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Everything posted by just2manylures

  1. I think Lew should be on the Spring Fishing Show payrol. He is helping everyone here. my 2 cents 2many
  2. dog gonit! thanks Lew my 2 cents 2many
  3. Hi All I will be making the annual pilgrimage to the the Spring Fishing Show today. For all who have been there, did you see if the lure making booth was at this years show? I think this is the same fellow who runs luremaking.com. I looked for them on the exhibitor list but didn't find them. I need to get some blades for my famous inline spinners. I took a 8 pound pike on one this year in Cook's bay and it really tore up the bait. Thanks in advance for the info. my 2 cents 2many
  4. Thanks for the report homies. I am heading out at about 12pm today!! Can't wait my 2 cents 2many
  5. Mexico is pretty dangerous right now. For that reason alone I wouldn't take the trip. Your boss is right. If you knew going in to the job that there was no holidays for a year you shouldn't get upset when you don't get them. If he was good enough to give you the time off for the first week, you should be thankful for that and not overstep the bounderies my 2 cents 2many
  6. Just becareful that your security gaurd doesn't take a bite out of you!!! my 2 cents 2many
  7. She sure didn't let up in my neck of the woods either. We got more than I would like. Long range is calling for rain next week too. How do you think that will make the driving? Momma Mia my 2 cents 2many
  8. Wasn't there a Seinfeld eposide that dealt with a similar issue. Call Kramer and Newman and your problems will be solved. my 2 cents 2many
  9. Welcome abord to our board! hehe You will find that these guys here know their stuff when it comes to fishing. I reckon you will have a great trip if you follow the advice you recieve. My biggest tip to you is have fun. Just enjoy the day and the surroundings. What a great country we have here. "Oh, Canada, my home and native land....." Thank god that this there isn't sound on this board. My voice is a little hoarse today. my 2 cents 2many
  10. I won't be able to make it today guys. Sorry you will miss me!! If you find any hot deals post them on here, because I plan to skip work tomorrow to head on down. Hopefully the boss dosen't see this my 2 cents 2many
  11. Just like those crazy guys in their bass boats. Whats the point of having a boat that goes 90mph? Be a fun ride I bet my 2 cents 2many
  12. I talked to the boys from Lowrance at the fishing show last year. They told me this is a specail screen designed just for cold temps. It can handle -25 no problem!! I have a unit that uses the same screen on my smokercraft and it is just awesome my 2 cents 2many
  13. Attn Admins Is this a real mag or a joke. I think it would be a great idea. I need some answers my 2 cents 2many
  14. Is this serious? I will buy several copies if it is. One for the living room, one for the bathroom, one for the garage, one for the bedroom, one for the dinnertable my 2 cents 2many
  15. Congrats! A board member to be on TV that is pretty cool. I Makes me wonder if my day is coming. hehe my 2 cents 2many
  16. I just browsed the site. Hopefully the wife will let me get away for this one!!!!! my 2 cents 2many
  17. Don't go giving away all my hotspots. For the record I have never fished that area. Great fishing though I hear my 2 cents 2many
  18. You got my interest. What is this all about? You might want to add that info to your post. Sorry if you posted earlier, but my computer has been down a while. my 2 cents 2many
  19. I called Lowrance up and they told me the 334 is better then the 339 for the great lakes. The 339 is actually a step down??? maybe there numbering system is from the bazaro world my 2 cents 2many
  20. I picked an XL9 from the boat show for $239. Yes I said XL9. I am covered all the way out to the east coast....amazing. my 2 cents 2many
  21. good huntin my 2 cents 2many
  22. I guess I won't be heading out.....well its not like the wife would let me going fishing this close to Christmas anyhow my 2 cents 2many
  23. as am I...lol my 2 cents 2many
  24. I hope all the old guys join up here. Its a shame to lose people like speedtroll and spiltshot to name a few. my 2 cents 2many
  25. welcome aboard to our board hehe my 2 cents 2many
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