ..wrong damn thread..must be all that pot smoke...lol
  6. I really get a kick out of his laugh..His new partner this year on the other hand.Pinhead trust fund punk...Sigh he drives me nuts..lol .
  7. you should grow hay and other grasses that attract deer.. Hunt the deer and share the meat with me...lol
  8. I actually enjoy wicked Tuna. I have this season on the PVR and im 2 weeks behind.Its true I do get anxiety watching sometimes.. My wife cant stand catch a contractor for that reason..Im a contractor (that takes pride in my work) and some of these hillbilly hacks they find crack me up, the wife on the other hand cant sit thru the show..It winds her right up...lol
  9. it is a tradition..A Canadian one too..I did it and all 3 of my kids did it..Including my 13 year old daughter at her school this year. Im sure if I asked my parents they did it as well. What makes a tradition a tradition anyway? I assumed something repeated over many generations made it tradition.
  10. im just gonna go ahead and stay out of this thread..Nothing good could possibly come from this..
  11. That was amazing..Reimer was a wall.. Komorav was a stud..The whole team played well..I liked the new kid too Carrek? if they could only play like that most nights..
  12. lol not this guy..All thats been lost.. Im with Clif on this one
  13. No offense Terry buy I could care less if its law or not if I help reel in a kids fish..Really I dont care.That fish is ours if Its legal and were not over our limit.. .As for smoking pot where and when...
  14. I will have to ask him when I get a chance..Im willing to bet it would make us sick to know..
  15. Finally a game tonight..I have friends in Ohio that will be attending tonight's game..
  16. I do, I also remember the costume parade around the block for all the students, and Christmas carols at the Christmas concert..Go figure
  17. Brutal..More of our values stripped from us..Sadly it wont be long until every day is the same..No holidays for us
  18. You guys crack me up..If my Daughter is with me fishing no matter what the age and we are following the law. If her line catches a slot (keeper) fish its going in the pail..I dont care who reeled it in. I have been fishing with kids 70% of the time I fish I have raised 3 kids now..We keep everything we legally can. Nothing gets them more interested in the sport then eating the catch..Even if they couldn't reel it in alone..Do you know how many time I heard " daddy I need help"? Does that mean the fish has to go back, so the do gooders don't get offended by us filling our slot? lol whatever this place cracks me up sometimes..
  19. was there a Boring baseball game on last night or something? Stand around scratch your ass spit on the ground, dont forget to scratch your nuts then step into the batters box, take the first pitch and repeat after every pitch..Id rather watch the Sens play..
  20. Actually I have seen that same thing on the trent river at a dirit-gravel launch..He used a Dodge caravan..I was waiting to see what happened..He walked a 18 foot aluminum boat out with a 80 on it with no problem at all..I was shocked to see that..Thought for sure id have to go get my Ram 4x4 to drag him and his boat out...lol
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