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  1. I gotta get in on the Weekend's at Bernie's again. Made the first one, and then the first winter trip but haven't been back since
  2. But how many people can you fit in a cabin? And who almost got hit by your truck while it was luge'ing down the boat ramp?
  3. There's no way I will ever give money to a guy who uses his celebrity status to try and outlaw Canadian heritage.
  4. I'd be interested to hear of any stories where our native brothers and sisters have started or contributed to remediating outdoor resources. As far as I am concerned they are a group who only take and do nothing to give back. As for JTF and his talk about not cancelling treaties, I don't see anywhere in those treaties where gasoline, hydro or any other modern amenty is mentioned. If they want to live by the words of the treaties, take back everything we have given them, it's too late to cry about the land, they sold it, gave it up or we took it. Have them play a gaza or palestine if they want it back.
  5. It's all good, interestingly enough I buy 2 of the cheapie 6v batteries from Giant Tiger, duct tape them together, solder a wire between the + & - of the two and then use it for powering the fishfinder when we go away and rent boats, 1-2 pounds sure beats any regular car battery for hauling around.
  6. If you take 4 cells at 1.5v and put them in series for 6v and then take the other 7 groups and put em all in parallel you have 6v and 8x the amps. Your math doesn't work, but real electrical math does. As a quick follow up, AA cells are generally 1.2 volts as well.
  7. So what you are saying is that because you no longer get to keep a percentage of the tax you collect it is costing you money? Doing your accounting is all part of running a business. Saying that you don't get to keep money which really was never yours is bogus. It's not going to "cost" you $1500 more next year, you are losing a perk and that is it. That $1500 was a bonus and nothing more, and to lose that is not costing you money, it's lowering your bonus. But I am sure you will pass that onto the paying customer in the end. The sense of entitlement people have these days is something else...
  8. I know the super at Luther Marsh from years ago... The pile of illegally shot waterfowl we used to collect was huge every year. The funniest part is all these so called hunters know the MNR sets up at the end of each day. Some people never cease to amaze me.
  9. I'd like to see her sit in a jail for five years to ponder if doing p3ta's dirty work is really worth it.
  10. cheaper... yes. no contracts... yes. koodoo working way better huh... you realize that koodoo uses bell's network right? kinda silly to say that koodoo on bell is somehow superior to bell on bell don't you think? sure phone models can make a difference, but not noticable to you or I.
  11. That combo sells for $600 new in Canada. For 150 I wouldn't be able to get the gun fast enough into my hands. This is assuming it has been taken care of. Take each of the barrels and check for rust in the bore. If you see a little bit of surface, just take it off with some steel wool. If it's creating pits be careful.
  12. Here's the thing, I live in the Niagara region where these animals are nusances to the farmers around me. The year I moved in here within a kilometer of my house 3 dogs were lost to coyotes in that summer. Last year the house behind me on the next road over lost their dog to a coyote. A farmer I help out often figures he loses 10% of his crop and several calves each year to coyotes. I have permission to shoot deer, racoons, coyotes as well as an assortment of birds. He's a beef farmer and grows field corn for the cattle. This year he planted over an acre of sweet corn for human consumption and the racoons cleaned out the entire acre of sweet corn. The deer and birds eat his grapes, soy, corn, etc. For him, the hunting is pest control. His beef and the food for them is paramount. If I take a deer in the corn or soy fields we eat it, if I take migratory birds in the corn fields, we eat them. If I take a coyote or racoon they go into the manure pile. I pay for all the permits required for him to dispose of pest animals and it works out for all of us. We all get meat, I get a good oppurtunity to hunt and he loses less crop/livestock. Until any of you who have lived in a city all your life understand the point of view from farmers, who grow the food you eat, you guys really have no legs to stand on when it comes to shooting animals that are not for table fare.
  13. This is the most sensible post I have ever read from ch312. If only he wrote sensible posts like this over on CGN he wouldn't be one of the laughing stock. What he says is true. People here know fishing, not nearly as much about wildlife population as they think. You all may have stayed at a Holiday Inn last night but the majority of you have no idea about current ecology. Most of you are totally out of touch with the marine ecology you all so love to fish so for people to question shooting a coyote is just senseless ramble. I saw a thread on here about someone who was taking up trapping, who also admitted he didn't eat the game he trapped, and as well mentioned that the prices for the pelts might not even be worth him selling. I didn't see this type of sentiment in that thread. Lew, with all respect to you, you will soon learn the issue with coyotes. If you have any pets that will be outside for a wizz or poop in the middle of the night you will want to watch over said pet with a gun because city slickers don't understand the 10 seconds it will take for the coyote to run your pet right into the rest of the pack where they will tear pieces of meat off your pet while it is still alive enduring the pain of being eaten alive by way of this process called natural selection. Urban sprawl has lead way to deer being pushed into smaller groups, smaller groups equal easier mating, this gives more little bambis which allows for the coyotes which are multiplying just as fast as the deer. Just as you are seeing more deer entering into urban areas, you are seeing more coyotes getting into urban areas. This may be effective ferrel cat control but it's also responsible for many a lost dog.
  14. The Rapala game isn't too bad once you figure out all the controls.
  15. Each city/municipality has one Chief. Captains are in charge of smaller groups of people. Where I live we have 2 firestations, each volunteer and each station has 2 captains.
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