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Everything posted by fishyfingers

  1. thanks! yeah careful is key, thats why I am asking
  2. Haahaha nice! Good thinking!
  3. Hey all, I am itching to get out and try some ice fishing, I live in Kingston. I am willing to travel but hopefully not that far. Just wondering if anyone knows anywhere near Kingston where the ice is good yet? I was able to fish Dog lake by this time last year, anybody been out there yet, in particular Maple Hill in Dog Lake? I would appreciate any advice as to where you have been in the area that had ice, or even if the ice was no good a heads up is also good, if you noticed ice starting or people out fishing, anything is appreciated ! Also, Bay of Quinte ice reports needed/appreciated.
  4. Very nice, would love to get a musky some day.
  5. Great post, lots of good info
  6. those are some real nice Wally's! I am debating going to Hay Bay tomorrow, or maybe another spot in the BOQ.. just wondering how thick the ice was out there, I heard there was lots of good ice in Hay Bay a few days ago, but this warm weather has me worried. would you say ice was good enough to hold up to this warmer weather we have been having?
  7. STEELERS!!!
  8. wow nice fish report! Sounds like you had an awesome day. I have never met Bob, but I like his show! Also, cheers to you G2 guys, I went out with Gary(Hodgey) over the summer on the BOQ, we had a great day and got some nice fish too, will do it again sometime for sure.
  9. was out on Dog Lake, the ice was about 6 to 8 inches thick mostly clear. Was a nice day even though I got skunked. The most frustrating thing was there was another guy set up about 40 feet from me who was contantly takin pike off his tip up, and a few bass as well. My brother in law got one smaller bass and that was it for us. I went over to see what this guy was doing that we maybe were missing, but he was pretty much doing the same as us.. I guess he just had the honey hole Any way was a really nice day out there, just a bit frustrating to see the fish being caught right next to you while you get skunked but thats why they call it fishing right.. I would post a pic but we got nothing haha
  10. not to worry, there is no way in hell I will be touching that thing!
  11. very nice!
  12. Hey all, I came across a Hummingbird wide 100 portable for sale.. I have never used one of these, it comes with an ice fishing attachment. I was hoping someone here has one or used one before and can tell me if its any good? Any reviews on the quality and ease of use would be greatly appreciated. cheers. Fishyfingers
  13. hey all, I am heading to the bay of quinte tomorow, just wondering how the fishing has been there lately? anybody got any tips for me, like what style of fishing or lures have been working, or even where to go? We are hoping for some walleye or pike, but would be upset to see bass or anything else for that matter! any tips or info spared would be appreciated cheers! fishyfingers
  14. sounds like a boat full of Jack Asses... you should have steered your rental right into their boat, after all yours was only a rental
  15. I have never eaten pike, but I hear they are actually pretty tasty, the hard part is cleaning them without the Y-bones. As for the blueberry muffin mix, hmmm not for me thanks!
  16. very nice, you guys got some good pike!
  17. not a bad day at all, nice fish
  18. this should come in handy.. thanks!
  19. nice catch!! I want to go to Simcoe some time.
  20. I don't have a flat back, its just a regular 2 person type canoe. Should still be ok tho, looks like the mount that TDunn posted should work for me.
  21. thanks for the comments guys! I am thinking that mount would work pretty good for a trolling motor, I know you can get stabalizers for canoes too.. think it would be needed? I think I am gonna do some shopping around, decide what I need.
  22. Hey all, I got a canoe last year, haven't used it much yet but planning on fishing out of it a lot this year.. I was just wondering if anyone here also uses a canoe or if you all have big bass boats? Any tips on fishing from canoe? I am thinking I will try trolling while paddling.. I am also debating buying a small trolling motor to mount to it. maybe pick up a fish finder for it too. Anybody here tried mounting a trolling motor to a canoe? I am worried it might be too tippy and I will end up going for a swim. comments/tips/ideas?
  23. great report, nice catch too!
  24. I am planning on going this summer, never fished em before but I am gonna try. I wouldn't mind hooking into a monster carp. My plan is to try the St. Lawrence River, not sure where yet or when.. still in early planning stages
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