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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Dang Joey... don't give him any ideas... Dawg that is...
  2. They got him out... they'z was tryin to keep it that way ! LOL
  3. Because we've learned to preserve and conserve in Ontario!
  4. Hey... we've got Carole on the phone and she says one of those fish was hers......
  5. One fish... but she sure made the day worth while Dave !
  6. When you said up North... well not quite where I thought ! LOL Great stuff Mike !
  7. No they didn't "steal" the land. The previous owner entered an agreement to let them flood it.. but retained all ownership rights. Ducks unlimited only has easement across the property to maintain the dam (which they can't be bothered to do) and have no other access rights period. You can't get "on" the water without tresspassing on dry property first. No different than someone having a private pond or lake on their parcel of land. You can't fish it or be on it without their permission.
  8. I'd presume after all these years precident has been set and you would be tresspassing on their property......as you would be on my land that I mentioned above. Mine was dry land, with nothing but a non-navigable creek, and ducks unlimited built a dam 20+ years ago and flood the land. Marsh bottom or "on" the water you are tresspassing on my property. The Scugog Marsh appears to be no different.
  9. See http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=25144
  10. Damn camera hog ! Not even a picture of Carole... shame on you ! LOL
  11. What a difference on the screen data after this software update. Incredibly clearer fish marking and "hooks" that I didn't get before. If you're unit is behind on software versions don't delay in updating !
  12. Exactly cookslav! I have 26 acres of ClassIII wetland on my property. It's mine, land and water, and I can keep you off of it. It doesn't really appear that this Scugog Marsh was navigable waters to begin with.. and only is now because they dredged channels on their own property.
  13. I think we did John... there was a minor moon phase from 10:09 to 11:09 and a major from 3:52 to 5:52. We got to fish them both... well 15 minutes of the major anyhow...... so Terry could get home before dark. Something about a child hood tramatic experience... LOL
  14. Yah Terry... you'd hope there was enough fish smell in the boat so he couldn't smell the skunk. I know in mine all I can smell is that Shithead you slimmed the boat with last year on BOQ
  15. HAHA Dave... it was brisk out there. -3C to start the day and blowing pretty good. We came back across the open sound in 5 to 6 footers.
  16. Not sure about that Don.... is what is says on my Fathers Tombstone. "There are better days ahead". Now why my Mother picked that... I'll never know!
  17. Great stuff Gerritt ! Is that what they call the Monkey in the middle shot??
  18. ......or many others for that matter!! Out with Terry today on GBay from 9am to about 4:15. Water temp is about 46/47F. Terry had one nice hard rip (in 27 feet of water) at about 9:20. That was it for the day.. other than this good fight Terry had.
  19. All depends on the boat and crew capabilites. Terry and I enjoyed a dry day... in 5 footers !
  20. LOL Andy ! I look outside and see what it's doing... then plan accordingly. Terry should be in the laneway any minute !
  21. You sure it's black oil "leaking" or just 2 stroke exhaust "staining"? As Dutch said... the oil won't come out the lower plug if you don't remove the top vent plug. If you're gonna check it... drain it.. and refill with new oil.
  22. Strange that we need to retain or kill them to know that they're there. I know there's a Lynx on my Island in Temagami and I didn't need to get the rifle out to prove it ! That Cormorant.. well that's another story... lol !
  23. Don't worry Terry... I NEVER do GBay without my paper chart book in the boat as well...even after boating it for 26 years !
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