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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Illegal to even posses a spear gun in Ontario for the purpose of fishing... but totally legal in Quebec. Here's a quote I stole from another guy that was lambasted for using one..
  2. Pretty mouthy, workwear, for someone that's been around for 2 weeks ! I'm not sure why people get their pants in such a knot over differences of opinion. I have mine, you have yours, Lundguy has his, Forest, Dave and Tomc, etc have theirs. If you don't want that privilege... move to North Korea (they leave their lights out all the time!) ! Now.. has the ice melted on Simcoe yet?
  3. That's exactly what I do Lundguy (I print their postage label and leave feedback next) and if someone wants to leave me negative feedback when they receive their item then that's the way it's supposed to work. Most sellers however wait to see if you leave feedback for them and then they leave theirs to match... many times automated. Doing so is a scare tactic IMHO that you'll either not leave feedback if you're not happy or you'll leave + even if you're not happy.. so that they don't ruin you're perfect feedback score in retaliation.
  4. So after all those Sunshine Girl links Spiel... I see where Global Warming is coming from...
  5. It doesn't cover anything about how to drive a boat for that matter !
  6. I hear yah HTHM... but like I said I've done ebay for over 7 years and I'm not talking 5o cent parts. I've bought everything from $2 items to $175,000 airplanes and never been burned 'till now. I don't know how many items I've bought... but many hundred (if not over a thousand) at nothing close to retail price, so I'd say I'm ahead of the game no matter how this plays out.
  7. Yah... that probably sums it up pretty good Harry....
  8. You're swell douGal ! If they where hip boots I'd come visit ya... mine started leaking last September..
  9. Thanks Brian ! They should be the same now... since Ebay owns Paypal... but I know how it's gonna go!
  10. Well Ebay stated you have 60 days to submit a dispute.. so I was giving the guy as long as possible considering how the mails been moving lately. So I submitted a dispute yesterday with Ebay as I thought if he has 10 days to respond I'm too late for Paypal. Then I tried to lodge a refund complaint with Paypal and am told it's too late.. you only have 45 days to request a refund and that I'm to keep corresponding with the seller to solve the problem. What communications... he won't respond ! So I sent them back a nasty email. Will see what Ebay does and go from there. If it's lost.. I'm not happy, but what can ya do? I'm still ahead in the long run considering the deals I've got over 7 years...but it's still not right. I just had a buyer that told me he didn't receive what I sent him... so I boxed up double what he'd bought.. expedited it at my expense and I'm out $30. So what... part of the game, not hide and slide !
  11. Congrats Pete..... When Charmaine's done shinning it up can ya take some pictures for us? LOL Sorry couldn't help ya this morning.. but had appointments I couldn't move.
  12. Don't worry Lundboy... most here think Oswald shot Kennedy as well.....
  13. I'm still looking for plastic card stock......
  14. Better get my post in before the grid crashes... .. No we won't be shutting off the 15 servers upstairs.. nor the ones in town or in Houston Tx. The three lights we have on...on any night in this house.. will continue to burn. I think I noticed one of the two flood lights for the yard burned out... I'll leave that 'till tomorrow to replace as my input. DANG... just went to the fridge and the lights burnt out.. so we're good !
  15. You mean Drew... I can't catch that many pike in a season !
  16. Is it not just a piece of threaded rod with a nut on each wheel? I don't know what else to do for you short of driving over there and pushing you out of the way to do it myself.. lol
  17. Vise grip the bolt and take the nut off the other side. It's just a thru bolt....at least I'd suspect it is.
  18. It actually sounds like he's stripped the thread off the bolt or out of the nut. Splitting or prying off is the only option.
  19. I really should make a point of putting the skis on next winter. Stellar Drew... but of course I already told you that !
  20. Depends what it is...where it is.. and how large a bolt...but there's nothing a torch can't fix! lol
  21. I'm still waiting for the pics of his 41 ....
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