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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. ..fish are just a bonus in the grand scheme of things!! Thanks for the week of laughs Lloyd, you know I truely needed it. Hopefully I'll find time in the next few weeks to get some summer adventures posted.... especially our "football" adventure.
  2. "Pot Luck"... Shoeless Joe's please... and I'm not talking about Headhunter !
  3. DANG !!! .. and ya didn't call ! I could have been there in 4.5 hours... or two days... Great stuff Dan !
  4. If it's not listed in my AIP as a PPR (prior permission required) landing area it's fair game as far as I'm concerned... otherwise they can take my registration numbers and advise me when my tribunal date is. Lady Evelyn Smoothwater wardens already tried.
  5. DANG... all this talk of back lacks and flying in... I know what I've gotta do on Friday now! Sorry guys...
  6. Hope it's a waterproof camera....and that's coming from a guy that dunked three of them in one year !
  7. DANG... Jim went fishing ! When did that start.....
  8. Okay.. now I'm really ticked... Ron, Keith AND Bunk went to Nip and neither party called so I could drop in !! (good thing as it would have been another blow for me since I wouldn't have been able to go!)
  9. So where is this lake you speak of Terry??? Maybe Lloyd and I will hit it next week! LOL This issue has been a serious fight for the last 5 years or so. Public access has been gated to appease high paying tourism dollars. Write you MP's because if something smells like crap.. it usually is !
  10. http://www.solunarforecast.com/solunarcalendar.aspx
  11. I saw it Jack.. like I said if you're there again and need to charge up you know the spot. Heck if I'm not there even the extension cord is coiled up on a nail in the tree at the end of the dock the boats are on.
  12. In 1912 the Smiths Falls Bascule Bridge was built to carry the Canadian Northern Railway mainline over the Rideau Canal. It is a Scherzer rolling-lift railway bridge and is one of the oldest remaining bascule bridges in Canada. Originally designed to be run with a DC powered electric motor, in 1915 the bridge was forced to be operated manually for the next 63 years until it was closed in 1978. The bridge was designated a National Historic Site in 1983.
  13. With 4 hours to waste and a strong need to clear heads... there is nothing better than showing your kids some of your childhood haunts and going fishing as a family. The bridge is 97 years old. Wish I had of thought to take fishing equipment with us last month as well. This sport we all love so much made a huge difference in our moods for the works of us. After the visitations are over for the day... a picture tells no lies! lol
  14. Can't give you the answer here my friend... presumed you'd heard that one before... lol As I said, I'm in provided family matters don't screw things up...so we can have a great fishing trip and then haul Lloyd's boat home for it's winter rest.
  15. Just do it right the first time....... Sikaflex and rebuck the rivets or replace and patch as necessary. Skip the "magic" sealers and the heartache that's gonna go with them.
  16. Super Tony... now you've got something to pull as a tackle box! lol
  17. I plan to be there with you Lloyd.. unless that becomes estate divy weekend when my brother gets back from Wales. It better not be...
  18. THANKS to everyone for your condolences, thoughts and beautiful flowers......and thanks to the few silly nuts that made the trip for the funeral. The world's still a pretty good place afterall ! Wayne
  19. Well Jack if you ever have that problem again just come over and tie to my dock (straight across from site #11) and I'll shuttle you back and forth while your boat charges.
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