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Everything posted by tb4me

  1. Looks like Godla and company just won the bronze medal! Way to go to the Slovaks..Hats off to you boys!
  2. Proud Dad here... http://www.tsn.ca/video/wjc-in-game-petan-finishes-the-hat-trick-1.174699
  3. What a game..How is it that Godla wasnt the player of the game for the Slovaks. What an amazing performance..Fans nailed with some respect for the kid..Go Canada Go!
  4. Good fast paced game so far..I gotta hand it to the Slovaks they are hanging in there..The goalie is a freaking wall tonight
  5. I myself dont agree that Dion is the biggest issue here..In fact far from it..We have no back bone..Komorov was th eonly guy all year that was any sort of back bone.. Now in my opinion he was cleared to soon to play. Im not sure I seen him hit anyone once lastnight...This team is nothing short of a pretty whens pay day type of a team..We need our #1 centre and a tough guy or 2..BTW what happened to the spell check option on this board?
  6. Go Canada Go! Leafs need to get a tough guy..They way Lucic single handedly beat down Lupes Holland and Naz is just out of hand..No respect or fear..The way The Buf skated around our zone fealrless all the while JVR bounced off of him sends a strong message..Act now Shanny..This is embarasing..Kessel has become a one trick pony and the gig is up. Im one pied off fan today.. Go Canada Go!
  7. Great night of hockey..Those damn habs fans singing ole ole with 4 minutes left..Lol come on..Thank god thats the last game played in Montreal..The US team quickly found a way to make it intetesting after that... As for the Leafs, All I can say is Leo is back...Happy New Year!
  8. He was just cleared for contact and taken off IR its a go..Hope its not to soon...
  9. My Brother in Law had the same issue after a week of my sister driving his truck..Sure doesnt take long when the duramax is babied..Drive it like its stolen to clear it out...lol
  10. Some interesting news out today..It would appear the Uncle Leo is making his return tonight..He was on a line with Santorelli and Holland this morning in Boston.Lets hope he can make a difference..Hopefully his return isint too early. Also should note no Robidas yet again, Holzer will take his place Happy New Years to all ONC Hockey fans..Go Leafs and Canada Go!
  11. Read this on the Leafs website..Its a comment from a long time leaf fan..He nails it so good I just had to share..Its not an attack at anyone on here just posting it to put things into perspective.. Go Leafs Go! The Leafs had the best record this year going into the holiday break since the 03-04 season... Sure consistency has been an issue all year, but crying like a bunch of ingrates and crapping all over the team at every loss is shameful and the worst kind of 'fan support'. No one is forcing any of you to be a Leafs fan, there are 29 other teams in the league. Choose one. GO LEAFS GO! Well said IMO
  12. lol Funny..Go Canada Go! Best hockey going right now..Lets see if the boys can go 3 strait games with no goals against.. Even Reimer could play goal for that team! lol
  13. Wow this thread blew up overnight..Thats ok brings the game to life..Relax folks..Dion will be ok..Team Canada Plays tonight..Guess who im watching...lol
  14. Bernier not showing any signs of the mumps according to the leafs...
  15. Jonas just tweeted Bernier has flu like symptoms, Reimer starts tonight..
  16. your right Bill he has but key word was "full Practice" as he sat out most drills.That tells us he is still experiencing concussion symptioms
  17. Trade freeze ended lastnight at midnight..Did we just trade Reims?
  18. In other news Leafs call up Gibson from the Marlies..What goale is hurt? Bernier or Reims?
  19. Everyone is excited to see Komi back with the team..Im sure he is just on the trip for his leadership role..He still hasnt been cleared for contact.. He will be a week or 2 yet im afraid..Still hasnt taken part in a full practice either.. Did anyone see that Col is willing to part with Ryan Oreily? Aparenty the Leafs have shown interest.. On another note..Nylander is sweedens #1 centre..Could he be our new #1 we have been looking for? Man does he look good..Imagine him jvr and Kessel with morgan and franny on the same line....Leafs future looks bright!
  20. You have to remember this is only the 3rd game for mcdavid in 2 months..He will shine..If his arm isint broke now...Our boys sure do look great..Germany tomorrow then on to some real teams..Dont forget the big game NYE starts at 4 pm..I can just imagine how loaded im going to be by midnight..Canada USA at 4 Leafs at 730.. Yup gonna be another great day! New Years Day should be interesting......
  21. BLA BLA BLA go alfie go. Bla Bla Bla LOL Mery Christmas Matt..Cant wait to exchange banter in 2015 bud...
  22. What it doesnt show is Scott going after Kessels head..After that the hack at the shin is nothing in comparison..
  23. lol Im sorry but that was a dang dive by Jackman..Seriously who gets hit in the jaw stands there a second then falls knocked out..Good acting..I do agree Scott is a goon.. That and Ovie gets nothing for the hit on Komi..The NHL is quickly becoming a freaking joke....
  24. Merry Christmas to all here..May peace and joy come this holiday season..
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