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Everything posted by irishfield

  1. Someone bumped their button on the way out..
  2. It definitely attacts them.. whether it's the noise or the sudden light. Don't know how many times I've drilled holes and that Keith guy has shoved a spoon thru the slush and pulled up a fish. Don't take the time to scoop fellas!
  3. Happened last year as well.. Terry and I were set up fishing and Terry was in his closed hut and I had mine open and fishing about 30 feet way.. I yelled over to Terry that he had company as some guys where chipping away to open an old hole less than 3 feet in front of Terry's door !
  4. As long as she said >WOW< Terry.. you're golden !
  5. Now that looked like a worthwhile day!!! You never know what a lake has to offer if you don't give it a shot!
  6. Don't always be so sure about that either Jocko ! I also find the fillets taste much better if you remove the red patch. Well honed knife and it carves right off..
  7. LOL Brian.. you probably could have walked from the house to where Lloyd likes to fish !
  8. Mike.. Walleyemaster would be your best bet for an easy hook up.. he's staying on Bear or Temagami Island.. I'm 12 miles away on the NE Arm.
  9. I hear you on pre-planning the escape.. consult the calendar drawer....broach the question "will you miss me" >NO< and then say I'm in. Also interesting on what you can work out if you really want to go, like Spiel mentioned. Beg, borrow or steal a sled.. in my case I asked the neighbour at the lake if he has a spare we can use, which he does, so waiting on someone (that showed some interest early on and only had an ATV) to tell me if he can go .
  10. Worst part is having people say they'll go.. you change the departure date to do so.. and THEN they ask their wife!
  11. The picture is what family day is supposed to be about... but it would never have happened if Jen wasn't ill (and we bring her home to our place after chemo), Kristal didn't happen to have reading week this week and well we just can't get Daryl to move out! lol I've seen my older brother more in the last year and a half or so, since my sister and mother died, than I have in the last 20+ years. He's there faithfully every 3rd week a Mount Sinai for Jen's chemo treatments, regardless of his own physio schedule for his recent quint heart bypass, and jumping through hoops to help any way he can. I guess what i'm getting at is a reminder to everyone to live for today, not tomorrow. Call/text/email your family members and stay close through ALL the years, not just the rough ones. No.. yah yah yah.. pick up the phone! Now.. does anyone know if there's a late Sunday night LCBO that delivers??? They're drinkin all my booze.... (3 "kids" and their significant others)
  12. LOL Mike.. amazing what people remember when they're slighted !
  13. Rocky is good in Orillia Mike... did my line guide pawl and a 25 year cleaning/lube on my Mag III for about $13 !
  14. I'll ride with you.. in YOUR truck Brian.. with the window down.
  15. He had a flat left rear.. but there was no effort to get him back out.. putting him in the pack..
  16. Junior's team got him in that.. taking their sweet time on the pit stop! Kid deserved that... pushed the 6 car for laps and laps before he was dumb and dropped down on that restart. Notice.. not a scratch on the kids car either...
  17. Michael should have hung that helmut up years ago.. How many cars can you turn in a day.
  18. Congrats John.... that'll little bundle will do wonders for your spirit!!!
  19. LOL Bill.. I leave no trace unless I miss the filler neck with the fuel can!! I have an oil seperator on my engine breather and dump any residue elsewhere. I have absolutely no oil leaks..
  20. Why I always get a good chuckle out of the Lake Association going on about water quality and how they're gonna save the environment single handedly... as they all run around the lake in an old boat with a 1950's 2 stroke on it, that got handed down to them from Grandpa (just like the cottage they can't afford the property taxes for)
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