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Lake Ranger

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Everything posted by Lake Ranger

  1. Wow! I too am envious! Amazing photos, makes me want to put down the paintbrush and head up to my land in French River and try my luck with the camera! Thanks for sharing Justin, really great stuff!
  2. I'm going to name my next racehorse 'Roy'!! He finished the last lap and sold out at 12:02 Monday afternoon, Marshall the Musky followed in second place finishing at 3:35 and Oliver The Walleye showed in third to wrap up the end of the day at 5:00! Thanks Roy, you deserve a round of applause for your celebrity status and popularity!! All in all, Off The Dock had a successful show this weekend and made amazing connections! As well, I'd like to send a special thanks to Ben McWinney and The Offensive Edge for helping OTD with excellent exposure and promotion..very much appreciated Ben! We're headed to Niagara in two weeks, hope to see you all there!
  3. Hi Everyone, thanks for your comments, and here's an update...Roy is in the lead over Marshall by a lip! Just home from the show and it sure seems like there's more people out there that know about and follow Off The Dock than I suspected! Alot of return customers, former and new fans came by the booth to buy and order shirts and prints and tell me they watch for the toons every month! I'll post the winner of the race tomorrow! I'm rootin' for ya Roy!
  4. Hi Everyone, just stopping by before heading to the show to say a big and heartfelt THANKYOU for all you OFC'ers who stopped by the Off The Dock booth to say hi and show your support! Thanks for purchasing shirts and prints, they are really moving fast this show! For those of you who are coming today or tomorrow, I'm beside the Kid's Fishing Pond across from the Fly Fishing Pond. (And just an observation, but there's tough competition between Roy and Marshall the Musky with the ladies! We'll know by Monday night who wins! Any bets? Hope see more of you today and tomorrow and Thank you once again!
  5. Thank You All, for your kind words about the portrait of Cuddles..I'll have to give all these pups a cameo appearance in an Off The Dock Toon some day!
  6. Gee, thanks everyone for such inspiring comments! I really don't know what to say other than thanks Lew for posting this, I'm really happy to hear there is a likeness and that you're happy with the pooch portrait! Marvin was a fun guy to draw so that always makes the job easier! Sorry about missing out on the touque though, I figured since it's summer he would be fine without it.
  7. Just a quick note to thank Ryan and Dan and everyone involved with the Fish-A-Thon yesterday for putting on an incredibly amazing event. Alot of hard work and dedication was put forth by a ton of people and everyone should be proud of all their efforts in helping to make the day a huge success! A special thanks again to everyone for their support with Off The Dock Toons and for all the great exposure it received yesterday. It was great to see fisherfolk friends again and meet a great bunch of new ones! Already looking forward to providing new and exciting OTD products for donation to next year's 'Casting for a Cure'! Here's one of our happy little customers from yesterday making a real statement!
  8. Hi Everyone, sorry for the late posting, Off The Dock is running Out The Door to make it to the event! Here's the shirts and signed prints we'll be donating for the tournament. Hope to see you there!
  9. My Partner will call me a Rookie, but I forgot to attach the picture in the first post!
  10. Hi Everyone, just a quick note to let you all know that Off The Dock made it into the Den to present a pitch to the Dragons! It was an amazing experience (we're sworn to secrecy about the outcome) however, it was incredible to actually be there, right in front of the Dragons and show them our toons! Although nervous, we felt confident and well prepared thanks to the producers and the entire crew of CBC who were so accomodating and extremely professional. Let's hope we were entertaining enough to make it to air for this upcoming season of the show. We won't know until 2 weeks prior to the air date, but we'll keep you posted! Phil was a real comedian, so I think we have a pretty good chance!
  11. And I second that! Thanks for sharing Brian!
  12. Wow, great shot, of you and other lovely lady. I look like I am practising my "corn through picket fence" routine She's not just a pretty face! I'm call'n bull All the reasons why we make a great team Harrison.
  13. Haha..for the record, every time Albert came by to help, he 'forced' me to leave my post and take a break in the 'beverage' area!
  14. Hi All, yes indeed, a very big thanks from Phil and I extended to everyone who dropped by for a visit to our booth to support Off The Dock Toons! And again, it was great having Albert help us out..we both really appreciate his generous offer! For those of you who were unable to attend, here's a shot of us and a happy customer at our booth! Cheers, and looking forward to seeing you all again at the upcoming shows this year!
  15. Hi T.J. I'm sure Off The Dock can throw in a few shirts if you'd like! Let us know!
  16. I am blessed to have met your Dad Phil, and send my deepest condolences to you and your family. I regret not having the priviledge of getting to know him even more. His life will be greatly honoured, sadly missed and remembered lovingly always.
  17. Thank You John, and everyone who replied to your post for all your thoughtful, encouraging and inspiring comments and compliments. I am humbled by all the kind words and am honoured to have had the opportunity to capture the spirit of your beloved companions through my art.
  18. I had a husband for 18 hours once, he then went back to mommy and the pool table/cues/balls went back to the store.
  19. Our pleasure, Roy! And thanks for being such an entertaining regular in our cast!
  20. I rarely post here, but I joined last year because I was looking for sound advice on a political/environmental issue surrounding a small lake that I was trying to protect. After reading many threads I realized there was alot of intelligent and well-informed members with big opinions. I figured I'd dive in and see what advice I could generate for my battle. Turns out I was able to compile enough sound and un-biased arguements to use in my presentation to City Council which had a huge impact on the members, and measures were taken to implement a plan to protect the lake from potential abuse. With the replies to my post, I also discovered there were alot of very humorous, silly, fun, sarcastic and some even downright rude members frequenting this site. I thought I could take advantage of that aspect as well and threw another post looking for a comedian who knows about fishing and might have an interest in writing the jokes for a series of fishing cartoons I wanted to produce. It will be one year ago on October 26 that Harrison replied to my post and I laughed so hard at what he wrote that I figured it was all worth a shot. Thanks T.J, all the members of this forum and especially my business partner Phil for this successful and fun first full year of Off The Dock Toons!
  21. Hi Everyone, just posting a note to let you all know that I am offering a discounted price to Members of OFC on my pet portrait paintings. For a full colour original pastel portrait of your dog, cat, horse, or any animal, approximately 18"x 24" the cost is $200. I normally charge upwards of $500 for commissioned pastel portraits, however, since we are gaining alot of recognition for our Off The Dock Toons on this site, I'm happy to offer this rate to the members of this forum. Please PM me with any questions and take a look at some of my work at http://www.TheHorseRules.com Thank You! Maureen
  22. You should enter that shot in a photo contest! ..and the bow tie suits you!
  23. WOW! Thanks, everyone, for all your sound and informative advice! I'll definately be in touch with you experts and see what I can do to get this baby back in action! Thanks again, very much appreciated! I thought for sure that the past few years of neglect would have done a number on this boat and I'd have to sink it just for the fish to play in!
  24. Hi Everyone, just wondering if anyone here owns a cedar boat and if so, what are the chances that one would still be ok after being left outside upside down, uncovered (not directly on the ground but placed on beams) for a couple of seasons now. Should I just have a giant bonfire? Thanks!
  25. You may be interested in this... http://www.freecamping.ca/
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