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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. As noted... 60 days is up end of next week. I'm lodging my complaint Monday after mail deliver goes thru.
  2. Hey.. are you living behind my hangar and I haven't noticed yet? If so start plowing some of the snow would ya!
  3. Bill.. try a search. I'm sure we had this arguement last year... the year before.. and the year before that....
  4. Yep.. end of next week will be 60 days. I'll be turnin it over to Ebay on Monday to start the process to see if Paypal will return my money. He'll of course claim that he shipped it and of course via normal parcel with no tracking number and.. what I never get receipts. I'm probably SOL.. but time will tell.
  5. Call and tell Justin to get off his ass and cut you a hole to fish in.
  6. Hey... don't be dissin us here in Penetang! We just got rid of that lady that listened in on all our calls 4 years ago !
  7. Knew it wouldn't be long before I could use this..
  8. Gotta cover the corp's annual meeting in Hawaii somehow......
  9. Was just gonna say Roy it might be a tad early for float planes and boats! I'm gettin worried I'll be able to boat to my place on the 11th of May. Ice is now three feet thick on lake Temagami (up from 28" on March 7th) and still making it every night right now.
  10. I couldn't see anything driving across the bridge Tuesday evening... like Lexx says it's probably open... but there's ice anywhere you'd be able to launch.. unless Gord will let you put in at his houseboat ops.
  11. LOL... that's gonna go down to $327,649.. as I got screwed for the first time in 7 years, on Ebay and a guy didn't deliver/nor will he correspond for a box and spoons @ $351 !
  12. Someone gave me electro shock therapy I'd probably kick him there toooo...
  13. I'd never seen the lot plowed either Justin.. just a fluke I guess. I've been going by there since I was 9 months old... about 20+ times a year in my first 16 or so years and probably 10 a year right now... just never stopped to fish it. I know when I was about 8 or so I was sent, with my sister, to the United Church camp on the lake to give me mother a break.. lol
  14. Can Candlelight not hit you from their antenna ? Give Mike a call.. or check their website for coverage to your place.
  15. Did you want me to edit what the aluminums worth before you do ? LOL
  16. Doubt you wanna drive all the way to Penetang... but I've gotta 2000 foot long "front yard" if ya wanna use it. Surely there someplace a few minutes up the road for you though.
  17. Man Harry.. you sure go to a lot of work... I just add 'em all up and claim it all as Vehicle Fuel GIFI code 8962 or 9200... take your pick. Personal use.. what the hell's that.. I'm so busy working trying to keep my head a float it's all 100% business use.
  18. Might wanna take an auger this year...
  19. LOL HH ! In some cases true.. but many breeds turn/snap to their bred instinct when you least expect it. Have had two friends that had to shoot their Dobermans, in their front door way, because they turned on them and wouldn't let them in their own house (with kids inside in both cases). Up until that point they were harmless house dogs and had been for over 6 years. Now Jed... you've sure strayed off your hillbilly animals tangent here...you run out of hooch or what?
  20. An approximate area you're willing to travel to would help... and how are ya with a chainsaw? lol
  21. Especially the ones with Chartreuse collars !
  22. Does Monique still have Mod access... if so I'll go next...
  23. I haven't been out on it yet...but I'd guess there has to be over two+ feet of ice everywhere... except the usually creek outlets and springs. Don't know what Marina you are at... do they have any slips with bubblers around boats that don't get pulled?
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