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Everything posted by asdve23rveavwa

  1. Beautiful Albert!!! Now can we let this one die
  2. Congrats on the first ski! They are a thrilling fish to catch.
  3. Thanks, Ryan! It was the least Juli, and, I could do! Working on getting ALL the photos downloaded onto a link that anyone who was there and wants pics, can access.
  4. I thought he was referring to the pic of you trying to kiss him! I like a good burger as much as the rest of us, but, really Dan...
  5. THANK YOU, Spiel, for the awesome rod that you donated. Can't remember the name of the person that walked off with it, but, he was pretty darn happy!!
  6. Thanks, Brian, Lew, Jacques and Joey. The only regret I have for the day, is not getting everyone's names (probably would have forgot a bunch anyways, lol) and the fact that we had to cut the photos down to about sixty or so...out of over 300!!!!!!! Ryan will be chiming in when he gets a chance.
  7. A few more pics and "wrap-up". The group shots. EVERYONE IN THESE PHOTOS TAKE A BOW!!!!!! The last shot is Ryan at the end of a long day of hard work and dedication!! Not too mention fighting off strep throat for the last few days! GREAT JOB BUDDY!!!! I also want to do a big "shout out" to Dan and Shawn (SRT8) for the amazing work with sponsors and the website!!! As well, as Albert (HTHM) for his work on the BBQ keeping us all fed!! BRING ON FISH-A-THON 2012!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. After a fair amount of time downloading pics, Juli and I are finally ready to do this post. I'm not going to write alot here, just going to basically let the photos tell the story of the day. Would love to put up a caption for each shot, but, unfortunately I still don't know everyone's names. Thanks to Juli for doing a great job as our unofficial photographer for the day as chosen by Ryan!! She was moving around like a "whirling dervish" in the heat, snapping these shots, way to go honey!! What I will say is considering how much this event grew this year, it was amazing how well everything went. It was great to see so many smiling faces on such a hot, muggy day!! I also want to apologise to anyone whose picture isn't in this post, as well as any sponsors that don't appear here too. Ryan will fill in the blanks on names, sponsors, and details. We are also going to post a link to all the photos, so anyone that wants to copy/save photos of them and their friends and family can do so. As of yesterday evening the total amount raised was $10 600 with, possibly, more to come!!!! Anyways, enough of my yapping...here's the "pics" Ryan's girls!! See part 2 for more pics and "wrap-up"
  9. It was great to finally meet you, Mike. Juli is just starting to download pics now. We will post a photojournal of the day, as well as a link to all the pictures for those who wish to save pics of themselves/family etc... Going to need your help, Ryan, with some of the names, details etc. So, hopefully, you can fill in the blanks. By the way, Mike, can't wait to toss my two new musky lures!
  10. That would be "new camera"...Uncle Ben let us down. Thanks Rick!!!
  11. That's awesome Rick! By the way I did catch the bigger fish....nothing to write home about, but, it was bigger. Ryan asked me to put up a post tomorrow...Juli was designated photographer for the event, so we have about 300 photos to go through tomorrow. Great (hot/muggy) day!!!
  12. Getting ready to wake up the boys. The boat is hooked up and ready to go! Mainly sunny this morning, only 40 % chance of t-storms this afternoon, woo-hoo!
  13. Mother nature can stuff it!! We're there no matter what! See you all in the morning!!
  14. Great stuff, Joey!! Great shirt Jen!!!
  15. Sorry to hear that Vince.
  16. That is awesome! I always appreciate artistic talent, probably because, I can barely draw stick people
  17. Quick weather update for Langton area...chance of t-storms...60% AM, 30% afternoon, 40 % PM. Ryan does have the pavilion rented out, so we definitely have a dry spot if necessary. The lake is relatively small for those that don't know it, so, if we do have thunder and/or lightning rolling in, we can get back to the launch area quickly. If you're using mono line and it starts to float...get the heck off the water (speaking from experience on this one!!). Let's ALL have a fantastic time, and be safe!! Looking forward to seeing some of you that I haven't seen in awhile, as well as, meeting a bunch of others
  18. Welcome to the dark side!!! Great "vid" full of gold!!
  19. If that station is like most of the "top 40 playlist ones" today...you should be repeating those songs by now Just sayin'
  20. Excellent stuff!! Hate to say it, but, I agree with Geoff that tune is awesome!
  21. Just get healthy for tomorrow, bud!!!
  22. http://www.delhinewsrecord.com/ArticleDisplay.aspx?e=3226493
  23. Yeah, things are tough for alot of people. That news article on the Canadian Cancer Society a few weeks back didn't help either...actually had a couple people mention that while getting a few of our pledges. However, anything helps!! It's great to see what can be done with "modern medicine"...ask Wayne!
  24. Great video, thanks for posting!!
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