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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. The only way they found radar detectors was to drive BEHIND people and flick the gun on and off.. waiting for people to hit their brakes!
  2. DANG.. I wonder if Thorpe will let us stay an extra two days?
  3. Give it time simpy.. someone will help you out sooner or later that's been there lately.
  4. Heck.. I wish they'd reopen the Brule' Hotel in Penetang. I could watch better than UFC, for free, on any Friday night.... after the "island folks" cashed their Goverment cheques at the bar.
  5. Thanks for dem wonderful spring like photos Glen !
  6. Thanks Terry.. you saved me some typing !
  7. I'm sure the dealer quoted him installing the kicker,, assembly and set up of the steering rod, mounting the filter, installing the fittings, the fuel lines, an extra hour to monkey around with wiring... yah I can see $500 real easy Emil and even at my lousy shop rate.... let alone the $80 to a $100 / hr their milking.
  8. Our thoughts are with you and yours Mike and I wish your father well !
  9. Thanks Paul !!! That means a LOT coming from you! LOL
  10. Dang Joe... was that you I cut off and drove around down by the bus station.....
  11. FAR from it and always the first to admit it..... count just means that I take the time to read and reply to darn near every "proud moment" that members post, as without such responses from members this board would come to a screaching halt. If all we had is takers, and no givers, OFC would be a pretty sad looking place. I do of course get in the odd fishing outing of my own to share around here...good landscape and scenery shots anyhow!
  12. From an absolute ice fishing newbie... what raf said ! I used the blue trilene ice line and it's a tangling mess. I stripped and re-spooled with my regular trilene mono and it worked great last year.
  13. Well watching A channel last night Terry.. there ain't much ice out there. Roaches point, that someone here was fishing the other day, looks a tad wet to try and make those shacks in the distance.
  14. Scary part is I spend only a couple of days from Mid-May to Late September on here! No wonder the honey do list is growing around here....... Gotta work on that and I'll be back in a couple years to check in on OFC ! TERRY... NO it's not...and you're coming right up behind me! Dano... Chicken coops ready for you on the 14th me lad! Kennyman.. Thanks for the kind words... I'm not trying to "earn" any respect here, just being who I am with no "hiding" behind a keyboard. I think any that have met me / fished with me will tell you I'm the same in person as I am here. A complete ! lol And Tony... did you know that there are fish in Lake Temagami ?
  15. Hey Rich... grab the garbage while you're down there would yah!! Nice couch SP !
  16. I can make it worth a fifty Roy, to make this a fishing thread before the minority get restless!
  17. ...and to think most of those where done on dial up. Yes Cliff... I need to get a life. Other thing is I can type about 400 WPM.....thanks Miss Kelly...my grade 9 typing teacher that "passed me through" with 51 %. (Broke a chalk board slapping return with no tab stops set! )
  18. So do I get a prize from the high up shelf, or the bottom bin in the concession stand? Hope at least 10 of them had something of value in them.. the rest where a bunch of
  19. Hell TJ's gonna come back and tell us we're all still wrong...but like I said he's gotta give TWO prizes as he changed the context of the question about page II
  20. Missed that Cliff... but you can't edit answers in a "skill" testing question! LOL
  21. I was just gonna say Roy... if I ever met up with Connie for lunch I'd get stuck with the tab, 'cause I couldn't answer his questions! LOL
  22. TJ is gonna have to give two prizes this time... first he asked when did the camp reopen so you have to go by the script timeline date and next he said when was it released and you have to give it to Bernie.
  23. May 9th 1980 ! to be exact ! ...so BERNIE is the winner ! TJ... get back here and finish this... kid can walk !
  24. Well part du was filmed in 81... maybe it was released in '82 ! ..so dats me answer 1982 !
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